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Advisory Committee on Water Information Subcommittee on Ground Water

Advisory Committee on Water Information Subcommittee on Ground Water. Presented to the NWQMC July 24 th , 2007 David R. Wunsch SOGW Member. Outline . Background of the Subcommittee on Ground Water (SOGW) Current SOGW and Work Group Rosters Update of Work Groups Activities

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Advisory Committee on Water Information Subcommittee on Ground Water

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  1. Advisory Committee on Water InformationSubcommittee on Ground Water Presented to the NWQMC July 24th, 2007 David R. Wunsch SOGW Member

  2. Outline • Background of the Subcommittee on Ground Water (SOGW) • Current SOGW and Work Group Rosters • Update of Work Groups • Activities • Benefits of SOGW Work • Questions?

  3. History of SOGW • Ground-Water Quality Networks • Ground-Water Level Networks • USGS and others, but not complete or integrated nationwide • January 2006: Suggestion made to ACWI to form a ground water subgroup • May 2006: National Water Quality Monitoring Conference Session • August 2006: Ad Hoc Steering Committee (SC) formed to develop a formal proposal to ACWI • September 2006: SC began work on draft Terms of Reference (TOR) • SOGW approved at January 2007 ACWI meeting

  4. ACWI SUBGROUPS National Water Quality Monitoring Council National Liaison Committee for NAWQA ٭Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data Subcommittee on Hydrology Subcommittee on Sedimentation Work Groups Methods and Data Comparability Board Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable Work Groups NewSubcommittee on Ground Water Work Groups Work Groups Work Groups Work Groups * Also reports to Federal Geographic Data Committee

  5. Current SOGW Members *Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASWIPCA) is in the process to join

  6. SOGW Setup • Invitation to advise, inquire, and participate in the SOGW process “All call” for volunteers led to 55 participants to date

  7. Work Groups Subcommittee on Ground Water (12) Bob Schreiber, ACWI – ASCE Bill Cunningham, USGS Executive Secretary Chris Reimer, NGWA Monitoring Inventory Work Group (13) Bill Cunningham, USGS Mike Wireman, USEPA Emery Cleaves, AASG Data Standards and Data Management Work Group (11) Chuck Job, USEPA Scott Andres, DE Geological Survey Field Practices Work Group (10) Rod Sheets, USGSMike Nickolaus, GWPC Monitoring Design Work Group (15) Bob Schreiber, ACWI- ASCE Kevin Frederick WY DEQ Quality Quantity Quality Quantity

  8. Subcommittee and Work Group Membership* Federal 9 State/local 25 Academia 4 Private sector 17 Total 55 *As of 07/18/07

  9. Field Practices Work GroupQuantity and Quality Subgroups • Tasked with specifying national standards and practices for: • techniques to make quantity (water level) and quality measurements in the field • data standards (including measurement accuracy and precision) • data handling and management • Soliciting field practices from regional, State, and National organizations (ASTM, USGS, USEPA, NASA, regional water authorities and State agencies)

  10. Field Practices WorkgroupSubgroup progress • Quantity • Annotated outline of report section complete • Text of draft report section in review by subgroup members by end of July • Quality • Annotated outline of report section complete • Text of draft report section in review by subgroup members by end of July • Combined Report • Draft (combined) report for review by SOGW by mid-September

  11. Inventory Work Group • Identified information needs necessary to assess the current status of ground water monitoring • Conducting research into what information is available that would help in answering information needs

  12. Data Standards and Data Management Work Group—Current Tasks and Progress • Conducting ground-water attribute comparison among federal and state databases • Developing and documenting understanding of ground-water data exchange • Identifying data standards for ground water data • developing several case studies at the state, regional and federal level for comparison

  13. Monitoring Design Work GroupCurrents Tasks and Progress • Researching network infrastructure designs, cost-sharing programs, and related topics • Evaluating other integrated network opportunities and efforts (e.g. CUASHI) • Collecting information and defining important discriminators, such as major aquifers, ambient or non-stressed wells, targeted networks, etc. • Evaluation of international efforts (e.g., EU monitoring efforts) • Draft framework document

  14. Other Progress and Milestones

  15. SOGW Webpage on ACWI Website

  16. NGWA sponsored web site for file sharing, editing, and document development

  17. SOGW Plans • Refine and populate report draft outline • Present Draft Report/Update on SOGW activities at January ACWI meeting • Present report for comments at NWQMC meeting • Host a session at the NWQMC ’08 meeting? • Present to ACWI to finalize Summer/Fall 08 • Continued Outreach

  18. Examples of What will the National Ground Water Framework Give Us:

  19. Saturated thickness (feet) of the High Plains aquifer, 2000 (modified from Weeks and Gutentag, 1981). USGS Publication Series, Report no. 1243, McGuire, Virginia L., Johnson, M. R., Schieffer, R. L., Stanton, J. S., Sebree, S. K., Verstraeten, I. M.; Water in storage and approaches to ground-water management, High Plains aquifer, 2000 (2003). http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/usgspubs/cir/cir1243

  20. Questions?

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