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15 October 2013 Seminary Lesson 27: 2 Nephi 5

15 October 2013 Seminary Lesson 27: 2 Nephi 5. Opening Hymn: Come Follow Me Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 2 Nephi 2:25 Jackson First Reader: Eden. Come Follow Me 1. "Come, follow me," the Savior said. Then let us in his footsteps tread, For thus alone can we be one

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15 October 2013 Seminary Lesson 27: 2 Nephi 5

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  1. 15 October 2013 Seminary Lesson27: 2 Nephi5 Opening Hymn: Come Follow Me Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 2 Nephi 2:25Jackson First Reader: Eden

  2. Come Follow Me 1. "Come, follow me," the Savior said. Then let us in his footsteps tread, For thus alone can we be one With God's own loved, begotten Son. 2. "Come, follow me," a simple phrase, Yet truth's sublime, effulgent rays Are in these simple words combined To urge, inspire the human mind. 3. Is it enough alone to know That we must follow him below, While trav'ling thru this vale of tears? No, this extends to holier spheres. 4. Not only shall we emulate His course while in this earthly state, But when we're freed from present cares, If with our Lord we would be heirs. 5. We must the onward path pursue As wider fields expand to view, And follow him unceasingly, Whate'er our lot or sphere may be. 6. For thrones, dominions, kingdoms, pow'rs, And glory great and bliss are ours, If we, throughout eternity, Obey his words, "Come, follow me." Text: John Nicholson, 1839-1909 Music: Samuel McBurney, 1847-1909

  3. 15 October 2013 Seminary Lesson27: 2 Nephi5 Opening Hymn: Come Follow Me Opening Prayer Spiritual Thought: 2 Nephi 2:25Jackson First Reader: Eden

  4. Spiritual Thought/Scripture Mastery 2 Nephi 2:25aAdambfell that men might be; and men care, that they might have djoy.

  5. Introduction 2 Nephi5 Heeding a warning from the Lord, Nephi and his followers separated from Laman, Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael. They lived in righteousness and happiness, while the followers of Laman and Lemuel cut themselves off from the Lord.

  6. Read 2 Nephi 5:1–8 The Lord separates the followers of Nephi from the followers of Laman and Lemuel Read 2 Nephi 5:9–18, 26–27 The Nephites live after the manner of happiness Read 2 Nephi 5:19–25 The Lamanites are cursed because of their disobedience

  7. “The dark skin was placed upon the Lamanites so that they could be distinguished from the Nephites and to keep the two peoples from mixing. The dark skin was the sign of the curse. The curse was the withdrawal of the Spirit of the Lord. … “The dark skin was placed upon the Lamanitesso that they could be distinguished from the Nephites and to keep the two peoples from mixing. The dark skin was the sign of the curse. The curse was the withdrawal of the Spirit of the Lord. … “The dark skin of those who have come into the Church is no longer to be considered a sign of the curse. Many of these converts are delightsome and have the Spirit of the Lord”(Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. [1957–66], 3:122–23).

  8. Read 2 Nephi 5:28–34 …thirty years had passed after leaving Jerusalem. And Nephi, had kept the records upon his plates

  9. Closing Prayer Tomorrow’s Assignments

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