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“Making Every Minute Count”. Idlewild Elementary School. In-Service July 31, 2014 Virginia N. Acey, PLC Coach. guiding Questions. How can we increase the rate of improvement of our students in l iteracy and math? H ow can we ensure that all students experience high levels of success?.
“Making Every Minute Count” Idlewild Elementary School In-Service July 31, 2014 Virginia N. Acey, PLC Coach
guiding Questions • How can weincrease the rate of improvement of our students in literacy and math? • How can we ensure that all students experience high levels of success?
Participant Outcomes • Explain SCS’s focus on literacy for the 2014-2015 school year. • Describe the SCS literacy plan for the 2014-2015 school year. • In collaboration with school teams, begin drafting a plan to improve student literacy and math in our school.
District Goals • By the year 2025, • 80% of Shelby County Schools students are career and college ready, • 90% of students graduate from high school and, • 100% of students who graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity.
The SCS Literacy Framework for 2014-15 contains three critical areas where improvements are needed. To have a coherent and aligned district literacy program, schools will need to make decisions about how to improve their instructional programs in the following areas: • K-3 Reading • 4-12 Writing • RTI2 Reading Intervention
Overview of Literacy Priority Areas K-3 READING Goal: To ensure that all students in grades K-3 acquire the foundational skills needed for them to be proficient readers at the end of third grade. 4-12 WRITING Goal: To ensure that all students in grades 4-12 acquire the foundational skills needed for them to be proficient writers at the end of each grade level. RTI2 READING INTERVENTION Goal: To ensure that all students receive the support they need to be successful readers and writers.
This Year •The K‐3 yearlong course will be offered to all K‐3 teachers except those who took the course last year. •Sopris is providing the materials and the training of trainers. •The TNDOE has provided a walkthrough instrument to accompany the training.
The Structure of the Sopris Course •PLC coaches or designates will be trained as trainers by Sopris staff. •Trainers will re‐deliver the content on district learning days. •Teachers will receive “bridge to practice” (homework) assignments for each training. •PLC coaches or designates will lead PLC meetings to discuss the bridge to practice.
Sopris Content • •PLC coaches or designates will be trained as trainers by Sopris staff • •Trainers will re‐deliver the content on district learning days. • •Teachers will receive “bridge to practice” (homework) assignments for each training. • •PLC coaches or designates will lead PLC meetings to discuss the • bridge to practice. • Class 1: Phoneme Articulation and text dependent questioning • Class 2: The Outcome - Driven Model and Data Analysis • Class 3: Phoneme- Grapheme Mapping and Vocabulary • Class 4: Planning the Comprehension Lesson • •Class 5: High‐Frequency Words and Comprehension • •Class 6: Reading Fluency and Writing • •Class 7: Integration and Pulling It All Together
Writing Grades 4 & 5 •Should be connected to reading •Focus on writing informational/explanatory and opinion pieces •Ensure that students are citing evidence from the texts they are Reading •Use the rubrics and scoring resources on the TNCore website •Follow the TNDOE writing plan
Think -Pair-Share Activity • Take a moment to reflect on our district goals, school-wide goals, and the literacy goals outlined in the SCS Literacy Framework. Discuss with your partner: How can we increase the rate of improvement of our students in literacy and math? How can we ensure that all students experience high levels of success? • What tools, strategies, and resources do we currently have in place to assist us in reaching our goals? • What additional tools, strategies, and resources do we need? • What questions or concerns do you have?
RTI2 Fist to Five Fist –No understanding (I don’t have a clue.) 3 Fingers – Moderate understanding (I think I get it, but I’m not completely comfortable.) 5 Fingers – Complete understanding (Let me teach the topic myself.)
RTI2Collaborative Activity Reciprocal Teaching Form groups of 4. Select a summarizer, questioner, clarifier, and a predictor. 1. The predictor will predict what the text is about. 2. The Summarizer will highlight key points from the text. 3. The Questioner will pose questions about the text. 4. The Clarifier will address confusing parts and attempt to answer the questions that were posed. Share out.
Thank you for your participation and active engagement! “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle