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Welcome! How to Submit a Strong Proposal September 17, 2009

Welcome! How to Submit a Strong Proposal September 17, 2009. Introduction. Webinar instructions For audio dial: 866-228-9900 Access Code: 488589 Ask questions through the attendee control panel Purpose of today’s meeting Overview of funding process and timeline

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Welcome! How to Submit a Strong Proposal September 17, 2009

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  1. Welcome! How to Submit a Strong Proposal September 17, 2009

  2. Introduction • Webinar instructions • For audio dial: 866-228-9900 Access Code: 488589 • Ask questions through the attendee control panel • Purpose of today’s meeting • Overview of funding process and timeline • How to submit a strong application • Answer your questions • Process and Timeline • Funding for FY2011-FY2013 • General operating support • Draft RFP released July 1; final August 17 • Applications due Friday, October 23 • Early notice to most affected agencies - March, 2010 • Funding begins July 1, 2010

  3. Our goals… 3 • Ensure children are ready to learn when they enter school • The most valuable and lasting thing we can do for our young children. • This dramatically increases chances of lifelong success. • Keep youth engaged in learning so they graduate able to compete • Keeping youth engaged in learning significantly increases chance of graduation. • Opens up opportunities and allows them to compete in the marketplace. • Help families achieve financial stability • Meet their basic needs. • Ensure their housing is stable and their incomes are sufficient.

  4. The Investor • Clearly defines success and progress • Answers three questions of each opportunity: • Will these contributions move us toward our goals? • What are the chances they will be achieved? • Does this investment have distinctive features that add value? • Tracks progress, learns and applies new knowledge • Believes fairness means regular interaction with applicants • Considers the initial investment only the starting point, and invests for the longer term • Asks: How can I help?

  5. Structure of the RFP • Documents: Instructions, Guidelines and Principles, Impact Papers, Applications • Applications • complete one Organization application that provides us with overview information about your agency. • in addition, complete an application for each Measure to which you choose to contribute. • Also enter quantitative data in ODM

  6. Organization Application -- Key Elements • Measure selection • Organizational context • Key people • Leadership • Track record of success • Other elements • Persons served • Operating budget

  7. Select the measures you will apply for • Read the Guidelines and Principles to understand strategic background and future direction of investment; also includes review criteria and current Memorandum of Agreement • Carefully review each Impact Paper • vision and goals for the impact area • specific measures including rationale, evolution from the current cycle and eligibility criteria • defines what we will track -- the target contribution • Consult with your Relationship Manager • Eligibility does not equal funding • Organization application includes a checklist of your measures; complete a similar form in ODM

  8. Describe your organizational context • This section will help reviewers understand your organization as a whole and how your measure contributions fit into the organization context • Question 6 asks for your mission statement and core expertise. What defines your organization and what do you do best? • Question 8 asks you to explain how your work in proposed measures helps you achieve your overall mission. Tie this information to the needs of the population served and help reviewers understand how various aspects of your work build upon each other for the benefit of the community. Also, describe other work of your agency that is outside the proposed measures to fully set context. • Question 9 asks you to describe any major changes in the governance or operation of your agency, such as new Executive Director or merger.

  9. Describe the Key People responsible for success • This is an important part of the application because the people who are responsible for the contributions you propose can make all the difference in the likelihood you will succeed. “Human sparkplugs” who are energetic, oriented to results, take responsibility and inclined to teamwork get things done! • Create one list of the key people who are responsible for each of the measures you are applying for; people may be responsible for more than one measure. For Executive Director: attach resume. • List the skills, experiences and personal qualities that most predict success. • Keep your list of qualities pertinent and focused • Identify the person who is accountable for success for each measure

  10. Describe your organizational leadership • These questions reflect UW’s longstanding commitment to diversity, collaboration and leadership in the community. Through our involvement in developing a statewide plan for youth we have renewed our appreciation for the vital role the community leaders must play to change the odds for children, youth and families. • Questions relate to: • staff development around anti-racism and diversity • the fostering of emerging leaders • leading collaboration • providing guidance to others and • having a Board and senior staff who reflect community diversity • We see your responses to these questions as establishing a foundation from which we can move forward

  11. Describe your track record of performance • UW will provide volunteers with targets and actual contributions for each measure to which your agency has previously contributed. You do not need to provide additional information here. • Question 14 requires you to describe your agency’s experience with outcome measurement and using data to drive learning. We’re looking for evidence of data analysis and how that analysis has helped you make program or organizational improvements. Help reviewers see the direct link between your measurement practices and improvements. Be sure to note specific measurement tools you use. • Each Measure application asks for more detail about how you will verify your contributions

  12. Other parts of the organization application • Persons served • for most agencies no response is required for this section. • UW will generate a summary of total persons served in the impact areas based on information you provided in your mid-term FY09 reports. This information will be supplied to volunteers for an added layer of context when reviewing proposals. • Current Venture agencies will complete a persons served form in ODM • Operating budget -- attach your last completed and current year budget • Impact area questions – complete for each impact are for which you are applying • We estimate a total of 10-12 pages for this application

  13. Questions?

  14. Measure Application -- Common Elements • Recall that our review criteria focus on: • Will these contributions move us toward our goals? • What is the likelihood they will be achieved? • Does this investment have distinctive features that add value? • Alignment • Target population • Eligibility requirements • Target contributions • Likelihood of success • Your approach, including key people and resources • Past performance • Added value -- distinguishing features, target population

  15. Describe the target population for the measure • This is your opportunity to describe the program participants who are the focus of your work in this specific measure. What is distinctive about that population? • What is your vision for the people in the program or programs that are a part of this measure? If you were 100% successful, what would those people look like? • What are characteristics of the people involved that contribute to their success? What are the challenges they have to overcome?

  16. Demonstrate how your work meets the eligibility criteria • This is a primary way in which we will assess if your proposed contributions will be moving us toward our goal, that is, if what you propose is aligned with what we have stated as our strategic goal • Generally, your work must meet all of the eligibility requirements that are pertinent for your contribution. • If you answer “no” to any pertinent requirement you have the opportunity to explain any qualifying factors. This is also a good instance of when to consult with your Relationship Manager • Target Contributions -- list the specific numeric contribution that you are proposing to make in FY11. For example, the number of housing units produced, the number of young children screened, or the number of youth mentoring relationships established. Enter the same numbers in the appropriate form in ODM.

  17. Describe your approach • This is the primary way in which you will make the case that you are likely to achieve the contributions you propose. • You will complete a template that has three columns: Resources, Activities and Interim Outcomes. More than one program may be involved in creating the contributions -- you will need to combine them and show their consolidated impact • Include financial resources and key people by name (or title for vacant position). • List sequential activities and related interim outcomes that represent the steps that participants take from their starting condition to the expected result • Include realistic numbers for the people expected to achieve results including the end -- target contribution. • The Instructions includes an example, including notes for public policy contributions

  18. Describe distinguishing features of your work and past performance successes • This is your opportunity to explain what makes your approach stand out -- how it is unique. By describing what sets your work apart -- why you are more successful than others -- you will help reviewers assess the added value of your work as well as make a more informed judgment about likelihood of success. • Your description of past successes will also strengthen the case that your proposal will be successful. Describe specific accomplishments that participants have made during the last two years. You should also report here on how you have measured these results and what you have learned through measurement to improve results for participants. • We estimate five-six pages for each measure application

  19. How to Get Help During the Application Period • Call or email your Relationship Manager • RMs will respond within 48 hours • RMs will regularly check in with agencies to ensure all questions are answered • UW staff is actively working to provide clear, consistent information throughout the process • RMs cannot review drafts of applications but can have discussions about measure alignment and the types of information we are looking for in each question • For technical questions contact Nicole Shiner at nshiner@supportunitedway.org • Regularly check out the FAQ on our website: www.supportunitedway.org/FY11FAQ • Attend the Webinar for a repeat of today’s information on September 17th beginning at 12:30.

  20. Questions?

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