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IEEE 802.21 Motions in November Plenary DCN: 21-11-0194-00-0000 Title : Request for EC Conditional Approval Date Submitted: Nov 10, 2011 Presented at EC Closing Plenary, November 2011 Authors or Source(s): Subir Das , Telcordia Technologies Inc
IEEE 802.21 Motions in November Plenary DCN: 21-11-0194-00-0000 Title: Request for EC Conditional Approval Date Submitted: Nov 10, 2011 Presented at EC Closing Plenary, November 2011 Authors or Source(s): Subir Das, Telcordia Technologies Inc Abstract: This document contains Sponsor Ballots summary and motions for EC conditional approval to forward the IEEE P802.21b to the IEEE SA RevCom Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Motion for a Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.21b Draft to the IEEE SA RevCom Rules Motions requesting conditional approval to forward when the prior ballot has closed shall be accompanied by: • Date the ballot closed • Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes • Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group responses • Schedule for confirmation ballot and resolution meeting. Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Sponsor Ballot Statistics Number of People in the Sponsor Ballot Pool = 75 Slide 3 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Voters with Negative Votes Slide 4 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Links to Sponsor Ballot Comments and Resolutions • SB #1: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/11/21-11-0149-03-bcst-802-21b-sb-comments.xls • SB re-circ #1: • https://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/11/21-11-0181-01-bcst-802-21b-sbr1-comments.xls Slide 5 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Negative Comments and Resolution Details (SB Re-Circ#1) Comment #3– Document 21-11-0181-01-bcast-802-21b-sbr1-comments.xls Commenter: Paul Lambert Comment:A broadcast to start handover will allow any user to spoof the message and disconnect all listening devices. Connecting to a down-link only channel does not provide any means to validate the handoff. Suggested remedy: remove feature or prevent it's miss use. Resolution Status: Rejected Resolution Detail: This new comment refers to a section that has not been modified in the latest version of the draft and therefore it is an Invalid Comment. Moreover, security in general is out of 802.21b PAR's scope. Slide 6 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
Time Line • Tentative Time-line for the Launch of Sponsor Ballot Re-circ #2 • November 28 - Issue IEEE P802.21b/D6.0 • December 02– December 11, 2011– Re-circulation #2 Slide 7 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
P802.21 WG Motion To authorize the P802.21 WG Chair to make a motion to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee for conditional approval to forward the IEEE 802.21b Draft to the IEEE-SA RevCom Move: Antonio de la Oliva Second: Lily Chen For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion passes Slide 8 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21
EC Motion Motion: EC Conditional Approval to forward the IEEE P802.21b Draft to the IEEE SA RevCom Move: Subir Das Second: Apurva Mody For: Against: Abstain: Motion Slide 9 Subir Das, Chair IEEE 802.21