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Ezra Cohen, living in Montreal. Student of McGill University, pursuing Economics. Young boy, Ezra Cohen well known with the name Ezra Cohen Montreal active in human welfares and trying to give their Contribution towards society. Won many awards from welfare societies. Ezra Cohen contributed in many activities and received many awards.
Running head: INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 1 Youth4Hire App Jawadul Alam, Ezra Cohen,Petros Giannarakis, Anthony Koch, Ben Liber, Brian Shapiro, Scott Spector, Marianopolis College
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 2 Product/Service Description This paper will discuss the Youth4Hire app, a service that lets the user know the number, specification, and other vital details about jobs that are available in their locale; moreover, this app will target a niche section of the workforce, namely teenagers and young adults (15-25 years of age) that are looking for low skilled jobs (and typically part- time, as opposed to full-time opportunities). The target audience is made up of younger people who are looking to make money on the side (perhaps to support themselves during the semester, or pay bills for rent), as opposed to looking for jobs that will necessarily be useful for their futures. The fact that this app displays a variety of low skilled opportunities means that most people in this age range can work without much prior experience in a given field, which is important for students that may not have had time to work in the past. As students, the developers of this app understand the stress school can put on the average young adult, and hope to offer a service that makes finding work simple for this demographic. Ezra Cohen Montreal This app is very useful for one simple reason: it circumvents the taboo against working for the sole purpose of making money. In other words, employers will typically look for potential employees that may seem passionate about their product or particularly proficient as a sales person in a given field; moreover, it is considered distasteful to inform an employer that you are purely interested in the salary you will be earning. With the introduction of this app, both the employer and employee have a mutual understanding that the latter of the two is working to make a few dollars on the side, making this fact clear without having to openly address this. Therefore, both parties have an understanding of the nature of the relationship, and can act accordingly.
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 3 Economic Environment The application is likely to be affected by changes in the labor market. When there is an economic recession, the conditions in the labor market deteriorate as well. A perfect example of the effects of the recession on the employment rates in the country is the 2008 economic downturn that began in the United States and was incredibly tough on the Canadian economy. In October of 2009, employment in Canada was down 400,000 individual jobs since the beginning of the recession months earlier, a remarkable number in such a small window of time (Statistics Canada, 2017). During this same period, unemployment rate rose from 6.3% to 8.6%, the highest percentage in years (Statistics Canada, 2017). Moreover, between October 2008-2009, employment declined by 10.8% and 6.5% among the youngest men and women respectively (under 25 years of age) (Statistics Canada, 2017). This demographic is particularly important in regards to the Youth4Hire App, as they are the target audience. This trend is due in part to the ways that companies cut down on less-skilled workers when they are forced to adapt to a recession, and this would likely recur in the case of another similar catastrophe. Therefore, it is correct to say that the application is not recession proof. Ezra Cohen Montreal However, Canada’s current economic climate features a number of positive trends in regards to the target demographic that this app is concerned with; in terms of men aged 25-54, “employment rose by 35,000 [jobs] (Statistics Canada, 2017). In terms of youths aged 15-24, “overall employment held steady in March, as full-time work edged up while part-time employment decreased. The youth unemployment rate was down slightly from March 2016 at 12.8% (Statistics Canada, 2017). Although these trends are subject to change at any given time, the relative consistent nature of these figures in recent years gives the Youth4Hire app reason for optimism.
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 4 Socio-cultural Demographic 1. Probably the most important variable to consider in this section is the growing place technology has in the recruitment process, which is an important indicator as to whether or not the Youth4Hire App will be effective. In this respect, the numbers are encouraging; according to a SilkRoad study of the North American recruitment processes, “Among all of the external recruitment marketing sources SilkRoad clients used, online sources were far and away the most effective. They produced 94 percent of the interviews and 86 percent of the hires” (SilkRoad, 2012). The online sources include both websites and apps, illustrating a positive trend for app developers who are entering in this space. In Figure 1, it becomes clear that Apps such as LinkedIn (which are found in a similar space the Youth4Hire App will be targeting) have become incredibly important for both employers and employees in recent years, and this continues to trend in a positive direction. Moreover, only 3 of the top 10 external sources are offline. Alison Doyle’s book Alison Doyle's Job Search Guidebook corroborates these findings, explaining that the online, and phone application channels have superseded offline technologies. These offline mediums are becoming obsolete, as the online technology is invaluable for people searching for jobs (Doyle, 2011). In fact, Doyle notes that online networking (on apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn and apps similar to Youth4Hire) is an indispensible tool for any potential employer, and those who do not access these platforms are at an inherent disadvantage in terms of searching for jobs (Doyle, 2011). Therefore, the forces have made applications such as Youth4Hire are becoming increasingly important, which is a very encouraging trend. Ezra Cohen Montreal
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 5 Figure 1 (SilkRoad, 2012): 2. In addition, it is important to consider the ways that part-time employment for the target demographic is raising in relation to full-time employment; according to Euromonitor international, many individuals in the contemporary job market are interested in working part time as opposed to a mundane 9 to 5 (either to have more time for experiencing ‘life’ or merely to have time for other interests/studies), which is becoming increasingly possible with the technology that is available today (Euromonitor International, 2016). The trend is clearly illustrated within the Canadian economy; while in 1976-1978, full-time employment among men aged 17 to 24 was 76%, and 58% for women in the same age range; since 2010, these percentages had dropped to 59% and 49% respectively (Statistics Canada, 2017). Moreover, Statistics Canada explained, "The decline in youth full-time employment rates was driven mainly by increases in … part-time employment rather than by decreases in youth labour force participation or increases in youth unemployment"
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 6 (Statistics Canada, 2017). Ultimately, the Youth4Hire app plays perfectly into this socio-cultural trend, addressing the needs of younger adults who are not looking for a long-term commitment/9-5 hours when they want to make some money to fund their travels/studies. Ezra Cohen Montreal 3. Finally, the trends that are becoming prominent within the e-commerce industry are encouraging for Youth4Hire App’s potential. Major trends that are anticipated to transform the application include predictive analysis, real-time customization, artificial intelligence, Uber-shipping, and ‘Snapchat-sized shopping. For example, with the Uber-shipping feature, one can get employees to their premise using Uber services. Moreover, Snapchat-sized shopping in Youth4Hire App will be more of a video chatting platform for strategic meetings between potential employers and staff. It is such technology that will enable such processes as online tendering as well as interviews. Ezra Cohen Montreal Technological Environment - Ezra Cohen Montreal It is not possible to tell the time that the application will last without becoming obsolete. The rapid developments in the mobile phone industry, the Internet, and e- commerce in general only aid in improving the use. With the emergence of any technology, the application is already flexible enough to be subjected to an upgrade or a change of platform such as the operating systems (Chaffey, 2011). The brand image is heavily reliant on technology; in a business-to-business e-commerce platform like the Youth4Hire App, the technology enhances the interaction between the parties, in conjunction to enabling the creators to filter out unfit employers or employees through sophisticated security features for payment and recruitment. Such credibility enhanced by technology contributes significantly to a positive brand image. An important trend to note is the percentage of people that use apps once versus
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 7 multiple times. According to Localytics, the app abandonment rate (users use the app only once) has been as high as 25% in recent years, an alarming rate for app developers (Figure 2) (Localytics, 2016). On the other side of the spectrum, the highest total in recent years in regards to app retention (app used more than 11 times) was 38%, which is relatively low (Figure 3) (Localytics, 2016). Although this does indicate whether or not Youth4Hire will do well in regards to these metrics, it is clear that the app must be alluring to the user, or there is a good chance it will not be used more than once. Figure 2 (Localytics, 2016): Figure 3 (Localytics, 2016): Legal and Regulatory Influences The application is subject to regulation by the government through such bodies as the Federal Trade Commission. Essentially, the rules touch on vital details such as online
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 8 advertising, which the business intends on running once there is sufficient traffic to attract advertisers. The rules also affect the privacy of every user of the service and require the signing of a series of non-disclosure agreements by the business as well as the subscribers. Apart from that, they prevent the occurrence of certain crimes such as the hacking of private data and stalking. Other regulations that affect the application include local and international labor laws. These laws touch on issues of slavery, wage policies, employee compensation, as well as industrial dispute resolution (Chaffey, 2011). To a large extent, these laws are beneficial to the business as well as its clients. The breach of security by either party has cost most corporations like Facebook a lot of money and subscribers. It is such examples that have led to the company’s insistence on adherence to existing regulations. On the other hand, labor policies differ from one jurisdiction to the next. Therefore, the application will have to readjust to necessary changes depending on where the person happens to be seeking or offering employment. Competitive Analysis - Ezra Cohen Montreal The direct competitors for Youth4Hire App include job-hunting apps such as Jobaware, JobCompass, CityHour, and Monster (Sarkar, 2008). The indirect competitors include employment agencies such as Adecco Staffing, Clark Personnel Services, Craigslist, Monster, and more. The direct competitors have a better quality image, well- established brand, and lower charges. However, they lack the design features that are characteristic of Youth4Hire App such as the automated location adjustment and popup alerts. On the other hand, the indirect competitors have fewer target customers because of their brick and mortar structure. Nevertheless, they have the experience and muscle to venture into an online platform and outcompete other players in the industry. They are very reputable in the country, and their customers are extremely loyal to them. This is a relatively difficult market to enter due to strong branding efforts by leading
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 9 competitors. However, the legislation is sufficiently friendly to newcomers, and there are no major monopolies. From a competitor analysis, it is clear that most of them concentrate on the middle class and firms as clients. The opponents do not seem to be reducing anytime soon as the number of similar mobile phones emerge every day. However, the brick and mortar employment agency establishments increase at a slower rate than the others. Additionally, the number of jobs and people ready to fill them increases rapidly every day. The application is an appropriate idea considering the external environment that it will be exposed to. Nurturing the idea calls for extensive product design. Therefore, the company must recognize the needs of the end user in adding various features. Apart from that, the application must stand out from the pool of available commerce applications. However, the labor market guarantees a steady flow of clients and there is so much hope for the application. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning I. As mentioned earlier, Youth4Hire app targets young adults ranging from 15-25, both men and women. Typically, these individuals are unmarried students, but the app does not disqualify people in this age range that do not fit this exact description. In fact, the users at the upper end of the age spectrum will likely have recently graduated. In terms of income, these youth typically need money to support themselves, and are willing to work for minimum wage. The app will be released in Canada, but there is hope that it can be unveiled to a global audience i it is successful in its inaugural release. By creating an app that specifically offers youth compatible part-time job offers, Youth4Hire hopes to provide this demographic with an easy alternative to job hunting, which can become problematic when dealing with school and their social lives. Finally, it is important to note that the Youth4Hire app will focus exclusively on this age
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 10 range, as universal job-hunting apps, specifically ones that have been well- established in this market, will be more difficult to usurp (and take their market share). II. The person that embodies the target market that Youth4Hire is a 20-year-old male/female university students, one that is dealing with a significant workload during the semester. Although this is motivated to find a good job after graduating, they want to focus on their studies during their academic career. However, they recognize that they need money to pay rent and buy food during their undergraduate and needs to find part-time employment that allows them to balance school, their social life and making some money. III. Again, it is important to note that the Youth4Hire app targets a niche demographic, specifically to avoid direct competition with well-established job- hunting sites such as Craigslist and Monster. The main selling point for the Youth4Hire platform is the focus on low-skilled work and circumventing the taboo that one is merely interested in a part-time commitment (and therefore does not feel forced to deal with management, who may want workers to commit long-term). Moreover, it allows businesses to find cheap labor, especially for seasonal work. Ezra Cohen Montreal Marketing Objectives The primary objective for the Youth4Hire app is to establish a significant market share in the
INNOVATIVE AND MARKETABLE PRODUCT 11 Work Cited Canada, G. O. (2017, January 06). Full-time and part-time employment by sex and age group. Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum- som/l01/cst01/labor12-eng.htm Canada, G. O. (2015, November 27). The Labour Market in Canada and the United States since the Last Recession. Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2014036-eng.htm Chaffey, D. (2011). E-business & e-commerce management: Strategy, implementation and practice. Harlow, England: Pearson/Financial Times Prentice Hall Doyle, A. (2011). Alison Doyle's Job Search Guidebook. Doyle & Doyle Communications, Inc. Ezra Cohen Montreal E. (2016, May 12). What is the New Consumerism? Retrieved May 02, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0hVssoPcPg&feature=youtu.be L. (2016). 23% of Users Abandon an App After One Use. Retrieved May 02, 2017, from http://info.localytics.com/blog/23-of-users-abandon-an-app-after-one-use Sarkar, S. (2008). Zen Cart: E-commerce application development : a step-by-step developer's guide. Birmingham, U.K: Packt Pub Ezra Cohen Montreal