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Office of Career and Technical Education Technical Education Program Assessment. Standard 14 – Students are involved in work-based learning experiences related to their career objectives. Standard 14 – Work-Based Learning Accountability Alignment.
Office of Career and Technical EducationTechnical Education Program Assessment Standard 14 – Students are involved in work-based learning experiences related to their career objectives.
Standard 14 – Work-Based LearningAccountability Alignment 705 KAR 4:231. General Program Standards for Secondary Career and Technical Programs Section 5.A secondary career and technical education program shall provide opportunities for students to participate in high quality work-based learning experiences related to the program in which they are enrolled. 780 KAR 4:010 Section 5.The vocational-technical program of instruction shall coordinate classroom instruction with field, laboratory, cooperative work, or other work-based experience which (1) is appropriate to the objectives of instruction; (2) is of sufficient duration to develop competencies necessary for the student to achieve those objectives; and (3) is supervised, directed, or coordinated by qualified persons.
Standard 14 – Work-Based LearningAccountability Alignment New Teacher Standards 1.2 – Develops the student’s ability to apply knowledge, skills and thinking processes. 1.12 – Includes learning experiences that challenge, motivate and actively involve the learner. Standards and Indicators for School Improvement 5.1d – Student instructional assistance outside of the classroom.
General Guidelines for WBLWork-based learning experiences include: cooperative education, mentoring, shadowing, internship, clinical experience, entrepreneurial program and school-based enterprise. • All WBL experiences should have an agreement including objectives, worksite information, method of travel, date(s), and student, parent, and teacher signatures. • When the placement is a paid experience, the work site must have workers’ compensation. • The teacher or designee should visit the worksite before students go to work to ensure that the experience will be safe and meet the objectives of the training. • Teachers are encouraged to use non-teaching days such as snow days; district professional days, beginning of the year, fall and spring breaks, and end of the year to develop and enhance WBL sites. • Contacts through program advisory committees provide an excellent opportunity for WBL placement. • Teachers should check the web links on Slide 10 for valuable resources and information.
General Guidelines for Coop • The U.S.Department of Labor provides for an exemption for “student learners” to coop in the following hazardous occupations: Operation of Power-Driven Woodworking Machines (5); Operation of Power-Driven Metal Forming, Punching, and Shearing Machines (8); Slaughtering, Meat Packing or Processing, or Rendering (10); Operation of Paper Products Machines (12); Operation of Circular Saws, Band Saws, and Guillotine Shears (14); Roofing Operations (16); and Excavating Operations (17). See p. 2.40 of the KDE Work-Based Learning Guideand Child labor Bulleting 101pp. 18-19for details. • Make a copy of: • Copy of student’s driver license • Copy of proof of car insurance • Copy of proof of health insurance
General Guidelines for Coop (Continued) • In addition to the coop agreement, you may want to prepare a page for “Rules for Coop” to include: • Student may not attend coop if he/she does not attend school the same day. • Student must be passing all classes at the high school and technical center. • If the student if fired, the student does not have the right to another coop job; however, the teacher MAY grant permission for another job. • Student must consult with teacher before quitting a job. • When two or more students are driving/riding to coop together, get permission in writing from all parents for the students to ride together. • The student must abide by school rules while at coop.
Standard 14Work-Based Learning (WBL) • The WBL agreement site must related to the student’s career objectives. • The WBL agreement: • Must include name, address, phone number of student, school, and training site; a list of tasks the student will perform on the job; and student’s work schedule, wage, and salary. • Must include the student’s birth date and student ID number, objective (O*NET or career major certificate) and responsibilities of all the parties. • Must be signed by the school official, employer, parent/guardian, and student. • Outlines the conditions to which the participants agree. • Use the sample agreement.
Standard 14Work-Based Learning • The WBL agreement must address the areas in which the student will receive training. • The employer is responsible for evaluating the student’s performance based on the tasks outlined in the WBL agreement. • The evaluation grade should become part (if not all) of the student’s WBL grade. • The evaluation should include name of the student, school, program, employer, employer contact information, evaluation period, evaluation criteria, employer comments, hours worked, signature of employer and date signed.
Standard 14Work-Based Learning • Visitation to the Worksite • The teacher and/or WBL coordinator must visit the WBL work site at least once a semester. • The teacher should visit the WBL worksite prior to the student’s working on the site to ensure that the site is safe and that the student will receive appropriate opportunities. • The teacher/WBL coordinator must document the visits and may use the sample forms.
Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for Clinical Experience • Clinical agreement (between clinical site and school) AND statement of understanding (between teacher and student signed by parent) • Evaluation of student performance by teacher • Evaluation of student performance by supervisor in health facility
Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for Coop, Internship, Mentoring and Shadowing • Agreement signed by stakeholders • Employer evaluations of student progress • Log of employer contact by teacher/coordinator
Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocuments for School-Based Enterprise • Agreement with employer or sponsor (Use the one on the website) • Evaluation of student performance • Class enrollment
Standard 14 - Work-Based LearningDocumentation • Folder 1 – Include number of seniors and calculate the number required to meet the standard • Folder 2 – All required documents for Student 1 • Folder 3 – All required documents for Student 2 • Folder 4 - Continue
Contacts • Wayne King at 502-564-4286 or Wayne.King@education.ky.gov