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Network usage analysis WP7.3

Network usage analysis WP7.3. Results of the usability tests and recommendations Patricia INIGO (Astrium). Network usage & reliability monitoring system. Network activity monitored at hub level using SSPs monitoring tools.

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Network usage analysis WP7.3

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  1. Network usage analysisWP7.3 Results of the usability tests and recommendations Patricia INIGO (Astrium) 1

  2. Network usage & reliability monitoring system • Network activity monitored at hub level using SSPs monitoring tools. • Key achievement of RP2:implementation and validation (through the First Test Run periods) of a homogeneous Network Usage monitoring system and procedures for the 3 RW SSPs (Avanti, Hellas Sat and TTSA) coordinated by Astrium. • Steps: • Metrics identification • Graphs definition • Procedures and deadlines • Platform implementation / adaptation • First Analysis of results • Recommendations for next periods 2

  3. Metrics identification • Network usage metrics: In & Out (typical Internet traffic asymmetry) • Traffic volume: total consumed bandwidth • Applications & Protocols: volume distribution between different applications • Data rate: instant measure of the throughput • System reliability indicators: • Time evolution of anomalies • Mechanism of incidents notification • Concerned network segment and equipment • Type of incident • Solution applied • Intervention • Resolution time 3

  4. Graphs definition (1/2) • Raw data collected continuously • Simple treatment to obtain synthesis graphs and charts • Network usage graphs (Monthly basis) • 1A Traffic volume per site • 2A Global traffic volume per month • 3A Detailed IN traffic volume per month • 4A Detailed OUT traffic volume per month • 5A Inbound Protocols distribution per site • 6A Outbound Protocols distribution per site • 7A Inbound protocol distribution per month • 8A Outbound protocol distribution per month • 9A Average IN Data rate per site and per month • 10A Average OUT Data rate per site and per month • 11A Histogram of sites average data rate 4

  5. Network usage graphs (1/2) Pilot Site Pilot Site 5

  6. Network usage graphs (2/2) Pilot Site Pilot Site 6

  7. Graphs definition (2/2) • Reliability graphs (three-monthly basis) • 1B Evolution of anomalies • 2B Distribution of incidents per current status • 3B Distribution of incidents per type of notification • 4B Anomaly reports per involved segment • 5B Distribution of incidents per equipment • 6B Distribution of anomalies per type of failure • 7B Distribution of incidents per downtime • 8B Distribution of anomalies per type of intervention • 9B Distribution of incidents per participant • 10B Distribution of incidents per type of solution applied • Based on agreed Anomaly Reports Ticket 7

  8. Reliability graphs 8

  9. Avanti Traffic Monitoring Platform • Main tool: Allot NetEnforcer/NetXplorer • Bandwidth management: rules • Network performance statistics: dedicated software, export to statistical package • Most common statistics: BW, hosts, pipes, protocols • Raw data: • .csv • Macros • Pivot tables Agreed format 9

  10. TTSA Traffic Monitoring Platform • Main tool: Allot NetEnforcer(Turin Hub)/NetXplorer(Secure Hosting Platform in Paris) • Architecture • Traffic curves made available to users (NCs) via MedSky client application. 10

  11. Hellas Sat Traffic Monitoring Platform • Main tool: Packeteer Packet Shaper 1700 • Max BW: 45 Mbps • Configuration: • In & Out traffic detection • 1 group per RW Pilot site based on IP addressing detection • Raw data: • .csv files directly stored to database connected to Packeteer device 11

  12. First Test Run results – Traffic volume • Monitored period: Dec 07–Jan 08 • Increase in the RW Pilot sites activity RW usages evolving and Internet access usage increasing • Download (In) >> Upload (Out) • Top sites per SSPs: • Dezna (TTSA) – 80.3 GB/362.5 GB • Cilcennin (Avanti) – 25.9 GB/3.2 GB • Parakentro (Hellas Sat) – 13.3 GB / 0.4 GB (Janv08) 12

  13. First Test Run results – Protocols • « All other » category: protocols not included in previous categories. Usually corresponds to P2P • Important presence of « All other » category in RW pilot sites.  P2P control policy implemented? • TTSA included QoS rule for this type of protocols in Dec, decrease in P2P volume detected in Jan. • Important volume of http: • Intensive web browsing • http downloads • P2P using port 80 • To be followed closely 13

  14. First Test Run results - Anomalies • Registered Anomalies: • Avanti (Dec 07- Jan08): 7 • Hellas Sat (Dec06-Jan 08): 9 • TTSA: 0 (?) • Notified through SSPs Help Desk • Avanti: hub platform migration  Sat modem distant reconfiguration required (< 1 day) • Hellas Sat: • ODU on site intervention (5-10 days) • Sat modem remote reconfiguration (< 1 day) 14

  15. Recommendations and Next Steps • RW Monitoring platform: validated! • Improvement on throughput statistics to come • P2P activity to be supervised closely by all SSPs • RW Pilot Sites Maintenance procedures crucial for successful site operation  Roles to be clarified for SSPs, NCs & end-users • Anomaly report to be used also by NCs? • For next periods: • Correlation with the number of end-users per site required (1 user = 1 PC) • Further correlation with NCs and end-user system experience 15

  16. Thank you for your attention. 16

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