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Malaria. Daniel Parker, Taryn Justice, Luis Zuniga, and Stephen Grout. What is Malaria?.

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  1. Malaria Daniel Parker, Taryn Justice, Luis Zuniga, and Stephen Grout

  2. What is Malaria? Malaria is an infectious disease caused by mosquitoes. Malaria is a member of the Plasmodium genus. It is spread by bites from infected mosquitoes. In 2010, there were over 216,000,000 cases of Malaria, many of which were children living in Africa.

  3. What are the Signs & Symptoms? Symptoms of Malaria include flu-like symptoms such as headache, shivering, fever, vomiting, and jaundice. The most well-known symptom of Malaria is paroxysm, which causes sudden chills, followed by sweating and a fever.

  4. How to Treat Malaria? The treatability of Malaria is based off of the severity of the disease. The type of medicine that you take depends on your height, weight, age, and whether or not you’re pregnant. Some common medications utilized for the treatment of Malaria are Chloroquine, Mefloquine, and Quinine.

  5. Is Malaria Sex-Linked or Autosomal-Linked? Neither. Malaria is a non-genetic disease and therefore, does not affect chromosomes. Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disease that relates to Malaria, because someone who has Sickle Cell Disease and Malaria cannot die or have fatal health effects from Malaria because the parasite that causes Malaria cannot attach to sickle-shaped cells.

  6. Personal Malaria Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_RHj_4hCiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_RHj_4hCiA

  7. Study Guide • How is Malaria spread? • How many cases of Malaria were recorded in 2010? • How are Malaria and Sickle Cell related? • Is Malaria treatable? • What genus is it in?

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