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October Series “It’s a Miracle”. October 9 th , 2011 Luke 5:17-26, 29-32. Passage Outline. Jesus Honors Faith (Luke 5:17-20) Jesus Forgives Sin (Luke 5:21-26) Jesus Seeks Sinners (Luke 5:29-32). What is Lesson this About?. Jesus alone has authority to forgive sins.
October Series “It’s a Miracle” October 9th, 2011 Luke 5:17-26, 29-32
Passage Outline • Jesus Honors Faith (Luke 5:17-20) • JesusForgives Sin (Luke 5:21-26) • Jesus Seeks Sinners (Luke 5:29-32)
What is Lesson this About? • Jesus alone has authority to forgive sins. • And He also desires that all people experience His forgiveness and grace.
How can this Impact Your Life? • We can have the assurance that our individual sins are forgiven. • And we will be motivated to share the message of forgiveness and grace with others.
Jesus Honors Faith Luke 5:17-20 17 One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem, were sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus.
Jesus Honors Faith 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. 20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."
Pharisees & Teachers of the Law • Why were they there? • To learn from Jesus’ instruction? • To investigate Jesus and His Ministry? • They came from every village of Galilee, Judea and as far away as Jerusalem. • The news about Jesus was getting out. • So, they came to check Jesus out. Why? • They were the authorities and experts on the Old Testament and it application. Probably not! I think so!
“Some men come, carrying a paralyzed friend to Jesus” • They tried to get through the sea of people. • They take the paralyzed man to the roof. • To remove some of the roofing material and lower their friend directly before Jesus. No Good! What on earth for? Talk about determination? But wait, that’s a problem?
Once on the upper level, roof tiles would be set aside opening up the lower level.
What kind of friends did this poor paralyzed man have? • I think they were WAY more than friends! • There was no obstacle that would prevent them from getting to Jesus. • True friends do whatever is necessary to get their friends to Jesus. • Are you that kind of friend?
I think they also had a huge faith in Jesus, otherwise, why go to all this trouble? • I think they believed, without any doubt, that Jesus could heal their friend. • So, they put their faith to work and didn’t allow anything to discourage them in getting their friend to Jesus!
What kind of friend are you? • Do you have an active faith in Jesus? • Do you believe, without any doubt, that Jesus could make a big difference in your friends’ life? • Are you willing to put your faith to work and do whatever it takes to get your friend to Jesus? A Faith that moves you to do something? Or is Jesus just something nice to have?
How far are you willing to go to bring your friends to Jesus? • Invite them to church with you? • Provide transportation for them? • Sit with them so they will feel more comfortable? • Introduce them to people of the church and maybe Pastor Jim? • Have a party at your house for them and invite your favorite teacher? Spiritual Exercise #1 See the Box on page 2
Jesus Honors Faith Seeing their faith, Jesus said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” • What did it say? Read that again! • What do you make of that? “Their faith…your sins are forgiven? • Can you believe for someone else? • The man must have had some faith or how could he have been forgiven?
Had the man all but given up, thought there was no more hope for him? Either physically or spiritually? • But his friends had not given up and Jesus saw their tenacious faith! • There are times when we can believe for a weaker brother/sister. • We can believe for them, take them to Jesus, and then faith takes root in that person as well. • This is what happens with babies in Baptism.
Contemplate this Insight • Acting on our faith in Christ holds gigantic benefits for our friends. • Think of some ways we can be acting on our faith on behalf of others? • What can I do? ________ Take a deep breath then close your eyes
Jesus Forgives Sins Luke 5:21-26 21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" 22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?
Jesus Forgives Sins 24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." He said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." 25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."
Who Is Jesus Anyway? • The Pharisees were there to judge the validity of Jesus’ ministry. • His statement about forgiving sins not only shocked the Pharisees, but it was considered blasphemy, since only God can forgive sins. • What is blasphemy? Claiming to be God, or to do things that only God can do.
Who Is Jesus Anyway? • So Jesus proposes a test: Which is easier to say and make happen? • Your sins are forgiven? What’s changed? • Get up and walk? What’s changed? • If I can make change happen in b. what does that say about a? • Jesus heals the man, and it proves He also has the power to forgive sins. • Who, then, is Jesus? Jesus is God!
Notice the Reaction? • They give “glory to God.” Why? • We have seen incredible things today. What things? • A paralyzed man is able to walk; A paralyzed soul is forgiven and free. • What incredible things have you seen God do in your life? • How easy is it then to praise and glorify God? Two healings!
Contemplate this Insight I give Praise and Honor to God! • This man was paralyzed, but Jesus saw his greater need – forgiveness! • In our prayers too, we have the assurance that God will not just give us what we want, but what we really need. • Personal illustration:
Jesus Seeks Sinners Luke 5:27-3227 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.
Levi (Matthew), a Tax Collector? • His name was Levi or Matthew. What does that tell you about him? • Two strikes against him: • A tax collector; - not well loved! • A traitor; - despised and hated! • Jesus says, “Follow Me.” And he does! He was a Jew, working for the Romans collecting taxes!
Levi (Matthew), a Tax Collector? • Why did Levi jumped at the chance of following Jesus? • Anything’s better than this… • He may have thought, “What do I have to lose? Why not follow Jesus?” • Or, maybe Levi was really committed. • We get an idea of his commitment level, as we read the next portion of the text.
Jesus Seeks Sinners 29 Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 30 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" 31 Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
Jesus Seeks Sinners • Levi wanted his friends to get to met Jesus. So, what does he do? • He holds a banquet at his house, and invites both Jesus and all his friends. • His invitation maybe read: “Come, meet the man who changed my life!” • I call this a “Matthew Party!” • Levi must have seen a willingness in Jesus to associate with his friends. My recent Matthew Party Your are Normal!
Jesus Seeks Sinners • But not so the Pharisees. • They considered these people not worth saving. • They thought Jesus ought to be ashamed of associating with such dregs of society. • Their complaint? • Jesus didn’t have sense enough not to eat and drink with the likes of such terrible sinners.
Jesus Seeks Sinners • Jesus reply was simple but complete: • "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” • Jesus wants us to look for the sick. • No matter how sinful people may have been, don’t ever give up hope, because they can still repent and turn to Jesus. • He will forgive them because He was called to be the doctor to the sick. We are called to seek the lost sheep of St. John.
Jesus Seeks Sinners • Jesus’ goal of His ministry: “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” • Jesus knows that some people wouldn’t see themselves as sinners and therefore don’t think they need God’s forgiveness. • The Pharisees thought they were good enough and could earn the privilege of a relationship with God.
Jesus Seeks Sinners • St. Paul said: Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” • How sad when that sickness goes unrecognized and people ask God to give them what they think they deserve. • St. Paul said again: Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death;” • But for those who recognize they’re sick, comes “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ALL PEOPLE ARE SICK! Some recognize it.
Jesus’ authority to forgive sins is real, what will you do with it? What sick people do you know that need “the Doctor?”
Will you help me share Jesus’ love and forgiveness in simple and friendly ways, like Matthew Parties? Please?