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Movies and Its J ourney. By Justin Gonzales. So what is it?. Definition: Film encompasses individual motion pictures, the field of film in an art form, and the motion picture industry. So what’s this suppose to mean?
Movies and Its Journey By Justin Gonzales
So what is it? • Definition: Film encompasses individual motion pictures, the field of film in an art form, and the motion picture industry. • So what’s this suppose to mean? • Our definition: It’s a form of entertainment, which shows numerous amounts of images, sound, and enjoyment for our needs. • Movies come from different views, and have been updated, and improved since the early 1900’s up to now.
A little History. -The first and oldest movie to be shown: “Roundhay Garden Scene” -1888 (Early years) -This was done by Louis Le Prince He Used: “The Le Prince single-Lens camera” (And this was a regular camera not a video camera) Information: shot at 12 frames per second -This movie has been filmed in Oakwood Grange in Roundhay Leeds, England On October 14, 1888.
“Roundhay Garden Scene” Primary Source.
“Cinematographe” • This was the first hand-cranked camera/video camera • Invented by: Louis, and Auguste, “Lumiere Brothers” or “Founding Fathers of Modern Film” who were from and lived in France • This item itself was invented in 1895 • A lot of their work were inspired by Thomas Edison • 1 Piece of work: (Movie Shot) • -La Sortie des Ouviers de L'UsineLumièreà Lyon (1896)
Invented in 1895 by “The Lumiere Brothers”
Qualities and Quantities. Movie Qualities: -Most of the movies had either bad or okay definition -Good Majority of the movies started off in black and white -Later came in color (first was about 1935-1940’s)
(Q & Q Cont.) There Numbers only increased! • Movie Quantities: • Through research, an estimated guess for how many movies were made in the 20th century were about at least 700+ • Movies came from various studios, and productions industries, that included the following: Warner Bros. Paramount, 20th Century Pictures, Metro Goldwyn-Mayer and much more! Secondary Source.
What were movies like? Were they any good? What made them so great? • Movies were said to be the following: (Actual Quotes) • “They were an art form that had universal appeal to it. It was all about entertainment. During the days of World War 1, movies kept people both happy, and entertained. It made them laugh, and made life happier to live in.” • These were just a few of the many sayings that people used to describe the way movies impacted them or their lives. Secondary Source. What was said about them? Did people really enjoy them?
How prevalent was it? How great were they? • This meant its popularity, and to be specific: It meant the popularity that it might’ve had in certain locations or areas. • Movies during the 20th century up to now, gave everyone who watched them a sense of happiness. “Not only did movies make those watched them happy, but also the ones that made them.” • Since the early 20th century up to now (2011) movies have brought great entertainment, and enjoyment to many people. “Happiness brought for all”
Who was affected? • The ones that were affected by the productions of movies were to be the following: • People of all locations that watched them • (This could include good and bad reactions to the movies) • People that were in them. • (Ex: A person, actor, etc. could be in one movie and from that movie he/she can be seen and may be wanted to play a part in another.) • “It’s an example of a chain-reaction to success.” –Justin • (This somewhat relates to how existence and influences happen for movies. Directors/people see one movie, and may want to do something similar to it. Chain-Reaction)
Interview. • Me: “Grandma what do you think about moviesDo you feel that they’re a good part of our lives?” • Grace: “I would say yes, they make me happy. I like to watch movies when I get bored, or don’t feel like doing anything else.” • Me: “What was the name first movie you ever watched?” • Grace: “I’m too old to remember something that long ago.” • Me: “Alright, well why do you think movies were invented in the first place, what’s their purpose? • Grace: “Well, I know for me that they keep me entertained; I really like that movie “The fighter.” • Me: “Thanks Grandma.” Primary Source.
Impacts then and now. • The U.S was impacted in a good way. From the late 1800’s to the 1900’s, and up to now, movie productions have changed in many ways. Impacts then and now have many similarities. • Ex: “Wheel of life” or “Zoopraxiscope” Cinematographe HD Camera (Present)
Works Cited. • About.com. Ed. Richard Bynstan. Inventors, Aug.-Sept. 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blmotionpictures.htm>. "Bing." Bing.com (Used for some images) . N/A, 2 Apr. 2005. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. <http://www.bing.com/>. Davis, Jim. "History of the camera." Wikipedia.com . N/A, n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_camera>. Although this is one of my sites used for "works cited" information posted here may or may not be fully on point. Fredrick, Jason, and Allen Joe. "Google." Google-1920's Movies. N/A, 2 Aug. 2004. <http://www.1920-30.com/movies/>. Rpt. in Contemporary Movie Ratings . N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Google.com. Web. 9 Mar. 2011. <http://www.1920-30.com/movies/>. Mark, Abel. "History of Films." Editorial. The works, and used of Films. N/A, 20 Oct. 2005. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. This site wasn't to bad to use. "Photo sharing ." Flickr.com . N//A, Nov.-Dec. 2009. <http://www.flickr.com/>. Rpt. in Flickr Images. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Flickr.com. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <Same as before>. Pre-20's Film History . Tim Dirks , 7 May 2007. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <http://www.filmsite.org/ pre20sintro2.html>. Great site. Excellent Information. No problems with this site. Scaruffi, Piero K. "1000 greatest films of the 1900's." Editorial. Scaruffi.com. N/A, Jan.-Feb. 2002. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <http://www.scaruffi.com/cinema/chrono.html>.