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Supporting young people with vision impairment through post-16 transition An introduction to the Longitudinal Transitions Study. Overview. Current context and where we are coming from How prepared were the participants in the Longitudinal Transitions Study for adult life?
Supporting young people with vision impairment through post-16 transition An introduction to the Longitudinal Transitions Study
Overview • Current context and where we are coming from • How prepared were the participants in the Longitudinal Transitions Study for adult life? • What can we do about it?
1. Current context, and where we are coming from Starting point • DfE context (England): CoP and ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ • Links to the conceptions and literatures in the field of Vision Impairment Education • Carol B. Allman and Sandra Lewis (2014) ECC essentials: teaching the expanded core curriculum to students with visual impairments. AFB Press. • “Beginning with the end in mind” • “Focussing on the potential adult”
EHC plans post-19 Should include opportunities to: experience the world of work develop independence skills in an adult context LAs must not cease an EHC plan simply because the YP turns 19 New DfE resource on 19- 25 EHC plan eligibility: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-19-to-25-year-olds-entitlement-to-ehc-plans
Links to the field of Vision Impairment Education • Traditional interest in “broad and balanced curriculum” • Inclusive teaching (accessible and modified materials, environmental audits and adjustments, peer and staff awareness training) • Concepts of independence (mobility, living skills, technology), additional curricula (‘Expanded Core Curriculum’ ECC) • Dual role • “Access to learning” AND “Learning to access”
Providing ‘Access to Learning’ Child’s age / developmental level (Time) Teaching ‘Learning to Access’ Increased independence; Emphasis upon additional curriculum
Working through the model • Teaching young and developmentally young pupils will involve the teacher emphasising ‘access to learn’ strategies, e.g. • Enlarged text books; use of teaching assistants for curriculum access tasks; sighted guide when moving around the school; specialist accessible teaching resources. • The teacher will emphasise ‘learning to access’ strategies to encourage independence. This emphasis will increase as the child gets older, e.g. • Low vision aids; touch typing; use of computers / laptops; provision of electronic files rather than hard copy material; independent mobility; self advocacy.
2. How prepared were the participants in the Longitudinal Transitions Study for adult life? • Background to study: In 2010 we recruited 82 young people: • Entry criteria • aged 14-16 years (now 21-24) • supported by service for their vision impairment • able to ‘independently complete a questionnaire’ • 60 participants are still involved • interviewed approx. twice a year • plus case studies in relation to different ‘pathways’ working with key people supporting the participants through transition
Background to the project INDEPENDENT LIVING ENABLERS LABOUR MARKET – EMPLOYMENT VS NEET COMPULSORY EDUCATION ???? What happens between compulsory education (when young people have positive outcomes) and the labour market (poor outcomes, even compared to other disability groups?) FULFILLING POTENTIAL BARRIERS
Reflections of the participants - Hewett, Douglas & Keil (2017) • Transition planning: • How helpful did the participants find it? • Positive: 30% • Negative: 42% • Neutral: 27% “I think I have already said, but reviews were generally not very pleasant affairs, they were kind of intimidating, really stressful and they usually ended up in arguments. I am pretty sure that the reason I got the key worker was because I turned round and said I didn’t want to attend them anymore” “…actually the time at which a meeting probably would have been most helpful would have been in Sixth Form, the transition to university”
Previous work experience • Some YP completed school with no work experience • Many of those who did found it extremely valuable “Learning to go to a new place, going and talking to people on my own that was quite a good experience. That’s what I would say it was best for, meeting new people and speaking to them for the first time on my own.” • Lack of work experience a barrier
Skills for accessing information • Strategies for accessing information not necessarily appropriate for next stage in life • Limited knowledge of specialist software • Limited knowledge of LVAs
Skills for getting around independently • Majority of participants confident to get around local area independently • Around half unprepared to get around in new areas & to get around using public transport Researcher: On reflection how prepared would you be for doing that? Say you wanted to, there was a job in a different town and you wanted to get there independently, how prepared… Participant: I just wouldn’t, I wouldn’t put myself in that situation. “Yeah it was very helpful, it boosted my confidence, even now when I don’t know where I am going I do feel more confident because I know I can do it if I concentrate.”
Explaining vision impairment • 41% report felt unprepared to explain their vision impairment • Only 1 participant recalled receiving guidance “No, and it was actually harder than I thought to explain to someone. Because I was so used to being in a college where everyone knew what a VI was. And now I am back into a place where no one really knows. I think it took a good couple of months for even just my flat mates to start realising the nature of my sight.” “Oh definitely more than prepared for it. In terms of guidance because my parents were fairly… they were open about it to people, they have not really held back in telling people that I am blind, they have actually encouraged, openly told people to make things more accessible for me.”
3. What can we do about it? • A key challenge facing educators and policy makers is knowing how to include the ECC and the academic curriculum “given the time constraints of the school day” (Wolffe and Kelly, 2011, p. 341) • Making the service position clear – The ‘offer’ • Brent LA Visiting Teacher Service Learner Outcomes project led to the identification of 8 outcomes (see https://www.natsip.org.uk/doc-library-login/suporting-the-si-workforce/learner-outcomes-framework-for-vi-children-and-young-people) • Learning to access • Use of equipment • Independence and negotiation skills • Participation • Meeting others • Getting around • Looking after him/herself • Life after school
Some useful links • Resources to help young people with vision impairment transitioning into higher education: ‘Starting University’ available at http://www.rnib.org.uk/young-people/starting-university • A toolkit to assist visiting teacher services to design their services around broad educational outcomes (with Brent LA and RNIB) at https://www.natsip.org.uk/doc-library-login/suporting-the-si-workforce/learner-outcomes-framework-for-vi-children-and-young-people • Bridging the gap (new version for England on its way), at http://www.rnib.org.uk/young-people-school-life-and-planning-ahead-making-transition-school/transition-guide-bridging-gap • BBC’s “Too many helping hands”, at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07wphhh
Some useful links • Transitions conference and videoshttp://www.rnib.org.uk/transition-conference • http://www.rnib.org.uk/insight-online/must-watch-transition-stories • VICTAR blog https://victarnews.wordpress.com/ • Recent project summary report available at: www.birmingham.ac.uk/victar
References • Douglas et al (2012) Measuring Educational Engagement, Progress and Outcomes for Children with Special Educational Needs: A Review. National Council for Special Education (NCSE), Trim, Ireland.http://www.ncse.ie/research/researchreports.asp • Douglas, G., McLinden, M., Robertson, C., Travers, J., and Smith, E. (2016) Including pupils with special educational needs and disability in national assessment: Comparison of three country case studies through an inclusive assessment framework. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 63(1), 98-121. • Hewett, R., Douglas, G., and Keil, S. (2017) Reflections of Transition Experiences by Young People with Vision Impairments aged 19-22. Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research, University of Birmingham. • McLinden, M., Douglas, G., Cobb, R., Hewett, R. and Ravenscroft, J. (2016). Access to learning’ and ‘learning to access’: Analysing the distinctive role of specialist teachers of children and young people with vision impairments in facilitating curriculum access through an ecological systems theory. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 34(2) 179–197.
Contact details Graeme Douglas: G.G.A.Douglas@bham.ac.uk Rachel Hewett: R.G.Hewett@bham.ac.uk @RachelHewettUoB VICTAR website: www.birmingham.ac.uk/victar VICTAR blog: https://victarnews.wordpress.com/