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Centre for Continuing Education Technical U niversity in Zvolen

Centre for Continuing Education Technical U niversity in Zvolen. Slovakia. P opulation : 5.43 million Number of universities : 18 Number of colleges : 15 Number of U3As: 15. Slovakia Little Big Country – video. Zvolen. Zvolen has a population of 43, 311

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Centre for Continuing Education Technical U niversity in Zvolen

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  1. Centre forContinuingEducationTechnicalUniversity in Zvolen

  2. Slovakia Population: 5.43 million Numberofuniversities: 18 Numberofcolleges: 15 Numberof U3As: 15 Slovakia Little Big Country – video

  3. Zvolen Zvolen has a populationof 43,311 Itislocated in theregionofBanska Bystrica 2013 770 yearanniversary: renewalofourtownrights Icehockey– our team becamea championof Slovakia www.zvolen.sk

  4. Sightseeing in Zvolen Pustý hrad – DesertedCastle Centralsquare Castleof Zvolen Train Hurban

  5. TechnicalUniversity in Zvolen • History • Established in 1952 – 60 yearsofforestry and woodindustry in Zvolen • Nowadays • 4 faculties • 4 200 students • Centre forContinuingEducation • provideslifelonglearning and education • UniversityoftheThirdAge

  6. UniversityoftheThirdAge • Academicyear2013/2014 – 305 senior students • Fieldsof study • Englishand Germanlanguage • Computercourses • Psychology • Socialarea • History • Law • PhysicalEduaction • Handicraftworkshops • ...and others • http://www.tuzvo.sk/utv/ 20 yearsof U3AatTechnicaluniversity in Zvolen

  7. Projectsatour U3A • „20 yearsof U3A at TU in Zvolen“ • 1 academicyearoffree study for329senior students • 9 existing and 4 inovativefields of study: • Universeourhome • Sportforourhealth • Medicinalplants • Secretsofarcheology • inclusionofseniors in theknowledge society through ICT education

  8. U3A Photogallery Seniorsatarcheologicalresearch PhysicalEducation Finalceremony Examination

  9. Thankyouforyouattention Petra Suhajova TechnicalUniversityin Zvolen

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