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Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners Training

Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners Training. Briana Boodry Tamara Hepler Lindsey Schubert Laura Sowinski. Welcome!!. Questions to be Answered at the End of the Training. Why does it benefit your whole class for your ELLs to have success?

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Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners Training

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  1. Mainstream Teachers of English Language Learners Training Briana Boodry Tamara Hepler Lindsey Schubert Laura Sowinski

  2. Welcome!!

  3. Questions to be Answered at the End of the Training • Why does it benefit your whole class for your ELLs to have success? • How can these strategies help all students to feel successful? 3. What do you plan to do differently?

  4. Section 1 of Training • ELL Background Information

  5. Who are ELL Students? Extremely diverse group – many different needs! ELLs constitute the fastest growing segment of the school-age population Most are born in the US Many varying levels of education

  6. Most ELL Students today are 2nd Generation Immigrants

  7. Most ELL students are Latino/Hispanic

  8. Nearly 54 % of all ELL youths born outside the United States are from Mexico

  9. ELL Students in Wisconsin 43,659 in 2006-2007 school year two most common languages: Hmong & Spanish 80 other languages It is estimated that by the year 2030: the African-American population will grow by 68% the Asian-American population by 79% the Hispanic-American population by 197%. [National Education Association May 2000]

  10. Wisconsin’s ELL Population grew 51-100% between 1995-2005

  11. Waunakee’s English Language Learner Population In March 2004, the Waunakee school district reported a total of 18 ELL students K-12 to the DPI. In fall 2008, there were approximately 61 ELL students K-12.

  12. Waunakee’s English Language Learner Population • The majority of our students are Spanish speakers • But, we also have students whose first languages are: Hmong Oriya Khmer Mandinka Lao Arabic Albanian Amharic Russian Polish Chinese Japanese American Sign Language Afrikaans Ukrainian

  13. Trends in ELL There are roughly 5.1 million English-language learners nationwide The number of ELLs nationwide rose about 57% from 3.2 to 5.1 million from 1995-2005 according to the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition.

  14. By 2010 the ELL Population is Predicted to grow to 13.3 Million

  15. Challenges Facing ELL Students • Learning and using academic language with confidence • Reluctance to use English in class • Need for classroom support to succeed - Sink or swim won’t work • ELLs are held to the same reading and math proficiency targets as native English-speakers • There were significant achievement gaps between ELL and non-ELL students on the 2006-2007 national math and reading assessment in Wisconsin (math = 24.7%, reading = 23.6%)

  16. Challenges Facing Mainstream Teachers • Many teachers are not prepared to work with ELLs in their classroom • Mainstream teachers need more support and strategies to better serve the ELL population • Accountability decisions are based on the goal that 100% of all students-including ELLs-be academically proficient by the end of 2013-2014 school year.

  17. Skills in 1st Language Culture Personality Family Situation Geography Factors that may affect student learning (Page 11) Background English Language Learner The Learning Environment Teacher Class Program Other Students School/Community The ESL Program

  18. Family Income and Education

  19. Cultural Differences • Differences in language and culture can affect students' classroom behavior, participation, understanding, and interaction.

  20. Cultural differences can affect classroom behavior • Students from other cultures can have different views of how to be a student or to "do schooling."

  21. Cultural differences can affect students' understanding of content • New knowledge is built on the basis of what is already known by an individual or background knowledge. • Often, school texts assume a common experience that, in fact, is not shared by all students.

  22. Cultural differences can affect interactions with others • Culturally different ways of showing interest, respect, and appreciation can be misinterpreted.

  23. Cultural Quiz • You will be presented with several cultural scenarios that could happen with ELL students you come into contact with. Take time to read the scenarios and try to come up with a logical explanations.

  24. Scenario #1 Ming is a smiling 3rd grader from China. She seems well-mannered and eager to please. However, when you speak to her she refuses to look at you. In many cultures it is considered rude to look directly at an adult or a person considered of a higher status. This is so instilled in some students that they find it very difficult to learn to maintain eye contact.

  25. Scenario #2 Haitian brothers Jean-Baptiste and Jean-Pierre are in middle school and they are often late for school. They are also each absent about once a week but on different days. They may be staying home on different days of the week to baby-sit for a younger sibling who does not yet attend school. They may be late because they have family obligations to help parents who are working.

  26. Scenario #3 You have a Puerto Rican student in the 9th grade who speaks English fluently. She participates orally in your classroom and socializes well with her peers. She even translates for other students. However, she is doing very poorly in her content area schoolwork. This student has acquired BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) but has not yet acquired CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) needed to learn in content areas. Many of our ELLs are exiting ESL programs at the BIC level. We need to work on CALP before these students are exited. Good BIC skills can fool mainstream teachers regarding the students language capabilities.

  27. Scenario #4 During a parent conference you tell the parents of your Algerian ESL student that their child is having difficulty in learning English. You suggest that they only speak English in their home. The parents look confused. When you relay this conversation to the ESL teacher in your school, she disagrees with your decision. It is better for parents to speak a rich native language than fragmented English. Remember that any concept taught in native language will eventually translate to English. It isn’t appropriate to tell parents to speak only English in their home.

  28. Language Experience

  29. Section 2 of Training • Strategies that Help ELL Students Succeed Academically

  30. Second Language Development Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Everyday/“social” language Not related to academic achievement Attained after 1-3 years in host country BICS Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency Classroom/“textbook” language Needed to function in academic settings Requires high level of reading and writing Attained between 4-7 years in host country CALP

  31. Lesson Planning Academic vs. Content Vocabulary

  32. Lesson Planning • All lessons include language • We are here to help! • SIOP can help!

  33. YOU are the best person to teach your students YOUR content… …but WE are here to help!

  34. SIOP – a Crash Course SIOP = Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

  35. Class Presentation • General Principles for Teaching ELLs • Strategies • Co-Teaching with the ELL teacher or other specialist

  36. General Principles for Teaching ELLs • Increase Comprehensibility • Increase Interaction • Increase Thinking/Study Skills • Use a Student’s Native Language to Increase Comprehensibility

  37. Strategies • Realia • Fishbowl • Role Modeling with an English speaking peer • 1 Sentence Summary • Framed Paragraph • Think Pair Share • Dyad • Color Coding • 4 Corners • Jigsaw • Gallery Walk

  38. Co-Teaching • Lead and Support Model • Speak and Add/Chart Model • Skills Group Model • Station Teaching Model • Learning Style Model • Parallel Teaching Model • Adapting Model • Complementary Instruction Model • Duet Model

  39. Common Co-Teaching Mistakes • “Bathroom Stall” Planning – planning on the fly • “Leaving on a Jet Plane” – failure to debrief and reflect on the lesson • “Tightening the Corset” – lack of flexibility; need to feel control • “Too Many Cooks Syndrome” – role confusion (who should do what) • “Can You Hear Me Now?” – need for communication and clarity

  40. Guidelines for Successful Co-Teaching • Have at least one 45 minute chunk of time to plan together • Co-teach with NO MORE than 4 teachers (one is best, aim for 3) • Load classes with similar needs

  41. Homework Issues and English Language Learners In general, ELLs have to work harder to complete a piece of homework than native speakers doing the same assignment. Time spent on homework should be time spent profitably. ELLs experience greater success when class-work and homework are modified to fit their capabilities.

  42. Why do ELLs Struggle with Homework Language Issues Culture Shock Family Economic Culture

  43. Homework Modification Strategies • Presentation • Worksheets • Time/ Redo/ Amount • Tasks • Collaboration/Exceptions

  44. Homework Collaboration Teaching Activity • You will divide into groups • Each group will have a different category of homework modification strategies • Take sometime to read through and choose the most important point(s) • Present the most important point(s) to the group • You can be creative – role play, drawing, direct presentation, etc..

  45. Homework Collaboration Teaching Activity • You will divide into groups • Each group will have a different category of homework modification strategies • Take sometime to read through and choose the most important point(s) • Present the most important point(s) to the group • You can be creative – role play, drawing, direct presentation, etc..

  46. Assessment Projects/Assessment Tasks Activities Questions

  47. The GOOD news! You already planned your assessment when you planned your lesson!

  48. Some thoughts on assessment…

  49. A test doesn’t tell you if a student is succeeding in your class…

  50. “Education is all a matter of building bridges…” -Ralph Ellison “…and not creating roadblocks…” -anonymous

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