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The Sin god can’t forgive . Maybe I have committed the unpardonable sin!. What sin will be so terrible that God will refuse to forgive it?. The Unpardonable Sin! .
Maybe I have committed the unpardonable sin! What sin will be so terrible that God will refuse to forgive it?
The Unpardonable Sin! Wherefore I say unto you, _________ of ___ and _________ shall be _______ unto men: but the _________ against the _________ shall ___ be _______ unto men. Matthew 12:31 All manner sin blasphemy forgiven blasphemy Holy Ghost not forgiven
God’s Mercy Isaiah 1:18 Psalm 86:5 Micah 7:19 1 John 1:9 Although our sins be scarlet or crimson, he will make them white as snow or wool. ready to forgive; has tons of mercy for all that call upon him. He delights in mercy, has compassion upon us; will subdue our iniquities; and will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. If we confess our sins, he will forgive all unrighteousness.
Contradiction? against He that shall blaspheme the Holy Ghost hath forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. Matthew 3:29 never
Holy Sprit’s purpose? • John 16:8 • John 16:13 • Ephesians 1:17 • Romans 8:26 • Acts 7:51 • Ephesians 4:30 The Holy Spirit's work is to convict hearts/minds. the Spirit guides us into all truth. brings wisdom and enlightenment Intercedes* for us. Convicts us of sin. Seals, preserves and marks us. *Intercession: theprocessoftryingtopersuadesomeoneinauthority tohelpsomeoneelseortochangetheiropinionordecisionaboutthem
Point of No Return! • Ephesians 4:30 • Acts 7:51 • Isaiah 63:10 • Proverbs 28:13 grieve not the holy Spirit. resist the Holy Ghost. rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit. confess and forsakesin.
Blaspheme Words or actions that display irreverence toward or contempt for God.(Encyclopedia) To speak of or address with irreverence. (Merriam-Webster.) To use words which show no respect for God or religion, or to swear. (Cambridge.) To treat God or sacred things disrespectfully through words or action. (Encarta) Noun: Things said against the Church or God. Verb:to speak against God or religious doctrine. (Wiktionary)
Ways to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit. • When continually refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit (God) • When refuse to surrender our will to the Holy Spirit (God), • When we reject the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin and Jesus (salvation),
Point of No Return! The result of ignoring, acting and speaking against the Holy Spirit, is to grieve the Holy Spirit away, and without the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, the sin goes unconfessed. And any sin that is not confessed is not pardonable.
Jesus makes no provision for willful sins. The unpardonable sin is the sin that refuses to be pardoned; it is the refusal to hear him concerning a sin, and to turn from that sin; it is the sin of refusing his instruction; it is the sin of unbelief concerning his warnings; it is the stubbornness of the heart that will not turn from sin, which seals the fate of any people or any individual. (E.G. White)
Heb.3.15 To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 1Thes.5.19 Quench not the Spirit. Joshua 24:15 choose you this day whom ye will serve.