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Develop and coordinate a national monitoring network for water quality in both coastal waters and upland areas, linked to the Integrated Ocean Observing System. Includes actions for the ACWI committee, sustainable water resources roundtable, and the USGS Cooperative Water Program.
Advisory Committee on Water Information 2005 Interim Status September 14, 2005 USGS National Center Auditorium
Advisory Committee on Water Information Subgroups / Task Forces National Water Quality Monitoring Council National Liaison Committee for NAWQA ٭Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data 2004 Task Force on Cooperative Water Program Subcommittee on Sedimentation Work Groups Methodsand Data Comparability Board Subcommittee on Hydrology Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable Work Groups Work Groups Work Groups * Also reports to Federal Geographic Data Committee
National Water Quality Monitoring Council Work Groups
National Water Quality Monitoring Council Work Groups
National Monitoring Network Develop a National Monitoring Network that coordinates and expands existing efforts, includes coverage in both coastal waters and the upland areas that affect them, and is linked to the Integrated Ocean Observing System.
Actions for ACWI National Water Quality Monitoring Network for U.S. Coast and Upland Watersheds • Concur with approach for project, including preliminary Network Design • Understand limitations of Report, Design and Network given time frame and limited resources • Accept outline for January Report to CEQ, SWAQ and ACWI • Provide any further comments in writing by October 15, 2005
National Water Quality Monitoring Council Work Groups
Methods and Data Comparability Board Work Groups Performance-Based Systems (PBS) Biology and Microbiology National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI) Nutrients Water-Quality Data Elements New Technologies Laboratory and Field Accreditation Outreach and Publicity
Water Quality Data Elements Develop and recommend a core set of data elements for voluntarily reporting water quality monitoring results, to facilitate sharing of comparable data, while recognizing the objectives of individual programs.
Actions for ACWI Water Quality Data Elements (WQDE) and WQDE Guide • Approve revised biological data elements (toxicity, population) • Agree to publication of revised Guide as a Council Technical Report.
Sustainable WaterResources Roundtable Serves as a forum to share information and perspectives that will promote better decision making regarding the sustainable development of our Nation's water resources.
Actions for ACWI Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable Draft Preliminary Report • Agree to publication of this preliminary report by the U.S. Forest Service this fiscal year (i.e., would go to press September 30). • Provide comments on usefulness of information, and continuation of efforts on water sustainability criteria, indicators and research
2004 Task Force on the USGS Cooperative Water Program Assess the effectiveness of USGS in addressing the recommendations of the 1999 Coop Review Task Force. Suggest continued actions to be taken by the USGS to more fully implement the recommendations of the 1999 Report.
Actions for ACWI 2004 Task Force to Review the USGS Cooperative Water Program - Draft Final Report • Approve report, with any caveats based on questions/comments • If required, provide any further comments in writing by October 15, 2005