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Carers issues during 2016 (Past issues in blue, new issues in red ). L.D Partnership Board 21st November 2016. LD Partnership Board 21st November 2016. Making Carers voices heard 32 + occasions when we have represented carers LD Carers Voice website – 891+ hits in the year
Carers issues during 2016 (Past issues in blue, new issues in red) L.D Partnership Board 21st November 2016
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Making Carers voices heard • 32 + occasions when we have represented carers • LD Carers Voice website – 891+ hits in the year • Training of professionals – 3 more sessions recently • Help to carers to begin to plan for the long-term • Current - Discussion with Electoral Services about voting and people with learning disabilities – and ensuring that procedures (and assumptions) don’t reduce opportunities to vote
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Service issues that impact on carers – Finances • Charging system for day centres • Increase for support agencies to accommodate living wage • Increase in direct payments to take account of pension contributions for Personal Assistants, increased sleep-in costs, etc
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Service issues that impact on carers indirectly Current (a) Health & Social Care ‘charging’consultation • Reassurance that services to carers won’t be cut is welcome….but takes us back to our rule of thumb – ‘Get it right for the people we care for, and you get it right for us’. • If support for carers is protected at the expense of support for those we care for, that is the wrong outcome.
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Service issues that impact on carers indirectly Current (b) Day Centres • Closure of the Honley Centre appears to have happened without much consultation • Opening times – trend to earlier finishing times. Impact on carers in terms of having a life of their own, and ability to work etc, as Centres begin to resemble luncheon clubs rather than day facilities.
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Service issues – NHS involvement • Concern that NHS involvement in integrated services was being reduced, and that the relevant professionals had changed base without informing people Current - Health Continuing Care funding • Real concerns that some people have had their shared funding cut or amended drastically. • …and without any involvement of carers, who discover by accident that the change has happened
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Local Authority Service issues • Carers card and mechanism for updating emergency plans • Social work team – vast delays in responding • Why not consider contracting out some functions? • Why not abandon reviews? • Continuity – need for everyone to repeat their story every time they ask for a service
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 Current • Is there a system for reviewing requests for support or re-assessments … and if so, what criteria are used to prioritise those on the waiting list ? • What has happened to the notion of contacting those on the waiting list occasionally to reassure them that they have not been forgotten ?
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 • Wider issues • Benefit cuts and demonisation of people on benefits • Constant need to fill out application forms, attend interviews, even when the disability is life-long and won’t change • Usefulness of having people available to help in these scary processes where there is a lot at stake • Reviews and reassessments are still feared, as potential opportunities to cut support
LD Partnership Board21st November 2016 The LD Partnership Board • Is the Board still a reliable means of conveying concerns to senior managers in the Local Authority and NHS, and creating change ? • If so, what can we do to make sure it stays that way? • If not, what can we do to rescue it ?