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11 October 2013 Seminary Lesson 26: 2 Nephi 4. Opening Hymn: I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 1 Nephi 3:7 David First Reader : Anna. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go 1 . It may not be on the mountain height; Or over the stormy sea,
11 October 2013 Seminary Lesson26: 2 Nephi4 Opening Hymn: I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 1 Nephi 3:7 David First Reader: Anna
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go 1. It may not be on the mountain height; Or over the stormy sea, It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go. (Chorus) I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Over mountain or plain or sea; I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; I'll be what you want me to be. 2. Perhaps today there are loving words Which Jesus would have me speak; There may be now in the paths of sin Some wand'rer whom I should seek. O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide, Thodark and rugged the way, My voice shall echo the message sweet: I'll say what you want me to say. 3. There's surely somewhere a lowly place In earth's harvest fields so wide Where I may labor through life's short day For Jesus, the Crucified. So trusting my all to thy tender care, And knowing thou lovest me, I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be. Text: Mary Brown, 1856-1918; Music: Carrie E. Rounsefell, 1861-1930
11 October 2013 Seminary Lesson26: 2 Nephi4 Opening Hymn: I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 1 Nephi 3:7 David First Reader: Anna
Spiritual Thought/Scripture Mastery 1 Nephi 3:7 7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: Iawill go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord givethnobcommandments unto the children of men, save he shallcprepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
Introduction After Lehi’s death, Laman and Lemuel became angry with Nephi “because of the admonitions of the Lord” that Nephi had spoken to them (see 2 Nephi 4:13–14). Troubled by his brothers’ attitudes and actions and by his own weaknesses and sins, Nephi recorded his feelings in expressive and poetic language. He described his love for the scriptures and his gratitude for the blessings and strength he had received from the Lord (see2 Nephi 4:15–35).
If you were a faithful grandparent and your children were not living according to gospel standards, what counsel would you give your grandchildren? • What responsibilities do parents and grandparents have in teaching and counseling their children and grandchildren? Read the following statement: “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. … Extended families should lend support when needed” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign, Nov. 2010, 129).
Read 2 Nephi 4:1–11Lehicounsels and blesses his family • Whom did Lehi teach? (See 2 Nephi 4:3, 8, 10–11.) • What promise did Lehi give to the children of Laman and Lemuel? (See 2 Nephi 4:7, 9.) • Based on 2 Nephi 4:5, what would you say is a responsibility the Lord has given to parents? You should understand that parents have a God-given responsibility to teach their children the gospel. • What are some truths you have learned from your parents or grandparents?
Read 2 Nephi 4:12–35 Nephi acknowledges his weaknesses and expresses his trust in the Lord. My soul delighteth in … Write this phrase in your scripture study journals or class notebooks and finish the statement listing things that are delightful to yoursouls. Read2 Nephi 4:15–16 aloud to learn how Nephi completed this phrase. • What are some things we might do if our souls delight in the scriptures? • What does it mean to you to delight in the things of the Lord? • Nephi said that his heart pondered the things he had seen and heard. What does this mean to you?
My heart sorroweth because… Read2 Nephi 4:17–18 and find reasons Nephi felt sorrow. • What are some examples of difficulties that can beset us? (Answers may include troubles at home, peer pressure, difficult schoolwork, and temptations.) Read2 Nephi 4:19. You may want to highlight the statement “Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.” In2 Nephi 4:19, Nephi’s words change from sadness to hope. • What do you think Nephi meant when he said “I know in whom I have trusted”? • How can remembering the Lord and His goodness help us during times of discouragement?
Read 2 Nephi 4:20–25 aloud. Look for words and phrases that illustrate that God supports those who put their trust in Him. • Which words or phrases in 2 Nephi 4:20–25 do you find meaningful? Why? • Think of a time when the Lord supported you or helped you in a time of difficulty. How did He help you? How has that experience influenced you? Read2 Nephi 4:30–35. Identify the commitments Nephi made to the Lord and the blessings he requested. • What can we learn from this prayer that can help us in our personal prayers? You should understand that sincere prayer can strengthen our commitment to overcome sin and discouragement.
Think about a time when prayer helped you overcome sin or discouragement. Record them in your scripture study journals. Prepare to share if there is time. Look for a passage in 2 Nephi 4 that reflects a desire you have. Read the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “There may be things in our character, in our behavior, or concerning our spiritual growth about which we need to counsel with Heavenly Father in morning prayer. After expressing appropriate thanks for blessings received, we plead for understanding, direction, and help to do the things we cannot do in our own strength alone. For example, as we pray, we might: (more next slide)
“For example, as we pray, we might: “• Reflect on those occasions when we have spoken harshly or inappropriately to those we love the most. “• Recognize that we know better than this, but we do not always act in accordance with what we know. “• Express remorse for our weaknesses and for not putting off the natural man more earnestly. “• Determine to pattern our life after the Savior more completely. “• Plead for greater strength to do and to become better” (“Pray Always,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 41). Consider what you wrote for: “My soul delighteth in …” and “My heart sorroweth because …” how can we have happiness and peace? We can experience happiness and peace as we seek the Lord’s help.
Closing Prayer Tomorrow’s Assignments