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Status seminar participants Tenerife, 18th January 2010

Status seminar participants Tenerife, 18th January 2010. Meeting venue: Hotel Costa Adeje Palace. Tenerife, 17th January 2010 Excursion to the town of Adeje. Tenerife, 17th January 2010 Excursion to the town of Adeje. Julio Barbas

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Status seminar participants Tenerife, 18th January 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status seminar participants Tenerife, 18th January 2010

  2. Meeting venue: Hotel Costa Adeje Palace

  3. Tenerife, 17th January 2010 Excursion to the town of Adeje

  4. Tenerife, 17th January 2010 Excursion to the town of Adeje

  5. Julio Barbas Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Wolf-Dietrich Hardt ETH Zuerich, Scientific Advisory Board member Mathias Stein-Gerlach Max-Planck Innovation GmbH Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  6. Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  7. Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  8. Thomas F. Meyer MPIIB Berlin Francisco Garcia-del Portillo CSIC Madrid Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  9. Christine Josenhans Medical University Hannover The „Helicobacter“ consortium“ Sebastian Suerbaum Medical University Hannover Rainer Haas Univ. of Munich Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  10. The „Enterococcus“ consortium: B. Gonzales-Zorn,, Y. Auffray, F. Lopes, P. Serror, J. Huebner, Axel Hartke and Matti Sarvas, National Public Health Institute (emeritus), Helsinki, Scientific Advisory Board member Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  11. Jesus Pla Universidad Complutense de Madrid Karl Kuchler Medical University Vienna Ulrich Dobrindt Univ. of Wuerzburg Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  12. Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Poster session

  13. Tenerife, 18th January 2010 Poster session

  14. Tenerife, 18th January Dinner at the Restaurant “La Vieja”

  15. Tenerife, 18th January Dinner at the Restaurant “La Vieja”

  16. Tenerife, 18th January Dinner at the Restaurant “La Vieja”

  17. Tenerife, 18th January Dinner at the Restaurant “La Vieja”

  18. The „GAS/GBS“ consortium: Emanuel Hanski, Patrick Trieu-Cuot, Philippe Glaser and Herve Bercovier, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Scientific Advisory Board member The „Candida Kinases and Phosphatases“ consortium: Joachim Morschhäuser, Daniel Kornitzer, Robert Arkowitz Tenerife, 19th January 2010 Status seminar 1st Call projects

  19. José Antonio Bengoechea Fundation Caubet Ulrich Dobrindt, Univ. of Wuerzburg and Guido Grandi, Novartis Vaccines, Siena, Scientific Advisory Board member Tenerife, 19th January 2010 Status seminar 2nd Call projects

  20. The “ADHRES-Signature Project” Sophie de Bentzmann and Catherine Nguyen Axel Brakhage, HKI Jena and Guido Grandi Tenerife, 19th January 2010 Status seminar 2nd Call projects

  21. Tenerife, 19th January 2010 Reception at the Pool

  22. Tenerife, 19th January 2010 Reception at the Pool

  23. Meeting venue: Hotel Costa Adeje Palace

  24. January 2009 January 2010 Marion Julio Soile Many thanks for coming to Tenerife from the Organizing Committee!

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