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Investment Opportunities in Mo zambique - Tourism

Investment Opportunities in Mo zambique - Tourism. 莫桑比克旅游业投资机会. Location : Southern Africa Boundaries Tanzania Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe South Africa Suaziland Capital: Maputo Population: 20,366,795  (2007) Surface (area): 799,380 sqkm Coast line: 2,515 Km Main River: Zambeze

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Investment Opportunities in Mo zambique - Tourism

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  1. Investment Opportunities in Mozambique - Tourism 莫桑比克旅游业投资机会

  2. Location: Southern Africa Boundaries Tanzania Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe South Africa Suaziland Capital: Maputo Population: 20,366,795 (2007) Surface (area): 799,380 sqkm Coast line: 2,515 Km Main River: Zambeze Main Lake: Niassa (Malawi) Official language: Portuguese 地理位置:非洲南部 邻国 -坦桑尼亚 -马拉维 -赞比亚 -津巴布韦 -南非 -斯威士兰 首都:马普托 人口:20,366,795 面积:799,380平方公里 海岸线:2,515Km 主要河流:赞比西河 主要湖波:尼亚萨湖(马拉维) 官方语言:葡萄牙语 Mozambique莫桑比克

  3. Global Domestic Product (GDP) in 2006 8.5% GDP per capita (US$) 2003 264 2004 311 2005 347 2006 394 Inflation (Dez06/Dez05) 8.1% Exports (US$ 000) 2004 1 504 000 2005 1 745 000 2006 2 381 132 Imports (US$ 000) 2004 2 035 000 2005 2 408 000 2006 2 869 327 2006年国民生产总值(PIB)增长:8.5% 人均国民生产总值(US$) -2003 264 -2004 311 -2005 347 -2006 394 通涨率 (06年12月/05年12月): 8.1% 出口额 (US$000) -2004 1 504 000 -2005 1 745 000 -2006 2 381 132 进口额 (US$000) -2004 2 035 000 -2005 2 408 000 -2006 2 869 327 Macroeconomic Data宏观经济指数

  4. Macroeconomic DataGlobal Domestic Product Evolution宏观经济指数国民生产总值发展

  5. Exports Products Aluminium Cashew nuts Timber Cotton Sea food Tobbacco Destination Holland (Nederland) South Africa Zimbabwe Suiwtzerland Spain China India Portugal Germany Malawi 出口 产品 铝 腰果 木材 棉花 海产品 烟草 对象国 荷兰 南非 津巴布韦 瑞士 Espanha 中国 印度 葡萄牙 德国 马拉维 External Trade – 2006对外贸易 - 2006

  6. Imports Products Alumina Transport equipment Electrical equipment Industrial machinery Oil products Cereals Origin South Africa Holland (Nederland) Portugal India China United States of America United Arabe Emirates Germany Thailand Pakistan 进口 产品 氧化铝 交通器材 电器 工业设备 石油产品 谷类 来源国 南非 荷兰 葡萄牙 印度 中国 美国 阿联酋 德国 泰国 巴基斯坦 External Trade – 2006对外贸易 - 2006

  7. Import duties Equipment 5.0% Raw material 2.5% Semi-processed goods 7.5% Goods for consumption 20.0% Value Added Tax 17.0% Income Tax General 32.0% Agriculture (Until 2010) 10.0% Social Security 7.0% Employee 3% Employer 4% 进口关税 设备5.0% 原材料 2.5% 半加工品7.5% 消费品 20.0% 增值税17.0% 所得税 总体 32.0% 农业 (至 2010年) 10.0% 社会安全税 7.0% 被雇佣者 3% 雇佣者 4% Taxation System税收体系

  8. Investment Law Regulation on Investment Law Code of Fiscal Benefits Regulation on Export Processing Zones Special Regime for Industry 投资法 投资法条例 税收优惠条例 工业自由区规定 加工业特殊政策 Investment Legislation投资方面的法规

  9. Guarantees Legal protection of goods and rights No restriction on import of capital and loans, including their repayment 100% remittance of profit allowed Compensation, in case of expropriation National interest National security Public health 投资保障: 对财产和权利的法律保护 对境外贷款和境外利息支付不作限制 红利100%输出 征用时的补偿 国家利益 国家安全 公共健康 Investment Law投资法

  10. Minimal amount to be invested to get the status of Foreign Investor US$ 50000 Rights Guarantees provided by the Investment Law Incentives provided by the Code of Fiscal Benefits 外国直接投资最小金额: US$50 000 保证得到 投资法中提及的保证 税收优惠条例中提到的税收优惠政策 Regulation on Investment Law投资法条例

  11. Incentives Exemption of Customs duties Value Added Tax Fiscal Credit 5%-20% Accelereted depreciation 50% rebate on property transfer tax Special Regime for Agriculture 80% rebate on Income Tax (Until 2012) 优惠 免税 海关关税 增值税 税收抵免 5%-20% 加速偿还 土地税减免50% 农业的特殊政策 所得税减免 80% (至 2012年) Code of Fiscal Benefits税收优惠条例

  12. Special Regimes Agriculture Hotels Large Projects (Investment > US$ 500 Million) Rapid Development Zones 特殊政策 农业 酒店业和旅游业 大规模的项目(最小投资额为500万美金) 高速发展区域 Code of Fiscal Benefits 税收优惠条例

  13. Obligations Export of85% of annual production Employ, at least, 20 mozambican employees No customs duties on import of goods 60% rebate on Income Tax during 10 years No property transfer tax No Value Added Tax on all transactions 要求 出口量达到年产量的85% 雇佣20个莫桑比克员工 进口设备 – 免海关关税 十年之内的所得税减免60% 免土地税 所有交易免增值税 Export Processing Zones工业自由区

  14. In Mozambique land belongs to State and can not be sold Concession for 50 years, renewble for 50 years Annual fee (MZM/hectare) Livestock 2.00 Permanent crops 2.00 Other crops 15.00 Outrers activities 30.00 土地属国家所有,不得购买,出售,租借或抵押 许可期限为50年 + 50年 年费用 (MZM/公顷) 畜牧业 2.00 永久作物 2.00 农业 15.00 其他活动 30.00 Land土地

  15. Investment Opportunities on Tourism Sector旅游业的投资机会

  16. Maputo Special Reserve Location: South of Maputo Characteristic: eco-system with savanna, forests, lakes, rivers, birds, turtles, elephants. Access: By road or by plane. Envisaged investment: opportunity for development of 3 luxury lodges 马普托国家保护区 位置: 马普托南部 特点: 该地的生态系统含括了大草原,森林,湖波,河流,鸟类,海龟和大象等。 到达方式: 公路或飞机。 投资: 在该地区可开发三个豪华旅游区。 Investment Opportunities on Tourism Sector旅游业的投资机会

  17. Tourism

  18. Gilé and Ilhas Primeiras (Islands) Location: Zambezia Province, Gilé and Pebane Districts Characteristic: The Gilé Reserve has elephants, lions, wild dogs in 2100 Km² of land. Access: To Gile Reserve, by road and to the Islands by boat Envisaged investment: In the Islands small luxuries lodges should be developed in combination with private houses. 基莱和普里美拉群岛 位置: 赞比西亚省,基莱和佩巴内区 特点: 基莱保护区占地面积Km²,在其区域内有大象,狮子,野狗,和其他野生动物。 到达方式: 从公路到达保护区,坐船到达各岛屿。 投资: 在岛屿上,可开发小型豪华旅游区,与私人住宅相结合。 Investment Opportunities on Tourism Sector旅游业的投资机会

  19. Tourism

  20. Praia da Rocha (Rock Beach) Location: Inhambane Province Characteristic: 260 hectares sea front area with sandy beach Access: Good access by road Envisaged investment: A semi-luxury undertaking should be developed. 罗沙沙滩 位置: 伊尼扬巴内省 特点: 面积260公顷,面对大海,美丽的沙滩。 到达方式: 通过公路,可方便到达。 投资: 该地区需要中高档次的发展。 Investment Opportunities on Tourism Sector旅游业的投资机会

  21. Tourism

  22. Quissico – Inhambane Dongane – Inhambane Inhassoro – Inhambane Crusse/Jamali – Nampula Angoche – Nampula Chiuba Beach – CD Lurio River Falls – CD Investment Opportunities on Tourism Sector旅游业的投资机会

  23. Rice Wheat Maize Soy beans Cassava Citrus Banana Sugar cane Cotton 水稻 小麦 玉米 大豆 木薯 橙类 香蕉 甘蔗 棉花 Investment Opportunities on Agriculture Sector 农业的投资机会

  24. Agriculture

  25. Livestock Fishery and aquaculture Industry Textile and Garment Agro-processing Glass Metal works Wood Building material Cement Ceramic Housing 畜牧业 渔业和水产养殖业 工业 纺织和服装业 农产品加工业 玻璃制造业 机械冶金业 木材业 建材 水泥 陶瓷 住宅建设 Investment Opportunities in Other Sectors其他领域的投资机会

  26. Other Opportunities

  27. The Market市场 SADC Southern Africa Development Community 南部非洲发展共同体

  28. SADCSouthern Africa Development Community南部非洲发展共同体

  29. SADCSouthern Africa Development Community南部非洲发展共同体

  30. Thank You!谢谢观赏! www.mozbusiness.gov.mz

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