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Grace Bible Church - Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

A study of Acts 10 focusing on the conversion of Gentiles by Peter, emphasizing salvation from sin through Christ. Discover the importance of true seekers and the central issue of the Gospel.

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Grace Bible Church - Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Caesarea

  3. Caesarea Cornelius, the Centurion He is devout & a God fearer God gives him a vision He obeys

  4. The Vision of PeterActs 10:9-20 Peter is praying on the housetop about noon

  5. The Vision of PeterActs 10:9-20 Peter is praying on the housetop about noon He has an odd vision in which he is twice commanded to arise, kill & eat, and the vision is repeated 3 times While he is still perplexed, the men sent by Cornelius arrive

  6. Peter Goes to CaesareaActs 10:23-33 Peter invites the Gentiles to stay with him – another step away from prejudice Peter goes with them to Caesarea Cornelius prostrates himself before Peter, & Peter corrects him Peter explains God had changed him so that he came to them (Gentiles) without objection

  7. Peter at CaesareaActs 10:30-33 Cornelius explains his vision They are “present before God to hear” They wanted to know all God commanded Peter to say Commanded is prostavssw / prostasso – a military command requiring obedience

  8. Peter Preaches to the Gentiles Acts 10:34-43 Peter now understands God’s interest in the Gentiles (cf. Isa 11:10; 49:6; Mt. 10:18) God is not partial / a respecter of persons Gentiles who fear Him & do right are welcome to Him (dektov" / dektos – “marked by favorable manifestation of divine pleasure” – cf. 2 Cor. 6:2

  9. Peter Preaches to the Gentiles Acts 10:34-43 Peter Preaches Christ to Them He clearly identified Jesus Peter pointed out His life & miracles which demonstrated that God was with Him Peter & others were eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life, death & resurrection Jesus is the judge of the living & the dead Everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.

  10. The Conversion of the Gentiles Acts 10:44-46 The Holy Spirit fell on them while Peter was still preaching No delay as with Samaritans because Peter & others are there as witnesses This is the 2nd time “speaking in tongues” is clearly manifested in Acts

  11. The Baptism of the Gentiles Acts 10:47-48 Because the Holy Spirit had come upon them, Peter points out that there is no reason to delay baptizing them Peter orders the baptisms to be done – he does not do it himself.

  12. The Central Issue of the Gospel The issue is not salvation from Hell The issue is salvation from sin Romans 6 Matthew 28:20 Are you saved from sin – or Hell? How important is personal holiness to you?

  13. True “Seekers” We should be sensitive evangelizing non-Christians We should not change the gospel message A true seeker welcomes a call to repent – they want to know the way to God and will follow it Cornelius was a true seeker Most “seekers” are only curious

  14. True “Seekers” It is not enough to be curious, you need to seek God God will reward those who truly seek Him – Deut. 4:29; Heb. 11:6 We are here to proclaim Jesus Christ – showing the way of salvation to the non-Christian Our fellowship is a partnership of believers growing in Christ, Worshiping God & reaching the lost with the gospel

  15. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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