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The importance of prenatal events for postnatal muscle growth in relation to the quality of muscle based foods. Pia M. Nissen Dept. of Food Science Faculty of Agricultural Sciences The University of Aarhus Denmark.
The importance of prenatal events for postnatal muscle growth in relation to the quality of muscle based foods Pia M. Nissen Dept. of Food Science Faculty of Agricultural Sciences The University of Aarhus Denmark Thanks to: John Brameld, Carsten Werner, Brigitte Picard, Florence Gondret, Mehmet Kuran, Luisa Valente, Charlotte Rehfeldt, Aidan Moloney
Milestone 2:Comparative aspects of prenatal events on growth and meat/fish quality • Ad 2) the second milestone will be obtained year 2005. It is recognised that e.g. quality problem of meat and fish differ to a great extent. Consequently, prenatal events leading to optimal quality in fish may have opposite effects in mammals. These comparative aspects are very important in the future work in animal/fish production for obtaining optimal production and meat/fish quality
Prenatal events that may affect growth and meat quality • No. of muscle fibres • Fixed at birth in mammals and chicken • Continous development in fish • Hyperthrophy/cross-sectional area of fibres • Grow until mature size in mammals and chicken • Continous growth in most fish • Types of fibres • Overall the same types in mammals, chicken and fish • Pattern of fibre types different among species
Fibre type pattern PIG CATTLE Nissen, 2003 Therkildsen, 2002 FISH 90 – 95 % fast-white fibres Valente, 2007
Differences in prenatal events accomplished by: • Environmental regulation: • Maternal feeding • Incubation temperature (fish/chicken) • Genetics: • Breeds • Breeding • Both: • Birth weight
Increased feeding of the sow during gestation Nissen et al., 2003
Increased feeding of the sow during gestation Nissen et al., 2003
T*F P=0.003 S*F P=0.008 S*T P=0.007 Effect of maternal restriction on lamb performance LD Daniel et al, 2007
Effect of maternal restriction on lamb performance Daniel et al, 2007
Effect of maternal restriction on lamb fatness Daniel et al, 2007
Effect of maternal restriction on muscle Daniel et al, 2007
Incubation temperature in chicken Material:Fertilized eggs (N = 360) from a Cobb parent stock (age 45- 50 weeks) were incubated in two identical commercial incubators as follows: At embryonic day 6 (ED 6) the eggs were candled, the fertilized eggs were divided randomly to the two incubation groups 1 and 2 and treated as shown in the table. Werner, COST 925, 2007
Effects on slaughter and muscle weights Fig. 1: Mean values (LSM) of the slaughter, breast and leg weights of the investigated birds depending on the incubation group (Group 1 = ED 7-10:37.5°C; Group 1 = ED 7-10:38.5°C). Considered are 60 birds per incubation group. a Columns with different letters between the incubation groups differ significantly (P<0.05). Werner, COST 925, 2007
Effects on meat quality Tab. 1: Mean values (LSM) and standard errors (SEM) of the pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and colour values (L*a*b*) of the breast muscles depending on the incubation group of the investigated birds. a LSM with different letters within a line differ significantly (P<0.05). Werner, COST 925, 2007
aire aire water water Temperature effect on muscle fibre number in blackspot seabream Two incubation temperatures Two sampling points 1- hatching (H) • 14 ºC (natural) 2- mouth opening (MO) 18 ºC Valente et al., 2007
Conclusion • High temperature accelerates rate of development and muscle growth of P. bogaraveo • The high incubation and cultivation temperature promoted an hyperplastic growth of white fibres at the postopercular level Valente et al., 2007
Comparative aspects • Increased feeding • No effect on fibres, postnatal growth and meat quality in pigs • Restrictive feeding • Less fibres but no difference in area in some muscles in cattle • Decreased growth, LD muscle weight and ST fat % in cattle • No overall difference in carcass lean/fat in cattle • Higher incubation temperature • no effect on weights/growth and meat quality in chicken • More white fibres in fish • Accelerated development and growth in fish
Genetics - correlations in pigs Rehfeldt et al., 2000
Cattle differences in fibres and meat quality Wegner et al., 2000
MyHC IIb?? Identification of isoform IIb in bovine muscles Immuno-detection RT-PCR with an antibody specific of fast MyHC (IIa, IIx, IIb) primer in the 5’-UTR of the pig MyHC IIb 5161 5962 6459 5360 ST Ma Di CT Ma Ma: masseter, slow (I), Di: diaphragma (I +IIa), CT: cutaneus trunci (IIa+ IIx ) Amplification of a cDNA fragment : MyHC IIb? This isoform is a fast MyHC It seems to be the IIb MyHC Picard et al. COST 925, Volos
7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 5,4 5,2 5 4,8 4,6 4,4 4,2 Relation between this isoform and meat sensorial quality Note of tenderness Note of jutosity Young bull with the MyHC? Young bull with the MyHC? Mean Mean Note of flavour Mean Young bull with the MyHC? Picard et al. COST 925, Volos
Comparative aspects • Higher correlations between muscle fibre area and meat quality – than between muscle fibre number and meat quality in pigs • pH, drip loss and shear force not affected by moderate changes in fibre number and area in both pigs and cattle • Fiber type may affect meat quality in cattle
400 350 300 250 200 Fibre number (x 10 –3) 150 100 50 0 LW MW HW Total fibre number Secondary fibre number Intra-litter variation in pigs PBWG < 0.05 Rehfeldt & Kuhn, J Anim Sci 84 (2006) E-Suppl, 113-123
94 c 92 b 90 a Carcass weight (kg) 88 86 84 82 80 56.0 55.7 55.4 Lean meat (FOM) (%) 55.1 54.8 54.5 54.2 2.2 52 b 2.1 a b a 50 2.0 b b Loin muscle area (cm2) a 48 b Intramuscular fat (%) Perirenal fat (%) 1.9 b 46 1.8 44 1.7 1.6 42 75 b b 74 Ham perimeter (cm) 73 a 72 71 70 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 MW HW LW Offspring of 63 sows LW 102 < 1.22 kg MW 180 HW 96 > 1.54 kg Carcass quality Rehfeldt et al. Meat Sci 78 (2008) 170-175
6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 49.0 Intramuscular fat (%) 48.5 a b 48.0 b 47.5 47.0 46.5 46.0 6.2 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 MW HW LW Offspring of 63 sows b ab pH45-value a Meat quality b Conductivity45 (mS/cm) ab a b ab a Lightness (L*) a ab Drip loss (%) b Rehfeldt et al. Meat Sci 78 (2008) 170-175
HW 690 2.2 2.5 Variations in birth weight in pigs Growth Performance LW P Low birth-weight group Heavy birth-weight group Av. daily gain (g/d) 650 ** Feed consumption (kg/d) 2.3 Within litter (females) 0.75-1.25 kg 1.75-2.05 kg Feed conversion 2.7 ** Myofiber traits at slaughter in ST Total fiber number Fiber cross-sectional area LW +13%* 9000 -19%** 800000 HW 4500 400000 Gondret et al., 2006 0 0
Carcass and tissue lipids LW HW P Leaf fat (kg) 1.2 0.9 *** Subcutaneous fat depth (mm) 18.2 15.0 *** 5.2 Subcutaneous fat (% carcass) 6.7 *** Muscle lipid content (%) in Semitendinosus muscle) 3.3 4.2 ** Eating meat quality LW HW P Loin (0: ---; 10: +++) 4.6 Sensory tenderness 4.0 ** Correlation coeff. between Tenderness score and Myofiber cross-sectional area : -0.34, P = 0.07 Gondret et al., 2006
Intra-litter variation in pigs Nissen et al., 2004
Variation in birth weight in lambs Material: Lamb birth weight groups (at day 110 after birth); ►High birth weight H=4.06±0.14 kg, n=7 ad lib feeding ► Low birth weight L; 2.61±0.12 kg, n=8 for 55 days ► Low birth weight long feeding LH; 2.68±0.07 kg, n=7 low birth weight allowed to reach weight of H group at slaughter ► Slaughter at day 165 Ensoy et al. 2007
Results • High birth weight resulted in higher carcass weights • Low birth weight and feeding long period resulted in • an increase in fat thickness, • higher fat and pelvic fat weights • higher b* value (yellowness) and caused tougher meat • with a higher shear force value comparison with L and H groups Ensoy et al. 2007
Conclusions ►Low birth weight influences ►postnatal growth performance, ►carcass characteristics such as fat thickness, muscles weights, innerfat weight ►meat quality such as tenderness/toughness, intramuscular fat and moisture contents ►The effects on meat quality parameters may be due to higher fat depositions in the carcass of lambs with low birth weight when they were allowed to reach body size of lambs with high birth weight Ensoy et al. 2007
Calf weight Carcass weight Birth weight Sed 1.04 P<0.001 Sed 7.65 P=<0.05 kg kg Birth-weight classification Birth-weight classification Moloney and Drennan, COST 925, Volos
Meat quality Intra-muscular Fat Sed 0.36 P=0.07 g/100g • No effect (P>0.05) of birth-weight on : • ultimate pH, • lightness, redness or yellowness • drip loss (P=0.077) • shear force • sensory characteristics • (tenderness, texture, juiciness, chewiness, flavour, firmness or acceptability) Moloney and Drennan, COST 925, Volos
Comparative aspects • Low birth weight compared to high birth weight animals: • Lower fibre no in pigs • Higher fibre CSA in pigs • Lower postnatal growth in pigs, lamb and cattle • Higher fat in carcass and meat in pigs, lambs and cattle • Lower tenderness/higher shear force in pigs and lamb • No differences in meat quality in cattle
Overall comparability among species • Less fibres • Decreased growth • Decreased muscle weights • Maybe less meat/more fat in carcass and muscle • No general effect on meat quality • Fibre area • More related to meat quality (colour, pH and drip loss) • Controversial whether the relationship is positive or negative • Fiber type • Not sure