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Value for Money: Easier or Harder than it looks? Andrew Rowell, CARE Australia DevPol Conference Feb 2014

Value for Money: Easier or Harder than it looks? Andrew Rowell, CARE Australia DevPol Conference Feb 2014. VFM – not exactly a new idea…. Donor context – results and VFM. UK and then Australia - expanding aid budgets, amid broader fiscal restraint

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Value for Money: Easier or Harder than it looks? Andrew Rowell, CARE Australia DevPol Conference Feb 2014

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  1. Value for Money: Easier or Harder than it looks? Andrew Rowell, CARE Australia DevPol ConferenceFeb 2014

  2. VFM – not exactly a new idea…

  3. Donor context – results and VFM • UK and then Australia - expanding aid budgets, amid broader fiscal restraint  greater emphasis on cost-benefit type approaches to justify aid investments • Australian policy expressed as “VFM and results” or “VFM and effectiveness” – BUT the second half can get a bit lost...

  4. Policy vs achievements? • “A ‘value for money’ perspective – one that balances effectiveness, efficiency and economy in decision-making – will drive improvements across the aid program. This focuses on results and returns for poor people, rather than just input costs.” (Effective Aid 2012, emphasis added) • But, claimed achievements in securing VFM? • Advisor Review – fewer expensive advisors • Remuneration review – cheaper advisors • Lack of consistent understanding across programs of what is being sought...

  5. So, VFM is clearly a Very Important Thing, but beware… • Overemphasis on inputs, not results? • Inefficient both for aid staff and NGO staff? • Doesn’t take account of issues of timeframe, pilots, scaling up to achieve impact? • Simplistic measures risk distorting focus: “Those development projects that are most precisely and easily measured are the least transformational, and those projects that are the most transformational are the least measurable” – ex USAID Head, Natsios 2010

  6. Meanwhile, in the UK… • Independent Commission for Aid Impact says: “...effectiveness and value for money are inextricably linked: how can a programme be value for money if it is not effective; and if there is poor value for money, is the programme being as effective as it could be?” • … and assesses “VFM and effectiveness” based on four criteria around Objectives, Delivery, Impact and Learning

  7. Some good VFM practice in Australian aid • Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) – large, well-resourced program involving 10 NGOs, developing its own VFM framework and encouraging piloting of different approaches • Engaging with ACFID research on VFM • Principles-based approach emerging through development of possible Effectiveness Assessment Methodology – thinking about strategy, results, cost and value consciousness

  8. Australian NGOs – confident in our fundamentals around VFM! After all: • We’re non-profit! • We make dollars stretch! • We use volunteers! • We don’t fly business class! BUT: How can we actually demonstrate that we provide good VFM??

  9. Some thoughts from CARE Australia: • Regional impact reports to get better handle on results • Examining existing processes to see where we already address aspects of VFM, and where we can strengthen • Using mechanisms to consider value placed on our interventions by beneficiaries and participants • Trial of modified Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach – indicated significant positive returns

  10. (But beware of trying to quantify everything?)

  11. And learning from others: • VFM evaluation of CARE UK’s partnership program with DFID, based on analysis around results from innovation/ scale-up, levels of resourcing, risk mitigation mechanisms (not just input costs) • Sharing information and approaches with other NGOs and DFAT engaged in AACES • Ten peer agencies (ANCP partners) planning a learning event on VFM in mid 2014

  12. Emerging principles around VFM (and results)? • Integrate closely with M&E processes – don’t overlay as a new, separate layer • VFM is multifaceted, not a simple equation • Incorporate value placed on interventions by beneficiaries and participants (not only the donor or agency view)

  13. Emerging principles around VFM? • Our approach to addressing VFM should itself be efficient and cost-effective, and deliver useful, “good enough” info without being unduly resource intensive: “On balance, VfM adds little to good practice program evaluation when it takes a ‘results-based’ approach, and a full economic analysis approach is expensive to carry out and difficult to justify given that evidence for economic benefit of WASH outcomes already exists.” (AusAID WASH Fund Evaluation 2012)


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