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MANPRINT Quarterly July 2002 The Director’s Corner Contents… The Director’s Corner ….…………….……………………….….. 1 Article: MANPRINT and Personnel Transformation, Dr. Thomas Killion and Dr. Michael Drillings, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 ……….…………………………………………………. 2 Meetings of Interest……………………………………………..… 4 Article: The Target Audience Description, Mr. D. J. Imbs, Manpower, Personnel & Training, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command….………………..………………………….…………. 5 MANPRINT Central Information………………………………… 6 MANPRINT Training Schedule………………………………….. 7 MANPRINT Information………………………………….…….…. 8 Reader’s Response…………………………………….……….… 9 It hardly seems like three months since the last MANPRINT Quarterly. It has been a busy but rewarding period. I have now had the pleasure of visiting the lead agencies for each of the MANPRINT domains. Without exception, I have met dedicated and hard working individuals who want to see MANPRINT have its desired effect – i.e., systems designed with the soldier in mind from the beginning, rather than as an afterthought. To be successful, we need to be engaged early in the design process, as we are with the Future Combat Systems through the Human Dimension Working Group and the MANPRINT WIPT. It also means that we need to work together effectively as a community. With the latter in mind, I have asked my Deputy, Dr. Michael Drillings, to re-institute a cross-domain working group whose charter will be to assess and make recommendations to improve our functional processes. One of the first tasks for the group is to work with the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) to examine how we can best leverage their “VISION” system, the Army Evaluation Center’s Enterprise Workspace. AEC-VISION is a web-based, collaborative environment that will facilitate awareness of on-going system acquisitions and provide shared access to critical documentation and assessment results. ATEC has offered to incorporate MANPRINT into the system, providing access to the already existing database on systems currently in various stages of the acquisition process and associated program and evaluation documentation. I believe that this will provide our community with tools that increase our ability to collaborate, both internal to MANPRINT and with the evaluation community. On another front, we are still planning to have a MANPRINT Practitioners Workshop this year, but have moved it to the December timeframe. Part of the reason for this is simply the time and workload associated with planning for the event. However, this move is also part of a larger strategy involving collaboration with the other Services in a Joint HSI Conference during the summer, with a MANPRINT Workshop in the winter. We are currently working with the Navy and Air Force on planning for a Joint HSI Conference in the summer of 2003. We will keep you posted on both the Workshop and the Conference through the MANPRINT web site. Thanks for your attention and your support. In my continuing travels, I hope to meet more of you and to get your insights into how to continue to make MANPRINT as effective and productive as we can. Thomas Killion Director for MANPRINT
. . . . . . MANPRINT and Personnel Transformation Dr. Thomas Killion Dr. Michael Drillings MANPRINT Directorate Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 INTRODUCTION Tomorrow’s battlefield has been described as a complex environment, filled with new equipment and technologies. If our forces are to dominate in this environment, it will not result from superior equipment itself. Real battlefield effectiveness is the product of a good match between the people who operate and maintain the equipment and the equipment itself. General Shinseki recognized this relationship when he wrote, “(T)he soldier remains the centerpiece of our formation.” At the heart of the Army Vision are well-trained soldiers, using state-of-the-art equipment to win wars. The Army’s program to ensure that soldier issues are the critical drivers in system design, development, and acquisition is called MANPRINT. MANPRINT is the process by which acceptable trade-offs are made among performance, design, and soldier issues. The process addresses tradeoffs within and among its seven domains. From the MANPRINT perspective, optimizing the system within a single domain is insufficient; one must consider the interactions and tradeoffs among all of the domains. As an example, consider the intra- and inter-domain tradeoffs illustrated in Figure 1. In the intra-domain case, the training expert must examine the full range of training development and delivery options in the design of an integrated training system. In the inter-domain illustration, in this case involving a safety issue, a number of alternative approaches must be considered which involve multiple domains. Possibilities include: (1) an engineering design change, which could have implications for all of the domains; (2) specialized training to compensate for the issue, involving both safety and training Example of Intra-domain Issue/Tradeoff Classroom Instruction Optimum Approach or Combination Computer-based Training KSARequirement Part-task Training Full Mission Simulator Training Analyst(s) Embedded Training Example of Inter-domain Issue/Tradeoff Redesign Optimum Approach or Combination Safety Training Safety Issue Warning Personnel Constraint MANPRINT Analyst(s) Operating Restriction Figure 1. Intra- & Inter-Domain Tradeoffs Page 2 MANPRINT Quarterly
Continued from page 2 necessary education and appropriate tools and methods, program managers better understand the MANPRINT process and how it contributes to reduced life cycle costs, optimizes total system performance and enables warfighters to win on the battlefield. The MANPRINT community is already engaged with the Lead Systems Integrator and the Program Manager for FCS through a Human Dimension Working Group and a MANPRINT WIPT. ROLE IN PERSONNEL TRANSFORMATION To achieve theambitious goals of the Objective Force, our personnel systems are also undergoing Transformation. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, has initiated an effort to phase out stovepiped, burden-some personnel management and support systems and replace them with an integrated, commercially-based, multi-functional system. MANPRINT can and will play a role in these developments in two ways. First,just as it is applied to weapon systems, the MANPRINT process must be applied to information systems. The goal is to make such systems more usable, both for the operators/ maintainers and for the customers (i.e., leaders and soldiers). Minimizing the personnel burden associated with operating and maintaining this integrated system can result in significant life cycle resource savings. Providing more comprehensive, integrated information to decision makers will result in more effective and efficient personnel management. In addition, providing an interface to the soldier that is easy to understand and use, and requires minimum training, decreases access time and increases quality of life (through faster access to critical information, more rapid resolution of problems, reduced frustration, etc.). Second, application of MANPRINT to the design of Objective Force systems will enable the Army to more effectively manage the personnel requirements associated with those systems. Informed design should allow us to develop systems that are optimized for future soldiers with regard to demographic characteristics, the knowledge and skills they bring to the situation, the training systems available, and so on. Synergistically, improved personnel management expertise; (3) use of a warning orcaution, involving both safety and human factors engineering expertise; and so on. The alternative(s) selected for implementation in both the intra- and inter-domain cases will involve considerations such as cost, efficacy, schedule, and mission impact. Of course, even in the “intra-domain” case, there are inter-domain effects that must be addressed. Decisions made about personnel requirements, system interfaces, and safety devices will directly affect training requirements; and the training system itself will have implications for manpower and personnel requirements (e.g., to support stand-alone training devices), and human factors engineering (e.g., in the design of interfaces for embedded training and other training devices). The bottom line is: to be effective, MANPRINT requires integration across the domains. ROLE IN ARMY TRANSFORMATION The Transformation of the Army to the Objective Force is characterized by both materiel and personnel changes. New materiel systems, such as the Future Combat Systems (FCS), must not only meet performance requirements, but also meet standards of personnel affordability. If the future Army is characterized by systems that need too many operators and maintainers, with too highly specialized skills, where the training is too long and expensive, the Army will have failed in its Transformation. It is the role of the MANPRINT Program to address such concerns throughout the design process. Because early design decisions are so critical to life cycle costs, MANPRINT must be employed early in a system’s development cycle to maximize out-year operations and support savings. Failure to apply MANPRINT concepts to design can result in systems with inadequate performance, excessive manpower and personnel requirements, and significant health threats. (See Why MANPRINT Makes Sense for Streamlined Acquisition, J. Hiller and T. Killion, Army RD&A, November-December 1995, 20-22.) The heart of the MANPRINT process is its outreach to program managers and contractors. With the July 2002 Page 3
Continued from page 3 important as ever to apply thoughtful MANPRINT processes to the design of our future systems. This includes not only weapon systems, but also personnel management and support systems. MANPRINT, therefore, has a dual role in Personnel Transformation: minimizing the burden on future personnel through informed weapon system design; and aiding in the creation of personnel information systems with low overhead that effectively support both leaders and soldiers. and effective system design will facilitate the realization of an Objective Force that has both the materiel and personnel to achieve dominance on the future battlefield. SUMMARY MANPRINT puts the soldier at the center of the design process -- equipping the soldier rather than manning the equipment. As the Army undergoes Transformation to the Objective Force, it is as Meetings of Interest AUSA 2002 Annual Meeting Realizing the Army Vision October 21-23 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Omni Shoreham Hotel Washington, DC 2002 MANPRINT Practitioner’s Workshop December 3-5 Washington, D.C. Watch for More Details Coming Soon on the MANPRINT Website www.manprint.army.mil Page 4 MANPRINT Quarterly
The Target Audience Description Daniel J. Imbs III Chief, Manpower, Personnel and Training (MPT) Domain Branch and MPT Domain Branch Team Members US Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) - Identifies information for PM input to the Basis of Issue Plan Feeder Data (BOIPFD). - Identifies the need for determining the Reading Grade Level (RGL) of the TAD to ensure comprehension of system manuals and computer screens. - Identifies system training requirements and resources for inclusion in the System Training Plan (STRAP). - Identifies training requirements that impact on individual Army Components. 1. The Target Audience Description (TAD) is one of the single most important documents that need to be developed for any new system or product improvement. 2. The TAD provides information about the personnel that will use, operate, maintain, train and repair a system. The TAD may consist of soldiers, DA Civilians, Foreign Nationals and/or contractors. If it is a joint service system, members of the other branches of service may also be identified and included as a part of the TAD. Ideally, the TAD provides a description of the quantity and qualifications of the soldiers, DA civilians and contractors who will operate, train and maintain the system. 3. The TAD is one of the first items that should be completed when developing or improving a system and is usually prepared early during Concept and Technology Development Phase. It is important for the Materiel Developer, Combat Developer, Training Developer, Contractor , System Proponent and Project Manager to coordinate with each other to ensure an accurate TAD is prepared. Minimally, it must be updated prior to each Milestone Decision Review. 4. Below is a list containing some of the important reasons why a TAD needs to be completed: 5. The TAD should describe the full range of individual qualifications. You should consider all the physical, mental and biographical information that is available to you and sort out that which is important for development of your system. The thought that comes to mind is, that there is too much information to include in my System MANPRINT Management Plan (SMMP) or SMMP like document. That could be true; however, if you maintain a list of the MOS(s) in the TAD of the SMMP you could maintain all the additional information in a TAD work folder. 6. Listed below is some of the content that may be found in a TAD: - MOS(s) description - Special aptitude requirements - Any additional physical requirements/limitations not listed in DA Pam 611-21 - Anthropometric Data (Physical characteristics) - Skill level and Knowledge information - Task Performance - Task Requirement Knowledge - Career Management Field - Skill Identifier - Civilian Occupation(s) (Civilian Qualification Standards X-118) - Contractor(s) - Security Clearance requirements - The TAD of the Predecessor System - Current MOS/AOC authorizations and operating strength for the projected system - Gender mix - Forms the baseline for accomplishing the Manpower Estimate (ME) and costs for Acquisition Category (ACAT) I systems and the Economic Analysis (EA) for all others. - Identifies the MOS proponents that the Project Manager and/or TRADOC System Manager (TSM) must coordinate with for new facilities, tasks, training and equipment. July 2002 Page 5
Continued from page 5 new system for the Army. It forms the baseline from which the system should be developed. Its’ importance to the success of system development cannot be stressed enough. 9. TAD references that may be of assistance: - Education - Reading Grade Level (RGL) - Foreign Nationals if applicable - Army Component (Army, USAR, ARNG or Total Force Package) - Current & Projected Force Structure - Physical Qualifications - Trainees, Transients, Holdees and Students (TTHS) numbers by MOS - Title 10 U. S. C. Sec.2434 -- Independent Cost Estimates; Operation Manpower Requirements - AR 602-2 Manpower and Personnel Integration (MANPRINT) in The System Acquisition Process - DA PAM 611-21 Military Occupational Classification Structure - Officer, Warrant Officer and Enlisted MOS Charts https://www.perscomonline.army.mil/DCSOPS/dcsops_mos_online.htm - TRADOC Reg 350-70 Systems Approach to Training Management, Processes and Products - MOS Proponent 7. The TAD must be revalidated for each milestone decision review; however, it is recommended that you verify all the MOSs listed in the system TAD at least once annually because of MOS consolidations and deletions that occur on a continuous basis. 8. The TAD has a significant impact on the cost, design and implementation of a product improvement, Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) or MANPRINT Central Information EMAIL DSN COMMERCIAL Dr. Thomas Killion Thomas.Killion@hqda.army.mil Dr. Michael Drillings Michael.Drillings@hqda.army.mil Ms. Teresa Hanson Teresa.Hanson@hqda.army.mil Mrs. Marjorie Zelko Marjorie.Zelko@hqda.army.mil 225-3048 225-2112 225-4036 225-2146 703-695-3048 703-695-2112 703-695-4036 703-695-2146 Page 6 MANPRINT Quarterly
MANPRINT Training Schedule MANPRINT ACTION OFFICER COURSE (MAOC) CLASSSTART DATEEND DATELOCATION 2002-002 05 Aug 2002 15 Aug 2002 ALMC, Fort Lee, VA 2003-701 22 Oct 2002 31 Oct 2002 Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 2003-001 27 Jan 2003 06 Feb 2003 ALMC, Ft. Lee, VA 2003-702 25 Feb 2003 06 Mar 2003 Fort Bragg, NC 2003-703 24 Mar 2003 03 Apr 2003 Houston, TX 2003-704 06 May 2003 15 May 2003 Huntsville, AL 2003-705 03 Jun 2003 12 Jun 2003 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 2003-002 18 Aug 2003 28 Aug 2003 ALMC, Ft. Lee, VA MANPRINT TAILORED TRAINING (APPLICATIONS COURSE) CLASSSTART DATEEND DATELOCATION 2002-703 20 Aug 2002 22 Aug 2002 Warren, MI 2002-705 10 Sep 2002 12 Sep 2002 Huntsville, AL 2002-706 24 Sep 2002 26 Sep 2002 Dover, NJ 2003-701 07 Oct 2002 10 Oct 2002 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 2003-702 19 Nov 2002 21 Nov 2002 Fort Bliss, TX 2003-703 11 Mar 2003 13 Mar 2003 Fort Rucker, AL 2003-704 15 Apr 2003 18 Apr 2003 Warren, MI 2003-001 28 Apr 2003 30 Apr 2003 ALMC, Ft. Lee, VA 2003-705 24 Jun 2003 26 Jun 2003 National Capitol Region 2003-706 05 Aug 2003 08 Aug 2003 Warren, MI 2003-707 23 Sep 2003 25 Sep 2003 Huntsville, AL (POC: Mr. Len Girling, COM (804) 765-4361, DSN 539-4361) Page 7 July 2002
MANPRINT INFORMATION Articles, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. Submit to: MANPRINT Quarterly, HQDA (DAPE-MR), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300; DSN 221-2526, COM (703) 325-2526, FAX (703) 325-0657, E-mail: MANPRINT@hqda.army.mil MANPRINT Web Site: http://www.manprint.army.mil POLICY: Department of the Army, ODCSPER, ATTN: DAPE-MR, 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300, DSN 221-2526, COM (703) 325-2526. DIRECTORY OF DESIGN SUPPORT METHODS: Defense Technical Information Center–MATRIS Office, DTIC-AM, NAS NI Bldg, 1482, Box 357011, San Diego, CA 92135-7011, DSN 735-9414, COM (619) 545-9414, E-mail: ddsm@dticam.dtic.mil, and web site: http://dticam.dtic.mil/hsi/ MANPRINT DOMAIN POCs: MANPOWER, PERSONNEL & TRAINING: Mr. D. J. Imbs or Ms. Denise McCauley, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command, ATTN: TAPC-PLC-M, Alexandria, VA 22332-0406, DSN 221-2024 or 221-6489, COM (703) 325-2024 or 325-6489, FAX: (703) 325-0657, E-mail: imbs@hoffman.army.mil or mccauled@hoffman.army.mil HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING: Dr. Linda Pierce, Acting Chief, Human Factors Integration Division, HRED, Army Research Laboratory, ATTN: AMSRL-HR-MV, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5425, DSN 298-5817, COM (410) 278-5817, FAX: 298-8823, E-mail: lpierce@arl.mil. SYSTEM SAFETY: Col. Kim Welliver or Mr. Jim Patton, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army Safety Office, ATTN: DACS-SF, Crystal Plaza 5, Rm 980, 2100 S. Clark Street, Arlington, VA 22202, COM (703) 601-2405, Email: kim.welliver@hqda.army.mil, pattojt@hqda.army.mil. HEALTH HAZARDS: Mr. Bob Gross or Maj. Carl Hover, U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM), ATTN: MCHB-TS-OHH, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5422, DSN 584-2925, COM (410) 436-2925, FAX: 436-1016, E-mail: robert.gross@apg.amedd.army.mil or carlhover@apq.amedd.army.mil. SOLDIER SURVIVABILITY: Mr. Richard Zigler, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, ATTN: AMSRL-SL-BE, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5068, DSN 298-8625, COM (410) 278-8625, FAX: 278-9337, E-mail: rzigler@mail.arl.mil. Dr. Thomas Killion Director for MANPRINT The MANPRINT Quarterly is an official bulletin of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER), Department of the Army. The Manpower and Personnel Integration (MANPRINT) program (AR 602-2) is a comprehensive management and technical initiative to enhance human performance and reliability during weapons system and equipment design, development and production. MANPRINT encompasses the seven domains of personnel capabilities: manpower, training, human factors engineering, system safety, health hazards and soldier survivability. The focus of MANPRINT is to integrate technology, people and force structure to meet mission objectives under all environmental conditions at the lowest possible life-cycle cost. Information contained in this bulletin covers policies, procedures, and other items of interest concerning the MANPRINT Program. Statements and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of the Army. This bulletin is prepared quarterly under contract for the MANPRINT Directorate, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel under the provisions of AR 25-30 as a functional bulletin. Page 8 MANPRINT Quarterly
READER’S RESPONSE Use this space to record changes, additions or deletions. Send your information by Fax (703) 325-0657 or Mail (fold on designated line and close (do not staple) with the MANPRINT Quarterly address on the Outside). If you are a MANPRINT POC for your organization, please check the MANPRINT POC block. Name Company/Organization Address Phone FAX DSN FAX E-mail Address Comments New Delete Change MANPRINT POC Rank/Title First M.I. Last Fold Here From: To: MANPRINT Quarterly HQDA (DAPE-MR) 300 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20310-0300 July 2002 Page 9
MANPRINT QUARTERLY HQDA (DAPE-MR) 300 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20310-0300 FIRST CLASS