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3 Historical Influences of ECE. Public's general feeling that we weren't teaching reading and writingLaunch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957Black Boycotts in Montgomery, AL 1955led to desegration. Plato 427 B.C.- 347 B.C.. Believed play was an important way to help children understand their thinkin
1. History of Early Childhood Education ECE 364
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
2. 3 Historical Influences of ECE Public’s general feeling that we weren’t teaching reading and writing
Launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957
Black Boycotts in Montgomery, AL 1955
led to desegration
3. Plato427 B.C.- 347 B.C. Believed play was an important way to help children understand their thinking.
Believed mathematics should be introduced through games and puzzles
Recommended the establishment of supervised playgrounds.
Believed observation is at the core of all childhood programs. Told you what children were interested in and curriculum could be planned accordingly.
4. Plato “The young of all creatures cannot be quiet in their bodies or in their voices; they are always wanting to move and cry out.”
5. Martin Luther 1483-1546
Replaced the authority of the Catholic Church with the Authority of the bible
Formal schooling to teach children to read, especially boys.
People could work out what the scriptures meant for themselves
Family was the most important institution in the education of children.
Religious education
6. John Amos Comenius 1592-1670 Czech Republic
Watched his parents and two sisters die in war.
Raised by an aunt
Czech Minister and Bishop
Taught school and wrote textbooks- The Great Didactic
Came up with 2 important concepts
A revolution in teaching methods was essential to allow learning to become rapid, pleasant and thorough-follow nature to help children learn
European culture needed to be made more accessible to all children.-
7. Comenius Wrote Orbis Pictus 1658
first picture book
Born in the image of God so we should be educated to the fullest extent
He believed strongly in DAP
Suggested pre-natal care for mothers was the beginning of a healthy start for children
Sensory education
children should not be taught names of things without objects.
8. Comenius Play was crucial.
Children should explore and play
Real life experiences
Proposed a system of universal education open to all children…free
9. John Locke1632-1704 Tabula Rasa
children are viewed as a blank slate
All children are born with the same mental capacity to learn.
Sensory Training
10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau1712-1778 Born in Geneva, Switzerland
Mother died when he was 9 days old
Father took over role; later became abusive
Wrote Emile- a book about child rearing and education according to nature
raised a hypothetical child from birth to adolescence
“God makes all things good, man meddles with them and they become evil”
Laissez-faire approach
Believed the knowledge could be drawn out of the child if separated from corrupt society.
11. Rousseau Developed the child case study
Child was the center of education
Stages of development
Believed children were born good and free
Believed women should be educated to please and be dominated.
First addressed the Hurried Child.
Meaningful experiences
divided the historical and modern periods
12. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi1746-1827 Born in Zurich, Switzerland
Influenced by Rousseau
1774 started school called Neuhof
Wrote Leonard and Gertrude
Distorted environment creates sources of evil
Humans may be poor and uneducated but capable of regeneration
Education is the true path to social reform
Human development begins at home with the mother
Natural educations fosters a person’s moral, intellectual and physical powers
Educations will create economically independent individuals
13. Pestalozzi believed education should follow the child’s nature.
Raise his son, Jean-Jacques, using Emile
no success due to his inability to read by 11
ECE professionals cannot rely solely on child’s initiatives and expect them to learn all they need to know.
Punishment, fears and or rivalry are external and therefore dangerous.
Teacher is like a gardener.
Learning at each stage must be complete before moving to the next stage.
14. Pestalozzi Knowledge came through the senses.
Developed object lessons- manipulatives
Mathematics must start with real objects, move to substitute objects and final to abstract ideas.
Best teachers taught children not subjects
Mixed-age groupings
Art and music were integral parts of the curriculum
Founded a school to train teachers to work with poor children.
15. Robert Owen1771-1858 During industrial revolution, 5 and 6 year old boys and girls were cheap labor-16 hour days.
Physical and sexual abuse was prevalent
Life expectancy was 30
Bought a mill in New Lanark, Scotland
2000 employees, 500 were children between 5-6.
Offered after work education programs
16. Owen Set up quality based system of child care and a school for children whose parents worked in the mill. 1816
First workplace child care
Believed society could be changed by educating the people.
7 key approaches
Children were not punished
Teachers must be kind
Instruction was based on experiences
Dance, rhyme and music were a large part of the program
Questions of children were to be answered in kind rational ways
Outdoor time was used when children’s minds were fatigued
Children were helped to become familiar with garden production, fields, wood, animals and natural history
17. Owen Blocks and manipulatives to learn math
Visual aides
controlling the circumstances and outcomes of child rearing could bring about a more perfect society
Influenced by Rousseau and Locke
Led to opening of first infant school in London.
Purpose was to get children away from uneducated parents. Trained and educated children without punishment and without fear of punishment.
Infant school preceeded Froebel’s Kindergarten
influenced idea of early education and it’s effect on societal improvements
18. Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel1782-1852 Born in Germany
Father of Kindergarten
Kindergarten was based on spiritual beliefs
founded school for children between 3-8
old ones called klein kinderbes chaft igungangtalt or “institution for the occupation of little children”
Disciple of Pestelozzi
19. Froebel Wrote The Education of Man
Child is not a piece of wax or clump of clay but a central force
Children blossom like a flower
Teach from the inside out
Curriculum should be child-centered
Best remembered for free play and “gifts and occupations”
20. Froebel Gifts- concrete objects
Occupations- activities used with the gifts
Children provided with indoor and outdoor activities and teaching was a extension of the home
Developed idea of circle time
helped children socially
21. Froebel Called a mystic due to spirituality
wanted Kindergarten to be a free and happy place
22. Maria Montessori1870-1952 Became first woman in Italy to earn a medical degree
Became interested in mental retardation; felt they were not taught properly
Felt schools should be established for these children
Began an intimate relationship and had a child out of wedlock-
Did not have anything to do with him until age 15
23. Montessori Focused on fulfilling the needs of the child to their fullest potential
Rewards were intrinsic
Teachers role
Prepare the environment
Observe the child
Show the child how to use the materials correctly through specific one to one demonstrations
Leave the child to use the materials without interference
24. Montessori 1910 began setting up schools in US
Program elements
Respect for the child
Sensitive periods
Absorbent mind
Prepared environment
Mixed age grouping
Self-paced activities
25. John Dewey1859-1952 Had more influence on education than anyone
Symbol for modern education
4 important ideas
experiences we have now are important
education is not the preparation for life, it is life
interest is the motivating factor in learning
knowledge must be useful and come from life
26. Dewey Founded a lab school in 1896 called a sub-primary
home study science drawing
gardening music block play
play practical life experiences
Wrote My Pedagogical Creed
school is a social setting; give children the ability to think and know how to learn
27. Dewey School life should grow out of home life
Believed reading and writing was introduced too early
Father of Progressivism
did not like Froebel
child has potential and shaped by environment
materials and themes came from child’s interest
more functional
28. Patty Smith-Hill1868-1946 Wrote “Good Morning to You” with her sister Mildred.
Big on music and poetry
Development the National Association for the Education of Young Children and Association of Childhood Education International
29. Jean Piaget1896-1980 Intelligence develops over time
Constructivism-constructs own knowledge
Learning is active
Genetic Epistemology
Assimilation and Accomodation
Children must do both to learn
Conflict must occur for learning to occur
Stages of Development
sensory motor
Preoperational-everyone believes and acts as children do.
30. Piaget Concrete operational-needs manipulatives
Formal operational-begins to think abstractly
31. Lev Vygotsky1896-1934 Born in USSR; Jewish; work was burned because it went against the government
Mental language and social development is enhanced by others-cultural embeddedness
ZPD- Zone of Proximal Development
difference between what a child cannot do alone but can do with help
creating zone by teaching with others
Through discussion, may come up with mutual agreement.
32. Abraham Maslow1890-1970 Hierarchy of needs
Life essentials- food, water, air
Safety and security
Belongingness and love
Achievement and prestige
Aesthetic needs
33. Eric Erikson1902-1994 Psychosocial Stages of Development- Polar
Trust vs mistrust
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
Initiative vs guilt
Industry vs inferiority
Identity vs identitiy confusion
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation
Integrity vs despair
34. Howard Gardner1943- Director of Project Zero at Harvard University.
Multiple Intelligences
35. E.D. Hirsch1928- Wrote Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know.
Common core of literate citizens
lack of cultural literacy contributes to general failure of children in school.