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Learn to navigate the Course Submission process for NJ SMART system. Access resources, submission guidelines, and deadlines for efficient data reporting.
Available Resources • Training & Assistance • Web Videos • Webinars • Help tab • Handbooks • Templates • FAQs • Download the NCES SCED Codes Manual from the Help Tab for this Training. • NJ SMART help desk • 1-800-254-0295 • njsmart@pcgus.com • www.njsmart.org
Why are we doing a Course Collection? • The US DOE has placed increasingly intensive reporting requirements on collecting student and staff level data. • To meet these reporting requirements, US DOE has outlined 10 elements that must be met by the state. The Course Collection completes New Jersey’s 2 remaining elements, a state wide teacher identification system that matches teachers to students and a database of student transcripts. • Collecting course data is a necessary step in effective data informed decision making.
NJ SMART takes one collection for the Course Submission. All LEAs must release their records to the Course Submission by 5 PM on August 2nd. All LEAs must submit records for only students that are attending their district. The district where the student is receiving instruction and grade in the course is the district responsible for submitting the student to the Course Collection. All LEAs must submit records for only teachers of record (those responsible for 100% of the class roster) assigned to their district. The district where the teacher is assigned to teach the course is the district responsible for submitting the staff record to course. A submitted Course record must have at least one corresponding staff record and at least one corresponding student record to prevent submission errors Submission Guidelines: Overview
Key Portal Dates and Deadlines • May 16, 2012 • Open: SID/ SMID Management • Open: Special Education • Open: EOY State Submission – LDM • Open: CTE Submission – Practice Period • Open: Course Submission- Practice Period • June 29, 2012 • Deadline: EOY State Submission – LDM • Deadline: CTE Submission – Practice Submission • Deadline: Course Submission- Practice Period • July 5, 2012 • Open: SID/ SMID Management • Open: Special Education- Refresh Disabled • Open: Official EOY State Submission • Open: Official CTE Submission • Open: Official Course Submission • August 2, 2012 • Deadline: Official EOY State Submission • Deadline: Official CTE Submission • Deadline: Official Course Submission • Close: SID/ SMID Management • Close: Special Education • August 7, 2012 • Open: SID/SMID Management 2012-2013 SY • Open: State Submission – LDM • Open: Special Education Submission – LDM • Open: Staff Submission – Practice Period • Open: Transportation- Practice Period • October 15, 2012 • Deadline: SID/ SMID Management Snapshot • Deadline: State Submission – LDM • Deadline: Special Education Submission – LDM • Deadline: Staff Submission – Practice Period • Deadline: Transportation- Practice Period • October 18, 2012 • Open: Official State Submission • Open: Official Special Education Submission • Open: Official Staff Submission • Open: Official Transportation • Open: Pre-ID- Practice
Data Elements Overview When submitting data to any NJ SMART submission, the data must meet specific requirements set forth by the NJ DOE and NJ SMART validation rules. Validation rules are put into place to help increase overall data quality. All rules are outlined in detail in the Student Data Handbooks. Any field that fails to meet the outlined validation rules is given an Error status in the NJ SMART portal and must be resolved in order to be counted in official NJ DOE reports.
LSID SMID Staff First Name Staff Last Name Staff Date of Birth County Code Assigned District Code Assigned School Code Assigned Subject Area Course Identifier Course Level Available Credit Data Elements Overview (cont.) Data Elements Staff File Data Elements Student File Data Elements • Grade Span • Course Sequence • Local Course Title • Local Course Code • Local Section Code • Section Entry Date • Section Exit Date • LID • SID • Student First Name • Student Last Name • Student Date of Birth • County Code Attending • District Code Attending • School Code Attending • Subject Area • Course Identifier • Course Level • Available Credit • Grade Span • Course Sequence • Local Course Title • Local Course Code • Local Section Code • Section Entry Date • Section Exit Date • Credits Earned • Numeric Grade Earned • Alpha Grade Earned • Completion Status
Section Entry Date The date the student was assigned to the specific course and section. Type: Numeric (must be YYYYMMDD format) Field is mandatory for all students and staff members. An error will occur if value does not meet the acceptable range of values An error will occur if the student or staff course entry date occurs after the student course exit date for that particular record Students and staff members who exit and reenter the section at any point in time should receive a new entry date. Districts must report only the most recent entry date. Entry date is determined by the date the staff or student entered the course.
Section Exit Date The date the student exited the specific course section Type: Numeric (must be YYYYMMDD format) Field is mandatory for all students who are no longer active in the course. An error will occur if value does not meet the acceptable range of values. An error will occur if the student course exit date occurs before the student course entry date for that particular record. Students and staff members who exit and reenter the section at any point in time should receive a new entry date. Districts must report only the most recent entry date. Entry date is determined by the date the staff or student exited the course.
Subject Area The general content code per the NCES SCED code listing. Type: Numeric, Minimum Length: 2, Maximum Length: 2 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if value is not a valid SCED Subject Area code. Error will occur if field is left blank. • Some courses may combine content from more than one single subject area, in deciding on the appropriate codes leverage your curriculum coordinator and wise judgment to assign the appropriate subject area code.
Course Identifier Course codes within a subject area as identified by the NCES SCED codes. Type: Numeric, Minimum Length: 3, Maximum Length: 3 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if value is not a valid SCED Course Identifier code. Error will occur if field is left blank. There are no course descriptions in SCED that are specific to students with disabilities or indicate that a course has been modified for these students. Select the subject area and course identifier based on course content.
Course Level Conveys the course’s level of rigor. Type: Alpha, Minimum Length: 1, Maximum Length: 1 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if value is not a valid SCED Course Level code. Error will occur if field is left blank. B=basic/remedial, G= general or regular, E= enriched or advanced, H= honors, X= no specified rigor Determination of course rigor is made at the district level
Grade Span Identifies the intended grade span for a prior–to-secondary course. Type: Alphanumeric, 4 Characters with no decimals , PK through 12 Field is mandatory for all prior-to-secondary courses. Error will occur if field is left blank for Prior-To-Secondary courses. An error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. For example, a course appropriate for kindergarten and first grade would be assigned a Grade Span of KG01. Grade Span refers to the intended grade span for the course, regardless of the actual student membership grade span
Available Credit Identifies the amount of credit(s) available to a student toward graduation who successfully meets the objectives of the course. Type: Numeric with decimal point, Minimum: 0.000, Maximum: 20.000 Field is mandatory for all secondary courses. An error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. A course cannot have Grade Span and Available Credit filled in. If Available Credit is filled in, Grade Span must be blank. If Grade Span is filled in, Available Credit must be blank. Decimal points must be input in this field. A value of 0 indicates no credits available. These are not Carnegie Units.
Course Sequence Two character element where the first digit indicates the sequence of a course section in relation to a multi-part course and the second digit indicates the total number of courses in the multi-part course sequence. Type: Numeric, Minimum: 2 characters, Maximum: 2 characters, (Must be a number between 11 and 99) An error will occur if the field is left blank. Error will occur if value of the first digit is greater than the second digit. For courses without multiple parts, Course Sequence will equal 11 (which means 1 of 1 in a course sequence. An example is a Biology course split into 2 semesters but still the same course.
Local Course Title District’s local title for the specific course Type: AlphaNumeric, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 50 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if the field is left blank. The entry for this field is determined based on your district’s current course title. Truncate the course title for courses that exceed the value range.
Local Course Code Local code assigned by a district for a specific course Type: AlphaNumeric, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 15 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if the field is left blank. The entry for this field is determined based on your district’s current course code. LEAs that do not not have local codes must design a code scheme.
Local Section Code Local code assigned by a district for a specific course Type: AlphaNumeric, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10 Field is mandatory for all courses. An error will occur if the field is left blank. The entry for this field is determined based on your district’s current course code. LEAs that do not not have local codes must design a code scheme.
Credits Earned Total number of credits this student received upon completion of the course. This is for 6th grade students and higher only. Type: Numeric with decimal point, Minimum: 0.000, Maximum: 20.000 Field is mandatory for all students with secondary course codes who are no longer active in the course and have been assigned a Section Exit Date. An error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. Error will occur if value is not entered for students who have a Section Exit Date for a Secondary Course. Decimal points must be input in this field. These are not Carnegie Units.
Numeric Grade Earned Numeric grade the student received upon completion of the course section. This is for 6th grade students and higher only Type: Numeric, Minimum: 0, Maximum: 100, Whole numbers Field is mandatory for students with secondary course codes if Alpha Grade Earned and Completion Status are left blank. An error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. Error will occur if Credit Earned is greater than 0.000 and Alpha Grade Earned and Completion Status are left blank All students in courses with secondary course codes with an available credit of greater than 0.000 and students with prior-to-secondary course codes with a grade span of 060X or higher must have EITHER the Numeric Grade Earned, Alpha Grade Earned, or Completion Status field filled in. Numeric grade is NOT a weighted value.
Alpha Grade Earned Letter grade the student received upon completion of the course section. This is for 6th grade students and higher only Type: Alpha, Accepted Values: A, A+, A-, B, B+, B-, C, C+, C-, D, D+, D-, E, E+, E-, F, F+, F- Field is mandatory for students in courses with Secondary course codes if Numeric Grade Earned and Completion Status are left blank. Error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. Error will occur if Credit Earned is greater than 0.000 and Numeric Grade Earned and Completion Status are left blank. All students in courses with secondary course codes with an available credit of greater than 0.000 and students with prior-to-secondary course codes with a grade span of 060X or higher must have EITHER the Numeric Grade Earned, Alpha Grade Earned, or Completion Status field filled in. E, E+ and E- refer to a grade and not “Exempt”.
Completion Status Indicator of the completion status of the student for the given course This is for 6th grade students and higher only. Type: Alpha, Accepted Values: P = Pass,F = Fail, W= Withdrawal, I= Incomplete, NG= No grade earned (i.e. an audited class) Field is mandatory for students in courses with Secondary course codes if Numeric Grade Earned and Alpha Grade Earned are left blank. An error will occur if value does not match the acceptable range of values. Error will occur if Credit Earned is greater than 0.000 and Numeric Grade Earned and Alpha Grade Earned are left blank. All students in courses with secondary course codes with an available credit of greater than 0.000 and students with prior-to-secondary course codes with a grade span of 060X or higher must have EITHER the Numeric Grade Earned, Alpha Grade Earned, or Completion Status field filled in.
Mapping SCED codes for Course Descriptions NCES SCED is a series of codes that are combined to create a unique identifier that distinguishes each prior-to-secondary and secondary course available to students and teachers. When creating your SCED, the combined Subject Area and Course Identifier create your course description for each SCED. Before submitting your records to course, you must map your local course codes to the appropriate national SCED combination. Use the SCED Course Codes document to do this. This can be downloaded from the NJ SMART Portal and DOE Website.
Scenario • Example: A school district provides a one year chemistry course where the content is broken down into two semesters. The local course names are “Chemistry 1” and “Chemistry 2.” Each course provides 2.500 credits for successful completion. 1. Based on its description in the SCED Manual, this district determined that the SCED below was the best match for the course described above. In general, a district should choose the SCED that best fits their local course. When seeking a SCED, remember to begin with the Subject Area first followed by the Course Identifier. 2. The district in this scenario has determined that the rigor of this course is standard. The course level is G. Please note that the selection of Course level is determined by your district and may vary between districts. 3. This is a Secondary Course.Grade Span should not be entered but an Available Credit value must be entered, 2.5. Course Identifier Code Course Name Course Description Subject Area Code 4. This is the first part in a two part sequence for this Chemistry course. Therefore, the course sequence is 12 or interpreted as 1 of 2.
Guided Practice 01 52 001 033 G G 2.500 0303 11 11
Guided Practice 52 73 039 052 B, G H, E, or X (your district determines this) E 0708 0305 12 11
Wrapping Up: You’ve learned… How to find help information Upcoming Dates and Deadlines The recommended timeline to complete tasks The data elements involved in Course Submission How to map SCED Codes
Available Resources • NJ SMART help desk • 1-800-254-0295 • njsmart@pcgus.com • www.njsmart.org • Help tab • Handbooks • Templates • FAQs • Training & Assistance • Webinars • Web Videos