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YouTube, We Tube Kevin Dando kdando@pbs.org

YouTube, We Tube Kevin Dando kdando@pbs.org. The Obligatory Opening Slides w/ lots of statistics According to a comScore Media Metrix, October 2008 had more than 100 million YouTube video viewers, for a total of 2.5 billion searches.

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YouTube, We Tube Kevin Dando kdando@pbs.org

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  1. YouTube, We TubeKevin Dandokdando@pbs.org

  2. The Obligatory Opening Slides w/ lots of statistics • According to a comScore Media Metrix, October 2008 had more than 100 million YouTube video viewers, for a total of 2.5 billion searches. • This means that YouTube has more searches than Yahoo!, making it the second most popular “search engine.”

  3. The Obligatory Opening Slides w/ lots of statistics Findings from comScore Media Metrix --November 2008: • 77 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video. • The average online video viewer watched 273 minutes of video. • 97 million viewers watched 5.1 billion videos on YouTube.com (52.3 videos per viewer). • The duration of the average online video was 3.1 minutes.

  4. And, perhaps most importantly, people will find YouTube videos when they’re searching Google A brand new (1/9/09) Forrester research study shows: • For keywords that show video results in Google, videos have a “50 times better chance of appearing on the first page of results than any given text page in the index.” • Forrester says less than 20 percent of video providers optimize their videos for search.

  5. Background on PBS’s YouTube channel Went online more than 2 ½ years ago More than 1,500 videos More than 15 million views More than 12,000 subscribers The PBS channel subscribes to PBS shows and local PBS stations. Are you from a station that has a YouTube channel? Make sure the PBS YouTube account has subscribed to it.

  6. How to Make Your Videos More FindableYouTube’s SEO algorithm You Tube has a search algorithm that includes the optimization of the following: title description tags number of views rating Source: http://www.reelseo.com/youtube-seo-tips/

  7. Additional Recommendations from Video SEO expert Greg Markel: • Community/social & linking factors weigh heavily in determining ranking on many video search engines. This includes Ratings, Favorites, Playlists, Comments, Honors, Views, Embedding, Response Videos, and Linking. • “Click on a competitors’ video watch page ‘Statistics & Data’ tab and analyze the factors contributing to the video ranking success, then work to meet or beat them!” he says.

  8. Other Reasons We Like YouTube • Most importantly – be a citizen of YouTube. • Be committed. Be a neighbor. Be conversational. Don’t use YouTube only for promotional purposes (30 second tune-in spots aren’t that appealing to YouTube users) • Dress up your YouTube profile. • Encourage people to subscribe, rate and “favorite” your clips, and have your station’s YouTube account do the same for others. • Respond to comments, questions & e-mails • Use YouTube’s metrics/insight function to measure effectiveness • Comment moderation (PLEASE keep it turned on)

  9. For more information, or a copy of this presentation, please contact Kevin Dando, PBSkdando@pbs.org

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