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Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood November 1 Alternate Count Date Please Note: This year the early childhood alternate count date will be on Tuesday, November 1. Available to all school districts. (C.R.S. 22-54-103)
Early Childhood November 1Alternate Count DatePlease Note: This year the early childhood alternate count date will be on Tuesday, November 1. Available to all school districts. (C.R.S. 22-54-103) Use of the Early Childhood Alternate November 1 Count Date is Optional
The November 1 Alternate Count Date Applies to Early Childhood Students Only (Grade Level Coding of 004 only) Districts may use either the October 1 count data, or their November 1 count data - whichever is higher. Even if a district is planning to use the alternate count, a district should still plan to include their CPP and early childhood special education count information in their October collection. Whatever date is chosen a district must use the same count date for all CPP, early childhood special education students and other early childhood students within the district. Requirements:
Children must be enrolled and in attendance on or before November 1. Children’s attendance must still be documented prior to and five school days following November 1. You will be asked to indicate in the submission whether you are using the October 1 or November 1 count date for your early childhood students. Children counted on November 1 must have at least 90 hours of teacher-pupil instruction or contact in the first semester, and the CPP program must be available 360 hours in the course of the school year. Requirements (cont)
Children who have left the district prior to November 1 cannot be counted. A child cannot be counted on November 1, if they have already been counted in another district on October 1. Children cannot be counted as a CPP student and an early childhood special education student. School districts will still be limited in the number of CPP students they are able to count –students reported for funding cannot exceed their CPP allocation. Key Points For Using the Early Childhood Alternate Count:
All Colorado Preschool Program students and early childhood special education students should have a school code. School codes will be identified on the Non-Public Early Childhood School Code list for children who have an Attendance/Residence codes of: 27: Non-Public Schools (Contractual Agreement) or 30: Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement) – Head Start, Preschools operated by a college or university or a recreation center. CDE is verifying Colorado Department of Human Service license numbers for all schools serving preschool children. School Codes for Non-Public Schools
Statute allows a five-year-old to be funded in first grade if the pupil has attended at least 120 days of kindergarten in a state other than Colorado. In these cases, the district should contact Annette to be included in an exception list. The district will need to maintain appropriate documentation of the child’s attendance in another state. First Graders that Attended Kindergarten in Another State
Appropriate documentation includes one of the following: Enrollment information from the prior school that summarizes how many days the student attended school out of state Actual attendance records that show the student was present in school for 120 days Attendance summary document that shows the student attended school for 120 days CDE Auditors will verify the documentation at the next district audit. First Graders (cont.)
Two different coding options under the grade level element for children attending kindergarten: 006: Half Day Kindergarten (450+ academic instructional hours) 007: Full Day Kindergarten (900+ academic instructional hours. Note: This does not include children that attend a half-day kindergarten program and then attend a child care program in the second half of their day.) Coding Kindergarten Children
CDE uses information to calculate both supplemental full-day kindergarten funding and hold harmless kindergarten funding. Information is also used to determine if school districts can use the supplemental full-day kindergarten funding provided to them, as allowed in HB08-1388. For further information see the Legislative Summary of HB08-1388: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/LegislativeSummariesFY2008-09.htm or contact Lori Goodwin Bowers (303) 866-6783 or bowers_l@cde.state.co.us Coding grade level for Kindergarten students is highly important