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ICT Use Excel spreadsheets in real life situations. Use Powerpoint as an effective aid to presentations and pitches. Use Publisher to promote products and business. Research information safely and effectively using the internet. Geography
ICT • Use Excel spreadsheets in real life situations. • Use Powerpoint as an effective aid to presentations and pitches. • Use Publisher to promote products and business. • Research information safely and effectively using the internet. • Geography • Where are the emerging economies and what are their working practices? How do they compare with the UK? • Why are these countries developing? • Why are children so important to these economies and what could be done to improve conditions for them? • Understand how organisations support farm workers and tradespeople around the world. • PSHE • How are businesses organised? • How do the different departments work with each other? • How do businesses make a profit? • Mini Enterprise activities. • Working together as a team I order to design and sell a product. • Organise and run fundraising event. • Looking after my money. Enter… The Dragons’ Den Year 6 Creative Curriculum Plan Spring 2014 • Literacy • Report writing. • Persuasive writing including advertising and marketing. • Speaking and listening – preparing and delivering a pitch for a product. • Market research including questionnaires. • 21st Century Working Children: Debate; hot-seating; interviews; balanced arguments; diary writing • Art • Research the work of Andy Warhol and understand his role in the Pop Art Movement. • Produce work in the style of Andy Warhol. • Understand how the advertising world is affected by the work of Keith Haring. • Produce adverts in the style of Keith Haring. • Produce posters in order to promote an original product. • Design and Technology • Designing and making simple products egbookmarks and watches and producing them in ‘companies’ as part of Mini Enterprise. • Design, make and promote an original product (Link with Literacy) • Understand how organisations support farm workers and tradespeople around the world. • Not Specifically Linked: • PE • Basketball, Tennis, Gymnastics • Literacy • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, reading comprehension and a study into different genres. • Maths • To follow Y6 curriculum. • History • Exploitation of workers around the world. • What were the reasons for the Industrial Revolution and how did it affect people? • How important was the role of the railway?