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English Language Arts The 6+1 Trait Writing Model. The 6+1 Trait Writing Model. Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation from 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham. Trait #1: Ideas. Simply stated, ideas make up the content of the writing piece.
The 6+1 Trait Writing Model • Ideas • Organization • Voice • Word Choice • Sentence Fluency • Conventions • Presentation from 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham
Trait #1: Ideas • Simply stated, ideas make up the content of the writing piece. • Strong ideas = Clear overall message/content • Students struggle with ideas because writing is complex, they think faster than they can write, and they often don’t write for themselves.
Trait #1: IdeasAs teachers, we must help our students… • Select an idea (the topic) • Narrow the idea (focus) • Elaborate on the idea (development) • Discover the best information to convey the main idea (details)
Trait #1: IdeasSome ways to teach the Ideas trait: • Free writing • Flashbacks • Favorite places • “Picture This” • “String Along”
Trait #2: Organization • Organization is the internal structure of the piece, the thread of central meaning, the pattern of logic. • Students struggle with organization because rigid organization is often overvalued, organization is a difficult thing to achieve, and there is no single program to solve all of our organizational woes.
Trait #2: OrganizationAs teachers, we must help our students with… • Writing an introduction—a lead that hooks the reader. • Developing the middle of the paper—a core that is logically organized and contains clearly linked details. • Writing the conclusion—an ending that leaves the reader satisfied.
Trait #2 OrganizationSome ways to teach the Organization trait: • Share examples from literature • Teach organizational options: • Organize by space • Organize by time • Organize by content • Organize by perspective
Trait #3: Voice • Voice is the writer’s music coming out through words, the sense that a real person is speaking to you and cares about the message. • Students struggle with voice because it’s not as concrete as other traits, because there is a perception that “boring” is good, because it’s a bit too personal, and because many teachers still say that some forms of writing don’t require voice.
Trait #3: VoiceAs teachers, we must remember that voice emerges when the writer… • Speaks directly to the reader on an emotional level. • Experiments with style to match the purpose and audience. • Takes risks by revealing the person behind the words.
Trait #3: VoiceSome ways to teach the Voice trait: • Share different artists’ recordings of the same song • Illustrate the voice trait • Compare and contrast (same story, different authors) • New Voices, New Choices (5 letters)
Trait #4: Word Choice • Word choice isn’t just about the use—or misuse—of words. It is about the use of rich, colorful, precise language that both communicates and inspires the reader. • Students struggle with word choice because too often, language is used to exclude, vocabulary is often taught in isolation, and students tend to get “word drunk.”
Trait #4: Word ChoiceAs teachers, we must teach our students how to use… • Striking language: Sharpen students descriptive powers • Exact language: Using lively verbs, precise nouns, and accurate modifiers • Natural language: Making it sound authentic • Beautiful language: Choosing colorful words and phrases
Trait #4: Word ChoiceSome ways to teach the Choice trait: • Painting a picture with words • Top Ten List of words • Finding key words and phrases in captivating texts
Trait # 5: Sentence Fluency • Strong sentence fluency is marked by logic, creative phrasing, parallel construction, alliteration, and word order that makes reading feel natural. • Students struggle with sentence fluency because of the overemphasis on correctness, because writing classrooms are too quiet, and because writing good sentences is harder than it looks.
Trait #5: Sentence FluencyAs teachers, we must help our students with. . . • Establishing flow, rhythm, and cadence. • Varying sentence length and structure. • Constructing sentences that enhance meaning.
Trait #5: Sentence FluencySome ways to teach the Sentence Fluency trait: • Reading aloud to yourself • Sentence stretching • End with a noun • “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” • Picture your sentence • “This sentence is short.”
Trait #6: Conventions • Conventions guide the reader through the text, making ideas readable and understandable. • Conventions = spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, paragraphing, etc. • Students struggle with conventions because they don’t see the power of good writing mechanics, and because they aren’t encouraged to take enough risks with their writing.
Trait #6: ConventionsAs teachers we should… • Be sure students understand that editing and revising are different. • Expect correctness, but only according to appropriate developmental level and age. • Value experimentation right along with correctness. It’s a balancing act. • Be patient. Learning to use conventions well takes time.
Trait #6: ConventionsSome ways to teach the Conventions trait: • Take it out • Error Hunt • Conventions Experts • Reading Backwards • Practice Makes Perfect
Presentation (+1) • How the writing looks to the reader. • Writing should have a finished look that shows care.
Presentation (+1)As teachers, we need to encourage the following in our students’ writing: • Uniform spacing • Legible handwriting; appropriate use of fonts and sizes • Appealing use of white space