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Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class. September 11, 2013. Lesson 2: GOD TELLS US ABOUT HIMSELF. Is there a God?. An agnostic says:. “ I don’t know if there is a God. ”. An atheist says:. “ There is no God. ”. All people can know that there is a God. Psalm 19:1. 1. From nature (the created universe). .

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Confirmation Class

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  1. Confirmation Class September 11, 2013

  2. Lesson 2: GOD TELLS US ABOUT HIMSELF Is there a God? An agnostic says: “I don’t know if there is a God.” An atheist says: “There is no God.”

  3. All people can know that there is a God Psalm 19:1 1. From nature (the created universe). 2. From conscience (the voice within us). Romans 2:15 Natural knowledge of God = What people learn about God from nature and one’s conscience. Natureconscience Tells me There is a God who is powerful, wise, and holy

  4. The weakness of natural knowledge - It doesn’t tell: 1. Who the true God is (versus idols). 2. About one’s Savior from sin. God gives people natural knowledge to lead them to Seek after the Lord and know more about him. Acts 17:26-27

  5. God gives people natural knowledge to lead them to Seek after the Lord and know more about him.

  6. God shows what he is really like through - Jesus Christ. John 14:8-9 We find Jesus Christ in the Bible.God Man JESUS John 5:39 • “Bible” = the book. (Greek) • “Scriptures” = the writings. (Latin) Revealed knowledge of God=What God made known about Himself in the Bible.

  7. Isaiah 43:11-12 The Bible tells us: 1. Who the true God is: The Triune God. 2. Who the Savior is: Jesus Christ. What is the true God like? Holy/Just (punishes sin)Eternal (no beginnings or end) UnchangeableOmniscient (all-knowing) Omnipresent (present everywhere)Loving Omnipotent (all-powerful)

  8. Our God is TRIUNE = Three persons in one Godhead or Deity MATTHEW 28:19-20 DEUTERONOMY 6:4

  9. 3 in 1: H2O & an Egg

  10. THE PERSONS OF THE GODHEAD 1. The Father, who is the Creator (one who made us all) 2. The Son, who is the Redeemer (one who bought us back) 3. The Holy Spirit, who is the Sanctifier (one who sets us apart)

  11. Assignment 1. Look Up the Passages, Multiple Choice, Word Study, and Bible Books. Natural and Revealed Knowledge of God…

  12. For the Quiz • Know Lesson 2 • Memory Work • 1 & 2 Thessalonians – Revelation • VIP 3-4

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