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Bishop and Executive Staff Presentations. English District. of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Presentation of the Bishop & President, English District-LCMS. MISSION OF THE DISTRICT. Prayer spoken by all:.
Bishop and Executive Staff Presentations English District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Presentation of the Bishop & President, English District-LCMS MISSION OF THE DISTRICT
Prayer spoken by all: Heavenly Father, in this Eastertide grant to Your holy people throughout the world the joy of Him who died on the Cross for our salvation and rose triumphantly from the grave as Savior and conquering Lord. Bless this Conference time of koinonia, study, reflection, and encouragement that we may be strengthened to love and serve You and the people in our care. Bless the English District of our Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the congregations, schools, and ministries, pastors, teachers, DCEs, deaconesses, and other church workers, as well as the laity in our individual and collective witness to You and your redeeming love; through Jesus Christ, our blessed Redeemer. Amen
Your English District-LCMS in 19 states & province of Ontario, Canada, in 24 languages of worship/Bible study. The English District logo – the double-trunked sycamore tree. A synodical district of 160 Congregations, 3 new mission starts, 8 human care & campus ministries, and 48 school ministries.
SERVING TOGETHER Your English District Staff… Mary Ann Holvenstot Peggy Oke Lynne Cobb Communications Evelyn Jentzen Lavern Kruse, Congregational Services Executive Gail Holzer School Ministry Executive Rev. Dr. David Stechholz Bishop & President Sally Naglich Business Administrator & Treasurer
…and your English District Board of Directors and LCEF Above: Lutheran Church Extension Fund – Annual November LCEF Convention; Rev. Dave Thiele (center), English District LCEF VP; Left: Board of Directors elected at 2012 District Convention
FINANCES Sally Naglich English District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Breaking down a $1 gift Board of Directors Scholarships Schools Cong. Services Communications Audit/Insur./Legal Pres./Ecclesial Equip./Bldg. Travel Synod Conferences Mission Grants Administration Salaries/Benefits Salaries/Benefits
Our new partnership with the DRLM (Dominican Republic Lutheran Mission)
DRLM and Mission Trip Opportunities With help to and from MOST Ministries
Goals & Emphases in the English District this Triennium, 2012-2015. How can Bishop, Staff, Praesidium, Circuit Visitors, and Board of Directors help you in your ministry? • Strengthen our congregations… • …applying our baptismal & sacramental faith-life in Christ to witnessing, mercy ministry, and life together • …with care for our workers and coaching from Circuit visitors • …with family ministry, stewardship education, and other resources • …in local demographic analysis • …through mission trips, including the DRLM, and • …in social media and other 21st century communication • Mission starts – mission planting • School ministries - adding new school starts and expansions • Campus ministries – adding new and strengthening existing campus • ministries to reach the next generation of leaders
This slide is left open for the planting of new missions Will you help with this challenge?
English District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod NEW IN 2014 Parish Services with Tim Ewell Congregational Services – Lavern Kruse School Ministries – Gail Holzer
Congregational Services Lavern Kruse English District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Congregational Services Executive • Major Ministry Emphasis: • Provide supervision and worker care of DCEs, DCOs, Deaconesses, DFLMs, Youth Directors, and Lay Ministers. • Visit with, help determine and work with the congregation’s ministry and program needs. • Encourage and help develop action plans based on demographic studies. • Facilitate evangelization, stewardship, leadership, outreach training and guidance.
Strategic Planning Workshop January 18, 2014 Shepherd King-West Bloomfield, MI
“Lumen Christi Volunteer Educator”2014Amy StaubusConcordia Lutheran Church Berwyn, IL
“Initiating, Launching, & Maintaining a Vibrant Small Group Ministry”
School Ministries Gail Holzer English District of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
49 Schools 19 Elementary Schools 28 ChildCare/Preschools 2 High Schools 4,322 Students
2014 Lumen Christi District Educator of the Year: Professional Educator Diane Olmstead Redeemer Lutheran School, Verona, PA
Certified Best Christian Workplaces - U.S. 2014 Hales Corners Lutheran Family of Schools One of six Christian Schools to receive this distinction
Exemplary School West Portal Lutheran School, San Francisco, CA
Exemplary School Hales Corners Lutheran School, Hales Corners, WI
Challenges to School Ministry • Post-Modern Culture – lack of belief or even respect for God • Less Loyalty to the LCMS – it is no longer a non-negotiable choice • Competition – Charter Schools are free, seen as better than public • Leadership and Staffing – fewer LCMS trained teachers & administrators • A Demand for Excellence – begin Christian is not enough • Spiritual and Financial Health of Congregations – stewardship is weak • Costs – rising, more regulations • Third Source Income – other support opportunities • Shrinking of Middle Class – limited disposable income • Change in priorities – Christ-centered learning not at the top of the list • Technology – Need to learn how to use it to better serve and market
Benefits of School Ministry • Post-Modern Culture – larger mission field - there are more people (including children) who need to hear the message of salvation • Less Loyalty to the LCMS – root our children in the teachings of the LCMS – step it up, we are unique • Competition – become schools of excellence, the first choice • Leadership and Staffing – intentionally recruit and encourage students to consider serving in ministry • A Demand for Excellence – we can offer excellence, we have resources • Shrinking of Middle Class – we can serve these families when others will not or cannot • Technology – use it to reach and teach with the love, mercy, and forgiveness of Christ • Costs – we have a God who owns all resources, we should have no limits
Director of School Ministry • Post-Modern Culture – stay current with cultural trends and issues, build relationships - Concordia System, CAPE (council for American Private Education), District Execs, and others • Less Loyalty to the LCMS – encourage and resource schools to teach and celebrate the uniqueness of LCMS, support scholarships for ministry education (developing teachers), colloquy (LCMS training for current teachers), and SLED (training for administrators) • Competition & Demand for Excellence – develop, communicate, and share best practices, stay current with trends, topics and issues, support, resource and encourage NLSA (National Lutheran School Accreditation) for all of our schools • Leadership and Staffing – develop, communicate, and share opportunities for professional and personal development • Shrinking of Middle Class – gather and share creative ministry activities, events, and plans to meet the needs of families • Technology – gather best resources to disseminate regularly, model technology uses – interactive site for ED educators to share uses • Costs – support schools with grants for new and innovative projects, share grant options with schools
National Lutheran Schools Week 2014 January 26-February 1, 2014
West Park Lutheran School Baptisms Cleveland, OH December 2013
Redeemer Lutheran School High School Pittsburgh, PA Music Man Practice NEED PICTURE