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Excretory System. Kara robbins. Function. Get rid of waste Eliminates useless byproducts excreted by cells Eradicates harmful chemical build-up Maintains a steady, balanced chemical concentration. Kidney. Function. Filter blood Remove waste Control body’s fluid balance
Excretory System Kara robbins
Function Get rid of waste Eliminates useless byproducts excreted by cells Eradicates harmful chemical build-up Maintains a steady, balanced chemical concentration
Kidney Function • Filter blood • Remove waste • Control body’s fluid balance • Regulate balance of electrolytes • Create urine which collects in kidney’s pelvis • Urine drains down ureters to bladder
Ureters Function • Moves urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Bladder Functions • Stores urine • Allows urinating to be infrequent and voluntary
Urethra Function • Opening the allows urine to be discharged from the urinary bladder
Nitrogenous waste Ammonia • Mainly used by aquatic animals • Get rid of by excreting in very dilute solutions • In soft-body invertebrates, diffuses across whole body surface into surrounding water • In freshwater fish, helps maintain Na+ concentrations much higher than surrounding water because they switch NH4+ for Na+
Nitrogenous Waste Urea • Mainly used to terrestrial animals • Use urea instead of ammonia because it conserves water • If using ammonia would have to urinate copiously because the compound is too toxic • Made during the metabolic by combining ammonia with carbon dioxide
Nitrogenous waste Uric Acid • Excreted by land snails, birds, insects, and some reptiles • Can be excreted as a precipitate after nearly all the water has been reabsorbed by urine • Animals use uric acid based on mode of reproduction and environmental changes
Nephron process Filtration Reabsorption form of active transport which takes the useful substances for the body from the tubules and places them back into the blood filled capillaries • occurs as a result of relative high pressure inside the capillaries and low pressure in the Bowman's capsule • Fine capillaries of the glomerulus have porous walls • Through pores flow small molecules such as water, glucose, amino acids and waste products • Red blood cells and giant protein molecules too big to squeeze through these pores • Remain inside the blood vessels
Nephron process Secretion Excretion Removes the extra substances Transforms into urine and sent to bladder out of kidney • Process whichthe peritubularcapillary transports certain substances directly into the fluid of therenaltubule • Transported by similar mechanism as reabsorption but done in reverse
Disorders • Urethritis • Inflammation of the Urethra • Caused by infection by bacteria that enter the urethra through skin around the urethra’s opening • Symptoms: • Feeling the frequent or urgent need to urinate • Difficulty starting urination • Pain during sex • Discharge from the urethral opening or vagina • In men, blood in urine or semen • Increased prevalence in: • Females in reproductive years • Males ages 20-25 • People with many sexual partners • High-sexual risk takers and people with history of STDs • Treatment: • Antibiotics
Disorders • Cystitis • Inflammation of the bladder • Caused by E. Coli or a bacterial infection • Symptoms: • Strong persistent urge to urinate • Burning sensation when urinating • Blood in urine • Passy cloudy or strong-smelling urine • Discomfort in pelvic area • Low-grade fever • Low-pressure in lower abdomen • Prevalence is approximately 1 in every 43 persons • Treatment: • Antibiotics