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Free and Independent Association Venedia

Venedia is an association from Central Europe that aims to support charity, intergenerational cohabitation, and the coexistence of different ethnic groups. They also focus on improving healthcare and education in local communities.

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Free and Independent Association Venedia

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  1. Free and Independent Association Venedia

  2. Why Venedia? The ancient Romans called Venedis the residents of Central European region, regardless of their nationality. We are from Central Europe and we want to help, regardless of nationality, race and origin, so we chose the name Venedia.

  3. Aims and Objectives 1.Coordination and information activities aimed at the establishment and operation of centers supporting a charity, intergenerational cohabitation, coexistence of handicapped with healthy and cohabitation of different ethnic groups ... 2. Operation of aforementioned centers outside of Europe 3. Cooperation with other organizations engaged in such activities (see point 1).

  4. 4. establishing and managing schools and educational centers with full respect for the local culture 5.supporting projects aimed at improving health care in the field of human and veterinary medicine 6. direct cooperation with the local population on these projects 7. cooperation with state and local government

  5. Superior Jan Linhart • Founder of the association • Director • Coordination of the association activities

  6. Secretary of the Association Marie Lencová • Founder of the association • Executive Director • Coordination of the association activities

  7. Chairman of the Foreign Relations Justýna Wimmerová • Founder of the association • Representative in Italy • Coordinator of projects located in Italy

  8. Chairman of the Assembly Štěpán Sýkora • Administrative Director • Coordinator of cooperation with other organisations

  9. QIIQ Clinic Danica Samuhelová • Director of QIIQ Clinic • Coordinator of mutual cooperation • Coordinator of healthcare projects

  10. Ivana Impassa Ifoli • Coordinator of cooperation with o.s. Mama Mudele

  11. Mama Mundele “Big goals can be achieved only when a lot of people work together”. John. E. Maxwell

  12. Mama Mundele Civic Association was founded in April 2012. It brings together people who are not indifferent to the situation in other regions of the world and who want to help change the world for the better. The main goal for the future is to create projects to support the Congolese children and the poorest people so that they become self-reliant. We want to work with locals to find their way to a better future through education with providing know-how and resources to build facilities for small businesses.

  13. Aims of Mama Mundele • promotion of inter-racial tolerance and mutual human and cultural knowledge • promotion and establishment of humanitarian and development projects • active involvement of the population of developing countries into projects which would increase their qualifications • self-sufficiency and sustainability of individual projects • involvement of Czech citizens in projects in Africa

  14. f) improving the conditions of people in African countries (mainly the Democratic Republic of Congo) and with respect to local traditions and culture. g) transparent financing of all activities of the association h) Support activities that bring the culture and art of Czech Republic to people in Africa and deepening their knowledge of the Czech Republic. http://www.mamamundele.cz/

  15. About Congo Democratic Republic of Congo has an area of more than 2.3 million square kilometers. It is the 14th largest country in the world (comparable with India) and has 69 mil. Inhabitants. • Neighbors are: Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

  16. Democratic Republic of Congo

  17. State symbols of Democratic Republic of Congo

  18. The Democratic Republic of Congo is home to about 250 ethnic groups. Most of the inhabitants are members of the Bantu peoples. The largest nations are Luba (18%), Congo (16%) and Mongo (13%). Most of the languages used in DRC belong to the Niger-Congo language family, mainly Benue-Congo branch, but the official language is French. Furthermore significantly present languages are Swahili, Tshiluba, Kituba and Lingala.The most widespread religion is Christianity.

  19. Illiterate population is around 42%, secondary education has 15% and only 1% has a higher education. Life expectancy ranges from 43 to 49 years. Over 40% of the population suffer from long-term malnutrition, even though though the DRC has the potential to feed a third of the population of the entire planet.

  20. Congo's economic potential is enormous: • 1. Tourism – tourism and sightseeing (natural reserves, parks, national parks, five of which are registered in the UNESCO including Virunga park - mountain gorillas) 2. most forested country in Africa, frequently occurring mahogany and teak 3. the largest source of electricity are hydroelectric plants, almost unused are other sources (solar, wind, tidal ...) 4. the majority of income is from exports of raw materials - gold, diamonds, bauxite, oil ... 5. lack of manufacturing

  21. Our Goals • 1. Establishment of primary schools providing full education, according to the standards of EU Member States • 2. Creation of other educational institutions aimed at increasing the skills of local population • 3. Projects to improve the supply situation of the population (eg. potable water) • 4. Support of medical projects

  22. 5. Support of veterinary projects 6. Projects alternative, natural and Asian medicine 7. Cooperation projects and the use of local traditional healing methods and therapeutic resources (herbs, mineral therapy, balneotherapy ...) 8. Support development projects with local communities and businesses

  23. 9. Establishing of a permanent base (under contract with the DRC) for providing service and support to members of the association and cooperating organizations in their activities in Central Africa 10. Open the gateway to Africa for small and medium businesses as well as for other interested parties

  24. Contacts • www.venedsko.cz • Email: spolek@venedsko.cz • Phone: +420 605 449 443 – Czech, Russian, French +420 602 651 985 – Czech, Russian +420 736 658 684 – Czech, English, Italian

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