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SUMMARY OF THE DELILAH PROJECT. Joe Cullen, The Tavistock Institute, London. Target Population. Excluded learners (e.g. women returners; black and ethnic minority groups) Corporate learners (how work-based learning operates)
SUMMARY OF THE DELILAH PROJECT Joe Cullen, The Tavistock Institute, London MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Target Population • Excluded learners (e.g. women returners; black and ethnic minority groups) • Corporate learners (how work-based learning operates) • Policy-makers (particularly how to design and evaluate policies to promote social inclusion) MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Statement of problem • Not enough is known about the actual and potential contribution of advanced learning technologies (ALT) to promoting learning outcomes • Especially for socially excluded groups • And therefore policy to promote access is not sufficiently informed • And evaluation tools to assess outcomes not good enough MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Goals • To synthesise existing research on new ways of learning, particularly ODL and ALT) in different settings, and identify theoretical and empirical gaps in current understanding. • To critically assess the contribution of different institutional and organisational settings to learning, and the potential of ODL and new ALT within these settings • to explore ways of raising the skills levels of individuals and organisations and widening access to learning opportunities, particularly for less favoured and excluded groups. MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Objectives • to investigate the potential of 'new forms of learning arrangements' for improving access to education and training opportunities and learning outcomes for different user groups, particularly excluded groups. • focus on the actual and potential contribution of Open and Distance Learning (and in particular the use of Advanced Learning Technologies) to education and training • consider socio-cultural contextualisation of education and training innovations • promote transferability of innovations across geographical and cultural learning environments • explore new roles and organisational setting implied by such innovations MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Research questions • what are the gaps in state of the art? (cross-cultural issues, learning patrimony and transferability; pedagogic models; the economics of education and training innovation, and evaluation). • what can know-how and research findings tell us about what works for who and under what circumstances? • what are the key pedagogic and organisational issues affecting learning outcomes in five paradigmatic types of 'learning arrangements': corporate, higher education, schools, SME's and excluded groups? • how can we develop frameworks and tools for the design, support and evaluation of new learning environments and new education and training products? MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Methodology • studies of key social, cultural, economic, organisational and pedagogic factors involved in both 'traditional' and telematics-based learning, with particular reference to ‘learning patrimony’ • (Develop models, methodologies and tools for supporting and evaluating education and training innovations, particularly using new technologies • validate models, methodologies and tools, within an action research, user-led environment in four test sites. • virtual Open University campus (Universitat Oberta del Catalunya) • schools (European Schools Project) • corporate (Isvor-Fiat) • excluded groups (Manchester ‘electronic village halls’) MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Role of ISTs • Cultural Logic of ISTs (Virtual Open University; Virtual Classroom; ‘Home-Alone’ Learner) • Myth: open up access; promote LLL • Reality: metaphors for traditional pedagogies; increase social exclusion; lack social context and relevance MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
New Role for ISTs • Collaborative Knowledge production • Interchangeable Knowledge producers and Knowledge consumers • Socially contextualised • Peer validation and review • Enriched Document Systems - promote shared ‘sensemaking’ MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Example: DELILAH project ‘Lea Valley Experiment’ • DELILAH: EC TSER project on 'new forms of learning arrangements' for improving access, particularly for excluded groups. • Focus on ODL and ALT; socio-cultural context and ‘collaborative’ learning • Methodology: • review of state of the art • synthesis of studies • focused case studies in five types of 'learning arrangements': corporate, higher education, schools, SME's and excluded groups. • seven EU countries • build tools to help design and evaluation of new forms of learning • action research in four innovative 'test sites' MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Lea Valley Experiment • High School in N. London - declining industry; multi-ethnic; poor performance • Involved in DELILAH in ESP project - participant in ‘Energy on the Move’ • Objective: open up access to ‘richer learning opportunities’ with EU peers and experts • Evaluate outcomes and impacts MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Features of experiment • Competition between 30 EU schools to design energy strategy for Europe • Access via Internet to ESA, ESOC, Torus, CERN, ESRF • Teacher support from ESP • Evaluation of experiment: pre-test/post test exam results; observation; interviews MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Quantitative Results/1 MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Quantitative results/2 MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Quantitative Results/3 MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Student perceptions MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Conclusions from DELILAH • ESP pedagogy emphasises self-managed and distributed learning • Lea Valley shows conflicts when LL is transplanted into ‘transmissive’ context • Had positive outcomes, but mainly for minority • Shows need to embed IL and LL in REAL organisational and community life MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Main Learning Issues tackled • Lifelong Learning needs ‘Real Life’ • Top-down approach and human capital methods of limited value • Transitions, mobility and skills socially contextualised - synchronic and diachronic dimensions • Need more sophisticated data capture and evaluation methods MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002
Innovative aspects • Notion of ‘cultural logic’ • Elaboration of learning patrimony concept • Techniques to enable ‘pedagogic audit’ to be developed • Development of policy guidelines and tools to promote social inclusion MERLIN Workshop,Barcelona, May 2002