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Explore the history and impact of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on African countries. Learn how slaves were obtained, the triangular trade route, and the conditions experienced by slaves. Discover the end of the slave trade and its lasting effects.
Warm-Up • What do YOU know about the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? • Essential Question: What effect did slavery have on the development of African countries?
Goree Island The Door of No Return
"Take up the White Man's Burden- Send forth the best ye breed- Go blind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need..." -Joseph Rudyard Kipling
Portuguese Traders • Age of Exploration • Europeans were in search of a new route to India. • Arrived in the 1400s for gold, cotton, and ivory • By the 1650s, the slave trade was the most lucrative enterprise
Slavery • Common in ancient China, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome • Arabs, Egyptians, and Kushites all held slaves • Slave caravans were a common sight in East Africa and the Sahara • NO TRADE in slaves was more extensive or more brutal than the TRANS-ATLANTICtrade that took place between 1600-1800s.
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade • Estimated range between 10-20 million Africans were transported during this period
Portuguese traders bought slaves in Benin and the Niger delta to sell elsewhere. • Slaves were needed for sugar plantations in Latin America and Caribbean at first, then others were used in North America
How were the slaves obtained? • Traders organized and operated their own slave raids. • Traders bought slaves from African kings and chiefs. • Some were prisoners of wars between tribes • Some tribes raided other groups’ villages in order to capture slaves to sell • Some sold their own family members or themselves
Triangular Trade • Europeans brought goods (usually guns and trinkets) to Africa in exchange for slaves • Slaves were brought to plantations in S. America, Caribbean, and U.S. • Sugar, rum, tobacco, and molasses were shipped to Europe to trade for manufactured products
Triangular Trade • The order of trade during the slave trade • First Leg- Goods from Europe to African kings for slaves • Second- Export of slaves to western hemisphere • Third- Return of goods from Americas to Europe
The Middle Passage The slave trade took several triangular routes. Over one route, ships from Europe transported manufactured goods to the west coast of Africa. There, traders exchanged the goods for slaves. Next, the slaves were carried across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies and sold for huge profits. This part of the route was called the Middle Passage. The traders used much of their earnings to buy sugar, coffee, and tobacco in the West Indies. The ships then took these products to Europe. The Middle Passage
Trans-Atlantic Exports By Region(1450-1900) • Region Number of slaves accounted for % • Senegambia 479,900 4.7 • Upper Guinea 411,200 4.0 • Windward Coast 183,200 1.8 • Gold Coast 1,035,600 10.1 • Blight of Benin 2,016,200 19.7 • Blight of Biafra 1,463,700 14.3 • West Central 4,179,500 40.8 • South East 470,900 4.6 • Total 10,240,200 100.0
Trans-Atlantic Imports By Region(1450-1900) • Region Number of slaves accounted for % • Brazil 4,000,000 35.4 • Spanish Empire 2,500,000 22.1 • British West Indies 2,000,000 17.7 • French West Indies 1,600,000 14.1 • British North America and United States 500,000 4.4 • Dutch West Indies 500,000 4.4 • Danish West Indies 28,000 0.2 • Europe (and Islands) 200,000 1.8 • Total11,328,000100.0
The Experience • SIMULATION
Reflection Questions • How did you feel physically? • How did you feel emotionally? • How do you think the slaves felt on the voyage, both physically and emotionally? • Any comments?
Treatment of Slaves • 1-3 month voyage • Women, men, children were packed together below deck • Crammed into an 18-inch space • Shackled together • Rat-infested • Many died in vomit and human waste
Slave ships—inside and out Slave Ships
What ended the slave trade? • Opposition based on moral and ethical repugnance • Industrial Revolution manufactured products was more profitable than human trade
Those who profited from the trade fought to keep it • King Glele of Dahomey stated that slave trading was the custom of his ancestors and to eliminate it would bring disaster upon his people • Denmark was the first to abolish slave trade in 1782 • Britain followed in 1807 • US abolished slave trade in 1808 (but not slavery)
Due to lack of enforcement, the slave trade still existed until the abolishment of slavery • 1833-Great Britain • 1848—France • 1863—The Netherlands • 1865—United States • 1889—Brazil and Cuba • Present day—Sudan and Mauritania
Directions • Each person has a different reading. • Excerpts from letters from the King of Kongo • Excerpt from a European account • Excerpt from a slave account • Each person should read his/her information aloud to the group. • Group members should fill in the chart with information from the reading.
African Advantages • Slavery provided profit for a few African traders, which did nothing for Africa’s overall development • In times of famine, some Africans avoided starvation by selling themselves into slavery.
European Advantages • Slavery was profitable • Slavery was a bountiful source of cheap labor to help run plantations • Slavery helped build a capital base which helped start the Industrial Revolution
African Disadvantages • Slavery tore apart communities and families • Slavery depopulated the labor base • Slavery hindered African economic development • Enslaved Africans were transported in brutal conditions and many died • Enslaved Africans were treated as goods and property “Faith became lost in the greed.” by Dr. Reinhardt
African Disadvantages • Africans received only trinkets and guns as part of the triangular trade • Some Africans began to want European merchandise and would sell other Africans into slavery to obtain these items • The enslaved Africans were beaten, branded with irons, and given very little food and/or clothes
European Disadvantages • Slavery was morally repugnant • Slavery compromised the efforts of Christian missionaries
What were some of the reasons Europeans sought to enslave Africans? • What were some of the reasons why Africans sold fellow Africans into slavery? • How were enslaved Africans treated by the traders and their masters? • How long did the slave trade last? • Why did the European countries gradually abolish the slave trade and eventually slavery? • What were the overall effects of slavery on the development of Africa? On Europe?
Performance Task • Create a PowerPoint explaining the causes/effects of the slave trade. • Write an illustrated journal of an African King during the height of the slave trade. • Compose a song or poem describing the capture and voyage of an African slave.
PowerPoint • Graphics enhance the explanation (20) • Creatively explains causes and effects (30) • Vocabulary is used properly (10) • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation (10) • At least 5 slides (20 points) • Fully explains the slave trade (10)
Journal of African King • Appropriate journal format with dates (20) • Accurate historical facts (30) • Vocabulary is used properly (10) • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation (10) • At least 5 full entries (20 points) • Creativity (10)
Song or Poem • Social studies related lyrics or words (20) • Creatively and accurately describes historical events (30) • Vocabulary is used properly (10) • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation (10) • At least 3 verses (20 points) • Rhyme and rhythm (10)