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The collaboration model underpinning the framework

This collaboration framework supports the implementation of the National Development Plan and Education Sector Plan. It outlines growth stages, progress, and impact of the NECT project in various districts incorporating district interventions and school support to enhance education outcomes.

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The collaboration model underpinning the framework

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  1. Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) to support the implementation of the National Development Plan and the Education Sector plan Background and Update November 2014

  2. The collaboration model underpinning the framework COLLABORATION MODEL

  3. NECT Growth Stages High output Progress towards outcomes Maintenance of confidence levels Strategic expansion and replication Honing in on game changing components [36 months] Inception phase Storming & Norming Initiation, scoping and fundraising drive Advocacy, creation of hope, demand & expectation [6 months] Set up phase Profiling, conceptualisation and contracting [5 months] Jul – Dec 13 Aug 14 – Jul 15 Jan -Jul 14 Impact • The set up phase has been completed successfully. Four districts completed the inception phase; two districts will complete it in October and the last two in April. • The inception phase was a highly pressured phase combining deeper understanding of district specific issues, planning and setting up of governance and implementation structures as well as some quick start up interventions

  4. NECT project spread • The trustees are considering the breath, depth and the suite of the future NECT interventions against the many requests that reach the NECT. The key principle will be maintaining focus on a few game changers.

  5. Scope of District Intervention Support (P1) Profiling of 8 districts to aid in planning.

  6. District Intervention: [P1] Learning Programmes 5 Provinces [LP, EC,KZN,NW, MP] DSCs 8 DISTRICTS School Support & Monitoring 4362 schools (18%) Responsive & Comprehensive intervention Fresh Start Schools 409 – (9%) • The school improvement interventions are pitched three levels as represented by the four circles. • The number of FSSs have increased from 330 to 409 since the introduction of the last 2 districts. • Arrangements are being made with the DBE to increase this number by another 400 which will be taken care of by the 86 members of DBE’s national Quality Management System team that profiled the schools last year. (1st step to replication) • NECT is working with DBE (& McKinsey and co) to develop new KPIs and targets for districts.

  7. Highlights of start up interventions in FSS • In KZN PILO has inducted 1500 school principals in the use of the toolkits (Learning Programmes) for managing curriculum implementation. • The other provinces have not started their programmes for improving district level efficiencies, however the circuit managers responsible for Fresh Start School in the EC and Limpopo have been trained with the 32 change recruited for this purpose. • The change agents have made 1686 person days inputs in school to perform a wide range of support activities in schools that have received close to no visits by the districts • A school renovation model that costs less than R500 000 to procure the materials and involves on average 15 interns performs critically needed infrastructure inputs estimated at R1,5 m per school • FSS renovations are carried out in partnership with the Dept of Rural Development which identifies interns and provide them with stipends and protective clothing • DBE has committed R16 million to refurbish 32 FSS and M&R committed to refurbishing 4 FSS in the current financial year.

  8. Start up interventions in FSS (cont). • Facilitation of the merging of 34 schools in the Eastern Cape • Winter schools conducted in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. Emphasis was on improving the quality of Winter schools, e.g. the choice of tutors, their preparation and support. • Lead Agencies led some minor refurbishments of 50 schools in Limpopo; 3493 study guides distributed; supplied some sanitary and cleaning resources; 1234 administrative interns deployed; school renovations carried out; 105 342 school desks and 5375 teachers’ tables repaired or supplied • A pilot of the math and science lesson streaming programme in 10 schools in the Eastern Cape using telematic centres in collaboration with Stellenbosch • 234 interns have been trained and deployed in Limpopo and Kwazulu-Natal to provide learners with psycho-social support services • An index of psychosocial support has been developed in KZN

  9. School renovation model- educational improvement requires a restoration of basic dignity and a creation of new aspiration -

  10. Learning Programmes

  11. Development of the Three-year plans– status and lessons • The process was designed to go through iterative steps of describing a theory of change and developing it into a programme • The KZN and Limpopo plans were accepted, the EC is expected end of October after it went through a revision. • Change Theories: • KZN: Learner performance can be greatly improved through improved management, coverage and teaching of the curriculum. • LIMPOPO: Significant improvement in learner outcomes will be achieved when teachers constantly reflect on their teaching, and improve their planning and lesson preparation • Eastern Cape: pending • Northwest & Mpumalanga: Entering inception phase Common design parameters were adopted - see diagram on following slide

  12. Designparameters

  13. Systemic Intervention project (P2) • Aims at partnering with government to address a few key challenges that are holding back the improvement of the education system or risk reversing the gains already made. • Teacher provisioning risks undermining the existing or future gains in education • Personnel cost increased by 2.91% to 86.1% between 2010/11 and 2012/13 nationally • South Africa spent 5.99% of GDP on education in 2010, compared to an average of 6.1% in the OECD countries. The most OECD countries spend in education in 7.2%. • The NECT’s objectives are to provide technical support in scoping the challenge, propose and advocate for early actions and support the implementation of the recommendations.

  14. Innovation programme [P3] • Projects 1: What works at the systems level of the public service remains unexplored. This is a ‘learning project’ which build a critical case about public service performance focusing on the improvement of examination system. The scoping process is underway. • Project 2: A reference group consisting of representatives from universities (Limpopo, Medunsa and Pretoria, the LP Department of Health, the DBE, NGOs (Special Olympics South Africa, Juta & Co), and Warmbaths Hospital is designing the test project targeting Belabela circuit. The fieldwork is planned for when the schools reopen in 2015. The planning will be completed during the last quarter of 2014 • Project 3: Development of a single, clear ICT vision that is accessible to all key players in the government and private sectors. The aims are to: • Develop an achievable implementation strategy which should be adopted at cabinet level; • Develop a coherent and affordable implementation programme incorporating the use of the cloud, TV channels, streaming, materials, teacher centres, teacher laptops etc.; • Obtain national commitment from all key public entities including the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, teacher unions, ICT companies, and the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA); • Provide implementation support and monitoring and evaluation. • The Department of Telecommunication and Postal services working on partnership arrangements to drive ICT collaboration in education. Peter Gent is finalising the scoping work in the DBE.

  15. Local projects (P4) The aim in this project is to promote better coordination and effectiveness of social investments in education. The NECT will focus on low-investment, high-impact projects that will contribute towards better decision making regarding social investment and have a more strategic impact on education policy and programmes. To date: • The NECT has engaged Bridge to collect and review the various Maths and Science programmes and produce a set of lessons and guidelines based on the review. • Discussions on how this process can be dovetailed with the initiative to draw the lessons from the math and science chairs funded by FirstRand Foundation has been initiated with TSI • The outcomes of this project will be feed into the math and science strategy planning being initiated by the DBE.

  16. Education DialogueSA [P5] The purpose of the dialogues is to create an avenue for open, honest engagement among key stakeholders such as government, teacher unions, student organisations, civil society organisations, business, academics, and Government. To date: • Two national and one provincial dialogue were organised in the past 12 months, involving over 120 delegates representing all the above mentioned sectors. • The three dialogues provided an opportunity for discussions on how to improve teacher professionalisation and school ethos. The value of the dialogues • Created an avenue for structured conversations among stakeholders with divergent backgrounds; • Contribute to minimising gaps in perception among stakeholders; • Kept over 2000 stakeholders on the NECT database informed about the teacher professionalisation programme; and • Contributed to nurturing a common education improvement agenda by, amongst others, systematically and objectively challenging widespread misinformation and negative propaganda in the education sector. Next Steps • World Teachers’ Day Campaign with all unions , DBE, ELRC and SACE • Consolidation of recommendations from the professionalisation task team • Exploration of the Schooling model of the future • One-on-one meetings with new NEC’s of all the six unions, starting with SADTU’s on 18 November

  17. Monitoring and Evaluation [P8] Updates • Technical and Advisory committees have been set up and have been instrumental in framing the NECT’s M&E. • The Advisory: Prof. John Volmink, Prof. Sarah Howie, Dr Martin Gustafson and Emmanuel Sibanda (Umalusi) • Draft M&E framework and draft Inception phase report are being finalised

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