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Impact of Emerging Nations in a Globalized World. Academy Speaks 2011 University Excellence Award in Research Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi A. N. M. Waheeduzzaman Professor of Marketing and International Business College of Business Mary and Jeff Bell Library May 3, 2011.
Impact of Emerging Nations in a Globalized World Academy Speaks 2011 University Excellence Award in Research Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi A. N. M. Waheeduzzaman Professor of Marketing and International Business College of Business Mary and Jeff Bell Library May 3, 2011
Self-Introduction • Born and raised in Bangladesh • Educated in Bangladesh and USA • MBA in Marketing-Dhaka University, Bangladesh • MBA in International Business-George Washington University • Ph.D.-Kent State University • Came to USA about 25 years ago, to Texas about 10 years ago in 2000, as fast as I could, and joined TAMUCC • Teaching and Research Interest: Marketing and International Business
Thank You All • African proverb: it takes a village to raise a child. Perhaps, it also applies in my situation. It takes a university, with a good support system and a great group of colleagues, to perform and win awards. • To College of Business Awards Committee and University Awards and By-Laws Committee • To the University for Research/Data Support [especially, Global Market Information Database (GMID)] and Travel Support • Thanks to the following individuals for nomination and support: Drs. Moustafa Abdelsamad, Abbas Ali, Patrick Carroll, Leon Dube, and Marilyn Spencer • To all my Student Assistants for the great help over these years
Presentation Outline • This presentation is from the following article published in April, 2011. • Waheeduzzaman, A. N. M. (2011), “Competitiveness and convergence in G7 and Emerging Nations,” Competitiveness Review, 21 (2), 110-128. • Who are Emerging Markets? Why study them? • How are they going to affect the U.S. or the World? • What would be the policy implication for business and government? • Impact or implication in three areas: economic, political/international relations, and society/culture
Naming of Emerging Markets • Antoine van Agtmael, an officer of the International Finance Corporation, is credited to have coined the term in 1981 • He wrote a bestseller The Emerging Markets Century in 2007 published by The Free Press
Data Collection • G7 (Developed) countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States. • Big Emerging Markets (12 countries): Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Turkey. • BRIC nations: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. • Time period: 1980-2009 and 1980-2020 • Data source: Most data came from the Global market Information Database, Euromonitor; The World bank, Heritage Foundation, Freedom House, and the United Nations
Comparative Series Data Figure 1: Per Capita GDP
Comparative Series Data Figure 2: Real GDP Growth
Comparative Series Data Figure 3: Index of ageing
Comparative Series Data Figure 4: Trade % of GDP
Perspectives in Competitiveness Table I:Perspectives in International Competitiveness Note: The table has been adapted and updated from Waheeduzzaman and Ryans (1996).
Comparison of GDP, Trade, and FDI Table IIA: PPPGDP-Total and Ratio in Percentage
Comparison of GDP, Trade, and FDI Table IIB: World Trade-Total and Ratio in Percentage
Comparison of GDP, Trade, and FDI Table IIC: FDI-Total and Ratio in Percentage
Table III: Top Seven Economies Based on GDP measured at PPP (in billions), 2009 US Dollars
Table IV: Comparative position of G7, BEM and ASEAN A. Series and Growth Variables
Table IV: Comparative position of G7, BEM and ASEAN B. Average of Various Indices
Table IV: Comparative position of G7, BEM and ASEAN C. Summary of Findings
Convergence between G7 and BEM Yi = D (t) = α + β1 t + β2 m [Equation 1] where, Yi = Mean growth of the variable in G7 and BEM t = Discrete time interval t m = Type of market dummy variable, where, 0 = BEM and 1 = G7. ΔYi = α + β1 t1 [Equation 2] where, ΔYi = ((YG – YE)/ (YE))*100 YG = Mean score of the variable in G7 YE = Mean score of the variable in BEM t = Discrete time interval t
Table V: Testing Difference and Convergence between G7 and BEM A. Time growth model (Equation 1) Note: ** = significant at α <.05 level.
Table V: Testing Difference and Convergence between G7 and BEM B. Growth of proportional difference (Equation 2) Note: ** = significant at α <.05 level.
Summary Comparative Economic Growth • BEM is growing at a rate double than that of G7 • 50% of growth comes from only 4 nations: Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) • By 2020, four out of seven top economies will be in the emerging markets • BEM has 65% of the global population compared to 13% in the G7 • BEM has 8% of global wealth, collective “demand pull” is high • BEM enjoys 21% of global trade • BEM and G7 are converging, though slowly
Impact of Economic Growth • A new economic revolution?- the phenomenon can be compared with the Post-Industrial Revolution growth, shift in global “wealth creation” and change of “production center”- is the center of gravity changing from Europe/ North America to Asia? • The demand pull- increased consumer expenditure and purchasing power in emerging nations • Intense competition- for markets and resources (especially energy) • Environmental depletion/degradation- very high • A realtivley weak dollar making the situation complex?
Impact on Political and International Relations • Economic growth may have helped democracy? • Is a new political reality emerging because of the shift of the center of gravity? • Emerging nations’ political power is evident in.... • UN- expansion of Security Council • WTO- Doha Round negotiations • IMF- dollar as a global currency • Military modernization, satellite-based communication infrastructure, and competition in cyber space are increasing • Economic Integration (ASEAN, MERCOSUR) and cooperation among emerging nations increasing • Will this lead to polarization? Will China, India and Russia be the next pole?
UN Security Council Expansion India, Japan, Brazil and Germany
China, India and Russia- A new pole emerging? • Rise of China- in their mind, the 21st Century is the “Century of the Dragon” • Asia is at the center of growth, ASEAN nations’ cooperation with China and India increasing • Shanghai Cooperation Organization (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) meets every year- a Central Asian or Eurasian Alliance? • India and Russia have been strategic partners for about 50 years- India’s place is in Asia and she needs a Super Power support • Chinese and Russian heads of the states/leaders are meeting almost every year
Social and Cultural Impact • Globalization of consumption- a new culture emerging (McDonaldization?) • Consumers rely on global brands- brands from emerging nations are entering • Global travel growth- 15% in emerging nations, the 2016 Olympic in Rio de Janeiro effect • A new genre of “world citizenship” is emerging through Internet, Google, Youtube, Facebook or Myspace where youths from the emerging nations are playing a significant role • They eat fast food, wear, blue jeans, listen to Beyonce, have a Facebook account, love tweeting and texting, chat via hotmail, and think that their governments are trapped in old ideological conflicts.
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What should be done? • America faces the largest budget deficit, the largest trade deficit and the largest debt- need attention at individual and collective level • Look for markets and allies in emerging markets, engage in “commercial diplomacy”- proposed by Secretary Ron Brown and Under Secretary Yale University Professor Jeffery Garten (source: The Big Ten, 1997) • Also, there is a classic rational choice issue- where to spend, how to allocate resources, GUN or BUTTER? – a very contentious political issue?
What should be done?...continued • Yale University Professor Paul Kennedy (1987) in his The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers states: • Great Power ascendancy correlates strongly to economic resources • And, military "over-stretch" not supported by economic resources causes the decline • Ancient Indian materialistic philosopher Charvak (like Greek philosopher Epicurus) notes: live happily, eat butter, even if you have to borrow. • Interestingly, he has few followers in India but many in America • Today, the followership is increasing in India because of their new-found affluence • Treasury Secretary Geithner’s (October 17, 2009) call- we should live within our means (will that reduce the debt?)
Conclusion:Are we on the right track? • America is one of the most creative nations on earth; so far, she has risen to her feet whenever needed- e.g., WWI, WWII, Great Depression, or global calamities • Two world wars should have taught us that war is not a good means to resolve disputes. Belief in peace and diversity and sharing of global resources are fundamental to global economic prosperity • Even if we disagree let us continue the debate to get to the right track- hopefully, with creativity, collective vision, and leadership we will get there…..
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