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TCUP Leadership Forum. January 3, 2014 Sylvia M. James, Ed.D . Division Director, Human Resource Development (HRD).
TCUP Leadership Forum January 3, 2014 Sylvia M. James, Ed.D. Division Director, Human Resource Development (HRD)
HRD Vision: HRD envisions a well-prepared and competitive U.S. workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians, and educators that reflects the diversity of the U.S. population. (www.nsf.gov)
HRD’s Strategic Goals • The creation of new knowledge, innovations, and models for broadening participation in the STEM enterprise. • The translation of knowledge, innovations, and models for broadening participation in STEM for use by stakeholders. • The expansion of stakeholder capacity to support and engage diverse populations in high quality STEM education and research programs.
Broadening Participation in STEM • EHR Vision: The directorate works toward that vision through its mission, which is to support the preparation of a diverse, globally competent STEM workforce and a STEM-literate citizenry through investment in research and development on STEM education and learning. • STEM in the 2014 Budget: “The focus of the 2014 Budget’s undergraduate STEM investments is on implementing a cross-agency priority goal to increase the number of well-prepared graduates with STEM degrees by one million over the next 10 years.” (EHR 2014 Budget Request)
NSF Broadening Participation Priorities • Preparing a diverse, globally engaged science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce; • Integrating research with education, and building capacity; • Expanding efforts to broaden participation from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions across all geographical regions in all NSF activities; and • Improving processes to recruit and select highly qualified reviewers and panelists. BP Homepage: http://www.nsf.gov/od/broadeningparticipation/bp.jsp
Opportunities for Tribal Colleges and Universities Research Funding EHR • TCUP, ATE, and …. • Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE): Supports research and development leading to and propagating interventions that improve both the quality and quantity of STEM graduates • EHR Core Research (ECR) NSF 13-555: Provides funding in foundational research areas. EHR seeks proposals that will help synthesize, build and/or expand research foundations in the following core areas: STEM learning, STEM learning environments, workforce development, and broadening participation in STEM. • STEM-C Partnerships (NSF 14-523): Addresses both the need for advances in K-12 STEM education generally, as well as the need to elevate the inclusion of computer science education.
STEM Research Directorates • NSF Broadening Participation Portfolio:http://www.nsf.gov/od/broadeningparticipation/bp_portfolio_dynamic.jsp • Broadening Participation Focus Programs • Broadening Participation Emphasis Programs
NSF Broadening Participation Focused Programs • EPSCoRResearch Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-3: Building Diverse Communities 13-553 IIA EPSC • Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Workshop Opportunities (EPS-WO) 12-588 All All • General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE) ENG CBET • NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 12-529 EHR DUE • Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 13-603 GEO OCE • Ocean Sciences Research Initiation Grants 13-606 GEO OCE • Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials 11-562 MPS DMR • Partnerships in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research and Education 13-566 MPS AST • Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology 12-497 BIO • Research on Education and Learning 13-604 EHR DRL • SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 12-591 SBE SMA
Broadening Participation Emphasis Programs Advancing Informal STEM Learning 13-608 EHR DRL 2 American Competitiveness in Chemistry-Fellowship 10-535 MPS CHE 3 Centers for Chemical Innovation 13-590 MPS CHE 4 EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 2014 13-583 ENG, MPS EFRI, CHE, DMR 5 Gen-3 Engineering Research Centers (ERC): 13-560 ENG EEC 6 Graduate Research Fellowship Program 13-584 All All 7 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers 14-512 EHR DRL 8 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program 11-533 All All 9 International Research Experiences for Students 12-551 All All 10 Major Research Instrumentation Program: 13-517 All All 11 Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers 13-556 MPS DMR 12 Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points in the Mathematical Sciences 11-542 MPS DMS 13 NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships 13-548 GEO EAR 14 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research 09-612 GEO PLR 15 Research Experiences for Undergraduates 13-542 All All 16 Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences 11-540 MPS DMS 17 Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships 11-522 All All 18 Science of Learning Centers 07-7278 All All 19 STEM-C Partnerships: Computing Education for the 21st Century 14-523 CISE, EHR ACI, CCF, CNS, IIS
TCUP • Building STEM Capacity in Tribal Colleges - Targeted STEM Infusion Projects (T-SIP) and Instructional Capacity Excellence in TCUP Institutions (ICE-T) • Building STEM Research Capacity - Broadening Participation Research in STEM (BPR) • Building Faculty Capacity – Catalyzing Opportunities in Research and Education (CORE) • Building collaborations between TCUs and other academic and research institutions • Highlighting the contributions of TCUs to STEM education, broadening participation, and STEM education research and… • What else is needed??? Leadership development? Capacity building in STEM research?
QUESTIONS? Sylvia M. James sjames@nsf.gov