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Drought in Kenya and its Humanitarian consequences

Drought in Kenya and its Humanitarian consequences. Introduction. Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) cover about 88% of the total area of the country. Arid areas - 125 and 500 mm of rainfall p.a. Semi arid areas - 400 and 1250 mm of rainfall p.a. The economic mainstay - livestock production.

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Drought in Kenya and its Humanitarian consequences

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  1. Drought in Kenya and its Humanitarian consequences

  2. Introduction • Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) cover about 88% of the total area of the country. • Arid areas - 125 and 500 mm of rainfall p.a. • Semi arid areas - 400 and 1250 mm of rainfall p.a. • The economic mainstay - livestock production. • Region owns 50% of Kenya’s livestock population • Region experiencing frequent and more severe droughts due to climate change. • Increasing frequency of drought contributing to accelerating poverty in the ASAL areas (>70%).

  3. -contd • Drought causes a reduction in the natural potential of the land and depletion of surface and ground resources. • It has negative repercussions on the living conditions and the economic development of the people affected by it. • Currently, the lowest HDIs are found in areas frequently hit by drought

  4. Environmental problems • Increased pests and diseases, soil erosion, habitat and landscape degradation, a decrease in air and water quality, and increased risk of fires • In prolonged droughts, natural environments fail to rebound and plant and animal species can suffer tremendously, and over time causing desertification • Negative coping strategies for survival such as increased over-exploitation of accessible natural resources,helps to aggravate desertification and hold up development.

  5. Economic impacts • A decline in crop yields and livestock productivity implies a reduction in income for farmers, those with economic ties to it, and an increase in the market price of products • Acute lack of water & pasture results in livestock and wildlife losses • A prolonged drought will cause unemployment of farmers and retailers, • Diversion of development funds to emergency • Increased poverty and malnutrition

  6. Social impacts • Disputes between users of available natural resources, inequalities in resource allocation or access, disparities in relief assistance, • A decline in health, poor sanitation, increased poverty and eventually death. • Prolonged, separation of families may occur due to migration causing food insecurity, malnutrition and increased risk of mortality • Desperate search for water & pasture will intensify clashes, livestock raids, banditry and social unrest. • Education – children schooling affected distance and poor performance

  7. Drought preparedness • Drought is a slow onset disaster, • It is relatively easy to tell when one is coming and can plan for intervention measures. Measures include: • Preparedness and contingency planning • Mitigation and Relief - to reduce the impacts • Recovery activities to restore social dignity

  8. Early Warning System Provides timely, reliable drought status information used in decision making and response planning at national, district and community levels

  9. Importance of EWS • Information on current status (stage) of drought • Information on risk of food insecurity or humanitarian emergency • Information on risk of loses • Recommendations for necessary actions at each stage of drought and/or Risk level

  10. Indicators Monitored • Environmental indicators (Stability Indicators) • Rainfall performance • Condition of Natural Vegetation and Pasture • Water Sources and Availability and Access • Rural economy indicators (Food Availability) • Food Production from households (livestock and crops) • Availability of food commodities in the market

  11. Access to food Prices of food commodities • Crops – maize, beans, posho, rice • Livestock – main species cattle, goats, sheep and camel. • Income from crops, livestock, and others

  12. Welfare Indicators • Nutrition Status • Health status • Coping strategies – CSI • Terms of trade • Ongoing interventions

  13. What is monitored • Each quantitative indicator is analyzed by: Sentinel site, LZ, Division, District Compare: • Trends • Deviations from normal or average • Long term average and current situation Assign Drought Status

  14. Seasonal Calendar

  15. Illustration of drought Kajiado Laikipia Kilifi Kajiado

  16. Illustration of drought- RFE maps

  17. Effects of drought

  18. Maize crop under moisture stress

  19. Severe Drought A dry river Bed Elephants scooping water from a dry river bed

  20. Early Effects of Drought Livestock watering in a drying river bed

  21. A shared water source for livestock and humans The water is untreated but consumed directly

  22. Water point in North Eastern Kenya Boreholes must work throughout, 18-24hrs Women and children waiting for water

  23. -Women trekking from water points -Long distances and long waiting hours at water points and untreated water

  24. Water availability, distances, waiting time at source changed Increased dependence and pressure on permanent water sources

  25. Wildlife grazing alongside livestock -A source of human–wildlife conflict -Encounters with fierce wild animals -Self defense and loss of life

  26. -Migration towards common dry season grazing sites. -Potential hazards include: Encounter with diseases, conflict, raiders, and prolongedfamily separation , Livestock concentration sites in West Pokot district

  27. Severe drought effects on livestock Loss of income, livelihood, Pastoralist dropouts, Public health problem

  28. -Land preparation using oxen plough -Feeding & restocking necessary

  29. A livestock market

  30. Bad road conditions and insecurity hampers markets access

  31. Increased number of children who are malnourished and at risk of Malnutrition Improve IYCF, immunization, micro-nutrient supplementation, De-worming, improve access to health services, scale-up selective feeding programs.

  32. A normal day

  33.  Experiencing childhood?

  34. Concrete strategies for ASAL development Devpnt of reliable water sources Development of appropriate mechanisms for livestock improvement, mgt and marketing Adoption of appropriate agricultural techniques (DTC, Irrigation, Water harversting, Soil conservation), Capacity building at all levels Provision of necessary infrastructure Conflict managent and resolution Improve health and nutrition practices ( IYCF, primary health care practices, SFP, micronutrient supplimemts.

  35. Long term measures Enhance sustainable development strategies beyond survival and subsistence livelihood strategies Empowering communities so that they can effectively identify, implement and sustain their development priorities. Fostering an enabling enviroment through appropriate policy, advocacy and reaserch. DSGs should ensure that there is interagency collaboration and genuine partnership in addressing community development and food security issues (GOK, UN agencies, NGOs, community organizations and leaders) Effective preparedness and mitigation measures to reduce vulnerability and impact of natrural and man made shocks Improve the effectiveness of response mechanisms

  36. WHEN?

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