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APAN P2P WG Report. Hyun-chul Kim KAIST hckim@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr 2003.1.24(Fri). Table of Contents. WG Meeting Report Session Report Activity Plans. P2P WG Charter. 2003.1.8
APAN P2P WG Report Hyun-chul Kim KAIST hckim@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr 2003.1.24(Fri)
Table of Contents • WG Meeting Report • Session Report • Activity Plans
P2P WG Charter 2003.1.8 Hyun-chul Kim/Markus Buchhorn Title : APAN P2P WG Charter 1. Name : P2P(Peer-to-Peer) Working Group 2. Chair : Hyun-chul Kim/KAIST, South Korea 3. Objectives APAN P2P Working Group is focused on the followings. - help in understanding implications and challenges of emerging P2P technolgies and applications on research and education communities - explore, experiment and take advantage of P2P technologies to support advanced applications on research/education networks.
4. Activities Bi-annual Joint Sessions/Workshops and WG Meetings during APAN Meetings. (potentially with Network Storage & Content Distribution WG or Grid WG) 5. Meetings - P2P Session in APAN Penang Meetings (2001.8.21) - P2P Session in APAN Phuket Meetings (2002.1.22~24) - Internet2 P2P Workshop (2002.1.30~31) - P2P Session in APAN Shanghai Meetings (2002.8.28) - P2P Session in APAN Fukuoka Meetings (2003.1.24) 6. Documents - APAN Penang Meetings http://www.jp.apan.net/meetings/0108-APAN-MY/p2p.htm - APAN Phuket Meetings http://www.th.apan.net/schedule.html - APAN Shanghai Meetings http://www.apan2002.edu.cn/program-full.htm 7. Members - AU : Markus Buchhorn/ANU markus.buchhorn@anu.edu.au - JP : Yasuichi Kitamura/CRL kita@jp.apan.net - KR : Hyun-chul Kim/KAIST hckim@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr
Jay Suh/KAIST jwsuh@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr Joonbock Lee/KAIST jblee@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr Baekchul Jang/KAIST bcjang@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr Chan-mo Park/KJIST cmpark@netmedia.kjist.ac.kr Yong-jin Park/HYU park@hyuee.hanyang.ac.kr - SG : Francis Lee/NTU ebslee@ntu.edu.sg Simon See/SUN/NTU simon.see@sun.com - TH : Kittinarong Laongwaree qubit@hpcc.nectec.or.th Sitthichai Laoveerakul oui@hpcc.nectec.or.th Sissades Tongsima sissades@nectec.or.th - US : Ana Preston/UTK apreston@utk.edu Micah Beck/UTK mbeck@utk.edu 8. Milestones - [To Be Discussed and Defined Later in WG Meeting at Fukuoka] 9. Mailing lists and Website - General Discussion : p2p@apan.net - General Contact : p2p-sec@apan.net - Website Address : http://apan.net/groups/p2p/index.html 10. Last Updated : 2003.1.8(Wed)
WG meeting report • 11AM~12:30PM yesterday (Thursday) • Participants : 14 from Korea, 2 from Taiwan, and 1 from China. • Country Reports from KR (and from US during P2P Session today morning) • Korea@Home brief introduction (by Dr. Connor Park/KISTI) • Discussion • Candidate Cooperation/collaboration item(s)? • Session plan for the next Busan/Korea APAN meetings
Summary : Country Report from KR Over Million users are exchanging their MULTIMEDIA contents using P2P applications. (even on a commercial service, requiring less than $3/month.) Ten Millions of users are using Internet Messenger S/W. S/W vendors (MS, Daum, Yahoo Korea, …) are making contracts with cellular phone service providers to make their systems interoperable with each other. (20 Millions of cellular phone users and 10 Millions of Messenger service users. ) Have started to be used as a tool for Nation-wide Social Activities/Movements .
Korea@Home Project • A SETI@Home-like project, focusing on building a publically available huge processing power to R&E communities. • “The more you(Korean) join us, the stronger Korea will be?” • Tested with 1,200 users, still under development. • Led by Dr. Connor Park (KISTI/Korea) • http://www.koreaathome.org
WG cooperate project candidate Korea@Home Project : as users (peer resource providers) as well as network engineers/researchers, APAN P2P WG members are thinking/discussing about the possibilities/rooms of cooperation/collaboration with Dr. Park(KISTI)’s team, on various aspects/process of the Korea@Home project. - S/W test and evaluation, measurement, …
P2P/NSCD Session Report • 3 talks • “Logistical Networking Developments and Deployment,” by Micah Beck, UTK/Internet2 (remote) • “Status of the I2 P2P WG and Present activities,” by David Futey, Stanford/Internet (remote) • “Scalable Overlay Networking for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing,” by Chan-mo Park, KJIST • Thanks!! Kobayashi san and local staffs there, for their excellent arrangement and preparation for the remote speeches
IBP Deployment [Beck 2003] • Logistical Backbone • 147 depots in 15 countries • 10TB of shared storage • Leverages Planet Lab nodes (Intel Research Labs) • Depots/collaborations within APAN region • Singapore (Francis Lee & Tang Ming of NTU implementing Globus Replication Catalog over IBP) • Thailand (Putchong Uthayopas of Kasetsart University) • Japan (Tomo Hiroyasu, Doshisha University) • Austrialia (Markus Buchhorn, ANU & Planet Lab, UTS) • New Zealand (Planet Lab, Canterbury)
Working Group Goals (I2 P2P WG) [Futey 2003] • 1. To provide a forum for reporting on recent occurrences and future trends within the peer-to-peer and distributed computing space. The forum may occur at the regular member meetings, at Joint Techs meetings or at specific workshops designated for the topic. • 2. To be a clearinghouse for collaborative opportunities within the higher education community and between that community and corporate entities as new peer-to-peer and distributed computing applications and tools are investigated. • 3. To provide best practices documents for both resource management as well as innovative uses of peer-to-peer technologies. • 4. To provide a central repository for resources and documents related to all aspects of peer-to-peer computing.
Present Initiatives [Futey 2003] • Seeking forum venue • Collaboration with vendors and I2 sub groups on projects • Content management for the P2P web site
Draft Program for the Next (2003 Aug.) P2P/NSCD Session in Busan/Korea • Invited speeches (candidates) Peter Danzig (ABS Ventures and Accel Venture, former VP of Akamai Techs., CA of Network Appliances, CTO of Internet Middleware) : “Next Steps in Internet Content Delivery” ? Bill St. Arnaud/CANARIE : “P2P on Fiber/Labmda Networks? Implications and challenges?” Micah Beck (Internet2, from UTK) One from I2 P2P WG Anyone else? • Volunteer-based or through Paper Review/Selection Process P2P-supported Network Caching (By Hyun-chul Kim/KAIST) Korea@Home project (Dr. Park/KISTI/Korea) What else? Any volunteers or recommendations? • If it’s necessary, we may hold 3-hours’ workshop. (half with invited speakers and half with refereed papers?)