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False Cape Wines New Cellar Door is well under way and will be opening in December.The Cellar Door is made from recycled wood, jetty timbers and stone sourced on the property.The Cellar Door will allow visitors to taste Award Winning False Cape Wines in an idyllic setting nestled among the vineyard and Gum trees on the beautiful Willson River on the Dudley Peninsula, only 15 kmu2019s from Penneshaw.
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Merlotforjust $255 per dozen. Suretosuiteveryone's palateonly $198 deliveredtoyourdoor. JOIN NOW JOIN NOW JOIN NOW JOIN NOW TheCaptain'sCollection AselectionofTheCaptainCabernetSavignon, TheCaptainChardonnay, RieslingandShirazfor $285 perdozen. JOIN NOW YourFriendsofFalseCapeWineClub bene?ts: Twodozenwineannually, onedeliveredinMay andtheotherinNovember MemberDiscountsapply -15% o?webstore purchasesallyearroundandcellardoortakeaway bo?les, (someexclusionsdoapply) Nocancellationcosts, justadviseus 2 weeks priortowinedispatch. (minimum 12 months membership) Changeyourmind? Youcanchangeyourclub TheCaptainCabernetSauvignon membershiptypeorwinesatanytime) 95 pointsJamesHallidayWineCompanion Firstaccesstopromotions/specials/o?ersand 5 starsWinestateMagazine events. 3 Bo?lelimitappliestoallorders (limitedStock) Nojoiningfeesandyoucanoptoutanytime a?erthe?rstyear. Socialisewithus! PrivacyPolicy TermsOfUse Returns & Cancellations Findusat FalseCapeWines
1054 WillsonRiverRd DudleyEast, SA, 5222 08 85531140 orcallusat 0447808838 info@falsecapewines.com.au ABN: 86953276246 | LiquorLicenseNumber: 57615254 (LiquourProductionandsaleslicense) © Copyright 2020 FalseCapeWines WineryEcommercebyWineDirect