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Early childhood education

Early childhood education. Reporters: Natalie Cheng, Marie French Mentors: Elizabeth Brixey, Judd Slivka. Overview. Current status of reporting project Research on early childhood Challenges and successes Lessons learned Analytics and future research. Central issue:

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Early childhood education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early childhood education Reporters: Natalie Cheng, Marie French Mentors: Elizabeth Brixey, Judd Slivka

  2. Overview • Current status of reporting project • Research on early childhood • Challenges and successes • Lessons learned • Analytics and future research

  3. Central issue: Public funding for early childhood education • Title I preschools • Text • Photos • Infographics • Early childhood and special education • Video series, online • State subsidies for childcare • Text • Photo • Infographics

  4. Title I preschools

  5. Title I preschools Question: What is Title I preschool in Columbia Public Schools like and how effective is it for families?

  6. Title I preschools • Several drafts • Currently going through accuracy check process • Publication: December 19

  7. Visual focus

  8. Multiple families

  9. Shannyn and Taysir

  10. Early childhood special education • Central focus on one family’s story • Multimedia gathering - 7 visits, 3 hours+ on average, 20 hours of footage • Challenges with production and storyboarding • Coordinating with the Missourian • Lessons learned

  11. Early childhood special education • Three-part story: • Intro

  12. Early childhood special education • Three-part story: • Techniques

  13. Early childhood special education • Three-part story: • Changing circumstances

  14. Early childhood special education • Current status: • Working with Derek Poore • Adapting structure • Publishing next semester

  15. State child care subsidy Question: How does the state subsidy system for childcare work? What challenges or benefits have families and providers seen?

  16. Subsidies: Documents and data • State monthly reports on child care assistance • Block grant applications sent to the federal government • Data on child care providers in Boone County requested from DSS • Memos

  17. Childcare providers in Columbia said difficulties with the application process for the state’s assistance for child care make it difficult for parents to get the assistance needed to work or go to school. Parents can face long wait times for approval, lost paperwork and a time-consuming application process. “The system just isn’t working. It’s broken for most of the families,” said Paul Prevo, director of Tiger Tots Child Development Center... “Who doesn’t want the parents to be able to take their kids to school, go to work, be a functioning member of society in every way that you can imagine? That should be everyone’s goal,” Prevo said. “When it takes 30 or 45 days to get approval, that’s hindering that goal pretty harshly.”

  18. Central characters Multigenerational household Melissa De Long Savannah Sixta Jeremiah Sixta

  19. Infographics

  20. Research: Studies on ECE • Perry Preschool Project, North Carolina Abecedarian Project and Chicago Child-Parent Center Study • Head Start national study by US Dept. of Health and Human Services Source: Perry Preschool Project

  21. Successes initial buy-in from sources extensive sourcing and research publication of subsidy story produced Title I preschool story positive feedback on ECSE story Challenges • sourcing • finding focus in broad story • matching visual and text elements • production of video

  22. Lessons for future convergence reporting projects • Start sourcing as early as possible • Find solid direction for stories, narrow topic • Be prudent about gathering multimedia for specific newsroom • Organization is key for big multimedia projects

  23. Lessons for future convergence reporting projects • Back things up! • Be in constant communication with editors for all components • Shoot high, but don’t be afraid to rein it in

  24. Research: Analytics • Post-publication, not yet available

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