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Strategic Plan For the National Outreach and Communication Program As required by the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Ac

Strategic Plan For the National Outreach and Communication Program As required by the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act of 1998. Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council. Final Report — September 18, 1998. Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council. Recommendation to the

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Strategic Plan For the National Outreach and Communication Program As required by the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Ac

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  1. Strategic Plan For the National Outreach and Communication Program As required by the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act of 1998 Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council Final Report — September 18, 1998

  2. Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council Recommendation to the Secretary of the Interior by the Sport Fishing & Boating Partnership Council

  3. Table of Contents Pages I. Preamble 4 II. Mission Statement 8 III. Stakeholder Participation 9 IV. Guiding Principles 13 V. Situation Analysis 14 VI. Objectives 16 VII. Strategic Considerations 22 VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 29 IX. Marketing Principles 60 X. Management Structure 68 XI. Timing 73 XII. Financial Vision 78 XIII. Strategic Plan Recap 80 2

  4. Table of Contents Appendix Glossary Factors Influencing Recreational Sport Fishing and Boating Participation Recap and Abstract of the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act of 1998 SFBPC Outreach Planning Team Biographies Preliminary Market Research Report - Focus Groups 3

  5. I. Preamble Introducing the Strategic Plan for the National Outreach and Communication Program as required by the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act of 1998. • Recreational boating and fishing are among this country’s favorite pastimes, with over 50 million Americans participating and enjoying this country’s aquatic resources. • However, after years of steady growth, since 1990 recreational boating and fishing participation did not maintain parity with the nation’s population growth, with some states experiencing actual declines in boat sales and fishing license sales. Declines are occurring in some states despite their extensive education and outreach efforts. 4

  6. I. Preamble • Recreational boating and fishing contribute to conserving aquatic resources through excise taxes on fishing equipment and motor boat fuel that fund the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program. Thus, the retention and recruitment of boaters and anglers will ensure continued funding for aquatic conservation and restoration at both the federal and state level. • The Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program has played a critical role in supporting access, development, aquatic resource conservation and education since 1950. • Outreach and communication are tools for natural resource conservation. This plan is designed to complement ongoing conservation efforts by government agencies. 5

  7. I. Preamble • The Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (SFBPC) has been asked by the Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to recommend a strategy that will increase recreational boating and fishing participation and help to instill the conservation ethic through increased emphasis on effective education and outreach programs. • The underlying presumption of the strategies and tactics in this plan is that, as people become more involved in these outdoor activities, they place a higher value on aquatic resource quality and therefore will be more likely to support conservation efforts. 6

  8. I. Preamble • The SFBPC has engaged in an exhaustive national consensus-building effort among user groups and stakeholders to identify problems, set objectives, and devise strategies to meet those objectives. Previous research on participation in boating and fishing were used to guide this effort and are summarized in a companion document contained in the Appendix. • This Strategic Plan is a result of that overall effort. The Plan will be funded by $36 million from the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program over the next five years. These funds may be augmented by up to $2.5 million per year in Wallop-Breaux administrative funds. In addition, this plan calls for funding through in-kind expenditures, co-operative and hard dollar contributions. Note: A glossary of terms used within this document is contained in the Appendix. 7

  9. II. Mission Statement To recommend an informed, consensus-based national outreach strategy that will increase participation in recreational angling and boating and thereby increase public awareness and appreciation of the need for protecting, conserving, and restoring this nation’s aquatic natural resources 8

  10. III. Stakeholder Participation The SFBPC sought input from user groups, fisheries administrators and industry leaders via the Internet and in a series of national and regional meetings. There were over 400 participants attending these meetings. Percent of Stakeholder Participants 9

  11. III. Stakeholder Participation Accomplishments 1. The First Continental Congress identified and ranked 47 potential causes of declining participation. 2. Problems identified regionally were added to those previously identified, bringing the total to 128. 3. Importantly, participants were asked to rank their regional problems from a national perspective. 10

  12. III. Stakeholder Participation Accomplishments 1.The number of problems was consolidated from 128 to 18 and then prioritized. 2. After further refinement and editing, five problems were selected as most important. 3. Those five problems were restated into the plan’s five key objectives. 4. Brainstorming of potential strategies and tactics was begun. 5. National objectives were confirmed in regional meetings and regional strategies and tactics were developed. 11

  13. III. Stakeholder Participation Accomplishments 1. Information from over 700 pages of stakeholder input was assimilated and organized. 2. Prior research summarized in “Factors Influencing Recreational Sport Fishing and Boating Participation” 3. An outline of the Strategic Plan was prepared. 12

  14. IV. Guiding Principles Five all encompassing precepts were established by the SFBPC in response to stakeholders input as Guiding Principles in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan. Accordingly, all outreach efforts in the following objectives, strategies and tactics must make appropriate efforts to: 1. Recognize, reinforce and commit to the importance of sustainable aquatic habitat and natural resource conservation 2. Emphasize that boaters and anglers are conservationists by demonstrating their commitment and contribution to conservation efforts 3. Focus efforts on urban boating and fishing needs and opportunities 4. Champion the use of a single coordinated, encompassing effort to promote recreational boating and fishing involving all stakeholders 5. Encourage the industry, and all stakeholders, to implement the Strategic Plan by supporting this unified, comprehensive marketing and outreach effort 13

  15. V. Situation Analysis 1. Demographic changes are problematic for increased participation. A. Minority populations, with low rates of participation, are growing three times faster than Anglo populations. B. Other populations with low participation rates are also among the fastest growing (e.g. older Americans and those who live in urban areas). 2. Motivations between and among boaters and anglers are varied. A. Boaters’ motivations center around stress release and socializing. Motivations vary by type of boat involved - sailing, cruising, fishing. B. Anglers’ motivations vary from catch-oriented to socially-oriented. There is a misconception that there is a “typical” boater or angler. This limits participation by “non-typical” segments. 14

  16. V. Situation Analysis 3. Boating and fishing are social behaviors. A. Exposure early in life is important - 95% of adult anglers fished as children. B. A social network is needed to recruit and retain adult boaters and anglers. C. Education is needed to increase skill levels and enjoyment and to foster long-term participation. 4. Among the most important constraints to boating and fishing are: • Perceived lack of time and/or money • Lack of access to (or knowledge of ) facilities • Negative images of water quality, fish contamination and boater safety issues • Inconsistent delivery of satisfactory boating and fishing products, services and facilities • Lack of a consistent positive image of boating and angling These constraints must be addressed via a national campaign that is adaptable to regional and local concerns. 15

  17. VI. Objectives The overall objective of this strategic plan is to retain and recruit recreational boating and fishing participants. At the same time, efforts will encourage a conservation ethic and respect for the aquatic resource. The strategies and tactics that follow, seek to achieve this fundamental objective by adhering to the plan’s Guiding Principles. 16

  18. VI. Objective #1 Objective #1 Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Key Issues 1. No focused campaign exists to increase participation in boating and fishing. It must be simple, memorable and adaptable to local needs. 2. Increasing competition exists for individuals’ attention, time and money. 3. Existing state, local and industry sponsored events need to be coordinated under the national campaign/theme. Implementation Criteria 1. The umbrella campaign must be simple to communicate in various media by regional and local stakeholders. 2. The campaign must be adaptable to many segments within the boating and angling populations. 3. The broader the campaign, the more inclusive and adaptable to local needs. The more adaptable, the greater the participation by stakeholders. 17

  19. VI. Objective #2 Objective #2 Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish Key Issues 1. Education is needed to overcome constraints and misconceptions. 2. Prospective participants must be made aware of access to existing facilities. 3. General population needs to be educated on “how to” boat and/or fish, with emphasis given to ethics and conservation. Implementation Criteria 1. Targeted education will result in higher awareness and satisfaction levels. 2. Effectiveness of existing events/programs will be increased utilizing an umbrella theme. 18

  20. VI. Objective #3 Objective #3 Target market segments and create messages that address each segment’s specific needs Key Issues 1. Demographic groups with lower participation in boating and fishing are growing faster than the Anglo population. 2. Effective message(s) needs to be developed to appeal to various demographic groups and sub-groups. The potential effectiveness of the message(s) needs to be evaluated and prioritized. Implementation Criteria 1.Research findings will maximize efficiency and effectiveness of creative and media expenditures. 19

  21. VI. Objective #4 Objective #4 Educate stakeholders on marketing, outreach and implementation of national strategies to targeted user groups Key Issues 1. Stakeholders (as defined in the glossary) must be trained in: - Quality improvement of products and services to existing customers - Implementing innovative outreach programs - The importance of networking within the community to encourage best practices throughout the industry Implementation Criteria 1. Improving consumer satisfaction is key to converting new boaters/anglers to active participants. 2. Training is required for uniform implementation of plan tactics at the local level. 20

  22. VI. Objective #5 Objective #5 Make availability of and access to boating and fishing locations easy and simple Key Issues 1. Currently, many boaters and anglers lack knowledge of existing facilities. 2. Quality of existing facilities is inconsistent. 3. Locations and facilities are lacking for the growing urban population. Implementation Criteria 1. Access guides will educate consumers as to easy accessibility of local venues. 2. Improvement of locations will help convert novices to active participants. 21

  23. VII. Strategic Considerations Five Guiding Principles Ensure Consistency The overarching consideration is to ensure that the objectives, strategies and tactics are consistent with the Guiding Principles (as defined on page 13) that were achieved through consensus-building efforts. 22

  24. VII. Strategic Considerations Interpersonal constraints... The generation of awareness, renewed interest and motivation and facilitation of participation are hampered by 3 categories of consumer constraints: what the individual consumer rationally or emotionally thinks about boating or fishing and the state of the aquatic resource Intrapersonal constraints... social considerations affecting consumers’ participation Structural constraints... other things under stakeholder control that may block/hamper participation The plan must address each of these constraints. 23

  25. VII. Strategic Considerations Tactics Strategies The Strategic Plan’s objectives, strategies and tactics, are contingent on the Guiding Principles and the three Categories of Consumer Constraints. Consumer Constraints Objectives Intra-personal Five Guiding Principles Inter-personal Structural 24

  26. VII. Strategic Considerations National/Regional/Local Diversity of Experiences Boating & Fishing experiences are very diverse. • Given this diversity, • effectiveness will be maximized • by planning that is: • National in scope, • Regional in application • Local in implementation Implications for Boating & Fishing: 1. Message should be national in recognition, but capable of being implemented at regional and local levels 2. Message should be adaptable to meet local conditions within all communication components 25

  27. VII. Strategic Considerations Measurement Analysis • Continuous change is a marketing challenge • To keep current, classic marketing employs a disciplined process • including measurement • and analysis Plan Measure Implement • If it cannot be measured, it does not exist • Utilize focused research & analysis to maximize productivity. Implications for Boating & Fishing: Each of the Objectives, Strategies & Tactics should be measurable 26

  28. VII. Strategic Considerations Trial vs. Repeat • Most consumer communication & outreach programs are geared to accomplish one thing: Trial • Trial without Repeat is a wasted marketing effort Trial High Repeat PARTICIPATION Low Repeat TIME • Make the experience a pleasure, for everyone involved, and they will repeat Implications for Boating & Fishing: More important than crafting a great communications program is delivering a satisfactory product and personal experience 27

  29. VII. Strategic Considerations Funding Funding mechanisms are to be developed, designed and implemented to generate up to an additional $72 million over the next five years. This funding may be provided by the following contributions: - In Kind: such as placing the plan’s logo/icon on packaging and in advertising - Co-operative: state and local matching funds - Hard Dollar: Direct industry financial contributions $ 108 M “In-Kind” and “Co-operative” Contributions “Hard Dollar” Contributions Federal Funding 28

  30. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation A. Develop a national theme/icon promoting recreational boating and fishing B. Implement the theme/ icon in advertising, communication and promotional materials, packaging, federal and state signage and properties C. Create a web site for “where to go” and “how to do” D. Develop communication utilizing the theme/icon Strategies Objective #1 29

  31. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Hire an agency to create and test a theme/icon 2. Incorporate appropriate conservation message into the theme 3. Select recognized spokesperson(s) to promote theme Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Tactics Strategies A. Develop a national theme/icon promoting recreational boating and fishing 30

  32. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Incorporate into industry packaging, promotional material and advertising 2. Develop an industry contribution program based upon a percent of sales that will match federal funding for implementation purposes 3. Federal and state properties - signage, maps, tourist brochures and other properties Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Tactics Strategies B. Implement the theme/ icon in advertising, communication and promotional materials, packaging, federal and state signage and properties 31

  33. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 4. Incorporate recognition of the Sport Fish Restoration Program where appropriate 5. Partner with key retailers to encourage fishing license, tackle and equipment sales via cooperative advertising and promotion efforts Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Tactics Strategies B. Implement the theme/ icon in advertising, communication and promotional materials, packaging, federal and state signage and properties 32

  34. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 6. Tie-in with media which effectively reaches targeted segments. For example, tie-in with the ESPN X-Games to connect boating with youth-oriented sports, such as water skiing and wake boarding. Cooperative advertising and promotion in such venues will enhance the awareness and participation in the youth target. Similar tie-ins can be effective for other targeted groups. Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Tactics Strategies B. Implement the theme/icon in advertising, communication and promotional materials, packaging, federal and state signage and properties 33

  35. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Access - “where to go” information 2. Education - “how to do” information 3. “What to use” information. 4. “Hot links” to all appropriate web sites 1. Hire an agency to create advertising 2. Test recall and persuasion of advertising 3. Create and implement media plan 4. Evaluate effectiveness of plan Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Strategies Tactics C. Create a web site for “where to go” and “how to do” D. Develop advertising utilizing the theme/ icon 34

  36. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Increase overall recreational boating and fishing participants by one percent per year through 2008 (10 years) 2. Increase annual boating and fishing frequency by two days by the year 2008 (10 years) 3. Participant dropout rates are reduced to between five and ten percent per year by the year 2008 (vs. 10% - 15% now) 4. Five percent of lapsed participants are reactivated each year 5. Increase public perception of the positive benefits of boating and fishing from 65% to 80% by 2005 6. Set up web site visitation counting mechanism 7. Test recall and persuasion of advertising copy Objective #1: Create a top-of-mind recreational boating and fishing campaign to develop awareness, trial and continued participation Measurements/ Goals 35

  37. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish. A. Deliver conservation-based education programs that seek to increase participation in recreational boating and fishing adaptable to local needs B. Create industry-wide education standards that address customer satisfaction and interaction C. Promote existing events and/or create new events to increase interest and participation D. Simplify, facilitate and encourage license purchase E. Make widely available to consumers “how to” and “where to” information to break down constraints to participation Strategies Objective #2 36

  38. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Identify and evaluate current educational curricula in light of the objective 2. Partner with stakeholders to deliver boating and fishing education programs 3. Explore multiple means for delivering educational program materials, e.g. CD ROM applications, World-Wide Web, inter-active lesson plans, etc. Objective #2: Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish. Tactics Strategy A Deliver conservation-based education programs that seek to increase participation in recreational boating and fishing adaptable to local needs. 37

  39. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Develop “certification” process for manufacturers and retailers 2. Write customer satisfaction and customer interaction guidelines 3. Initiate and promote “Teaching Professional” certification process for those involved in teaching how and where to boat and fish Objective #2:Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish. Tactics Strategy B Create industry-wide education standards that address customer satisfaction and interaction 38

  40. 1. Evaluate, market (and expand where appropriate) all events and programs that seek to promote interest in boating and fishing 2. Use hands-on boating and fishing clinics, demonstrations, state fairs, and other public venues to promote “how to”/ “where-to” information 3. Partner with stakeholders to provide “how-to”, “where-to” and safety information 4. Co-op with fishing clubs, marinas to sponsor events to enhance value of boating and fishing Objective #2: Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Tactics Strategy C Promote existing events and/or create new events to increase interest and participation 39

  41. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Provide to willing states a point-of-sale licensing system 2. Develop and publicize “how to” buy a license including hot links to state web sites 3. Develop financial or value-added incentives to encourage: a current angler to persuade a new angler to purchase a fishing license multi-year license renewal registering large groups at one time 4. Develop regional and/or local coupon books for discounts off fishing tackle, equipment, trips and other products/services to be distributed with the purchase of a fishing license Objective #2: Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish Tactics Strategy D Simplify, facilitate and encourage license purchase 40

  42. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Grow successful events and programs, such as the Fishing Tackle Loaner Program and National Fishing Week 2. Partner with industry/ agencies to publicize “where to” info on maps and other materials 3. Through the private sector, rate boating and fishing facilities and publish guides (a la AAA) 4. Partner with such programs as “Adopt a Waterway” and “Adopt Your Watershed” 5. Enlist the support of travel professionals (e.g. American Express, AAA) to promote vacation packages involving recreational boating and fishing. Objective #2:Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish Tactics Strategy E Make widely available to consumers “how to” and “where to” information 41

  43. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Objective #2: Educate people as to how and where to boat and fish 1. Analyze participation levels (on a standardized basis) in educational programs by schools, municipalities, and private organizations (e.g. Power Squadron, Boy/ Girl Scouts) 2. Boating accident rates drop by 10% by 2003 3. Track the number of new fishing licenses sold, new boat registrations and other indicators of boating and fishing participation 4. Track sales of boats, fishing tackle and other related equipment Measurements/ Goals 42

  44. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Target market segments and create messages which address each segment’s specific needs A. Identify individual market segments by demographics and key motivators B. Prioritize segments with regard to size, potential and degree of difficulty in converting to boaters/anglers C. Within the national theme, tailor messages to address specific market segment needs 84.0% 28.2% 7.6% Strategies Objective #3 Projected Population Growth 1990 - 2010 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census 43

  45. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Hire a research firm to segment the market via demographics and psychographics 2. Conduct appropriate quantitative research 1. Prioritize goals of retention, recruitment and recovery 2. For each goal above, rank market segments by size and probability of conversion to active participants. Objective #3: Target market segments and create messages which address each segment’s specific needs Strategies Tactics A. Identify individual market segments by demographics and key motivators B. Prioritize segments with regard to size, potential and degree of difficulty in converting to boaters/anglers 44

  46. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. For highest priority objective/market segment(s), create and research specific message(s) under umbrella national theme 2. Test messages for efficacy Objective #3: Target market segments and create messages which address each segment’s specific needs. Tactics Strategies C. Within the national theme, tailor messages to address specific market segment needs 45

  47. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Objective #3: Target market segments and create messages which address each segment’s specific needs 1. Measure pre/post recognition of targeted programs by select audience 2. Perform comparative market research 3. Measure effectiveness of targeted message(s) for targeted audience(s) 4. Targeted groups’ participation increases by 2% per year Measurements/ Goals 46

  48. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics Educate stakeholders on marketing, outreach and implementation of national strategies to targeted user groups A. Determine critical stakeholder training needs to increase participation and customer satisfaction B. Develop curricula to address defined needs C. Build a network for exchanging best practices among stakeholders D. Facilitate the development and implementation of improved state license procedures Strategies Objective #4 47

  49. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Hire research firm to survey existing stakeholder knowledge and capability to determine training needs 2. Identify what skills are required to implement national strategy at the local level 3. Identify and prioritize “job functions” to be trained Objective #4: Educate stakeholders on marketing, outreach and implementation of national strategies to targeted user groups Tactics Strategies A. Determine critical stakeholder training needs to increase participation and customer satisfaction 48

  50. VIII. Objectives, Strategies & Tactics 1. Compile and evaluate best practices 2. Develop training programs from a combination of the following sources: best practices universities community professionals retrofitted existing training programs private sector professional trainers and others Objective #4: Educate stakeholders on marketing, outreach and implementation of national strategies to targeted user groups Strategies Tactics B. Develop curricula to address defined needs 49

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