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Project Analysis Course (2011-2012)

Project Analysis Course (2011-2012). Final Project Report Overview. Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant). Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview. Report Content.

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Project Analysis Course (2011-2012)

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  1. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Project Report Overview Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  2. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview Report Content Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  3. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview Project Report Cover Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  4. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview Table of Content Page (structure) Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  5. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 1. Introduction • Start with the discussion of the general area you are working on • i.e. inventory management, business dashboard, reservation systems, etc. • General overview of what is the area about? • Recall report 1 Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  6. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 1.1 Project Description • Detailed description of your specific project • Recall first week report on project description, and the scenario of the third week report • Extract from the two a good project description Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  7. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 1.2 Project Goal • Detailed description of the goal of your project. • Recall first week report. • The goal should be precisely stated… • e.g. The project aims at developing a dynamic web based system that will keep track of customer information and sales……… • ……………… Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  8. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 1.3 Project Scope • The projects you are doing are very extensive generally, here provide explanation of the scope of your project • what exactly will you be able to cover in the project and what will you not cover • Scope may also include which steps of system development will you cover and what will you not cover ( i.e. requirement, specification and modelling, but not implementation) Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  9. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 1.4 Intended Users • Provide descriptions of the users of the system • Recall week 1 and 2 reports , to extract user information • Do not go into details on what each user will do, just provide a brief explanation of the users roles Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  10. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2. Requirement Elicitation & Analysis • Here start with the brief description of what is this section is about Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  11. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.1 Requirement Gathering • Provide explanation of the requirement gathering techniques you used in your project • For each identified technique, show how the technique was used • Recall report 1 and 2 for the techniques Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  12. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.2 Requirement Analysis • Start this section by providing a description of the requirement analysis technique(s) you followed in your project • Note only saying we followed this technique (e.g. OOP, Agile), but what steps you followed in the process. • Recall week 1 and 2 reports • Note that the explanation should not be few sentences Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  13. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.2.1 Functional Requirements • Provide the description of all functional requirements of the system • Recall week 2 report • They should be well organized and structured Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  14. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.2.2 Non Functional Requirements • Provide the description of all the non functional requirements of the system • Recall week 2 report • They should also be well organized and structured • Note: requirements might have changed in the process and hence next section you will describe the new generated requirements Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  15. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.3 Revised Requirement Analysis Results • In this section provide a description of the new modified requirement, generated from the first requirements (after prioritization) • You should discuss both revised functional & non functional requirements • These revised requirements are the ones used in system modelling Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  16. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.4 Requirement Validation • Here discuss the approaches you used in validating your requirements • You should not focus only on which approaches you used, but what processes were involved in each approach • Recall class lecture on validation Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  17. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.5 Use Case Modelling • Start this section providing explanation on the main actors of the system and their roles, and the scenario for the whole use case (in section 2.5.1) • Recall week 2 report Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  18. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 2.5.2 Use Case Diagram • Provide UCD 2.5.3 Use Case Description • Provide descriptions of 4-5 sample use cases • Description should be in tabular formatshould contain: • Use case name • Actors • Pre conditions • Post conditions • Main flow of events • Alternative flow of events Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  19. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 3. Information System Design • Provide a short description of the aim of this section which is, designing class and interaction diagram 3.1 Classes & Class Diagram • Start by identifying the classes and attributes (can be in tabular format) • Then provide the class diagram • Recall week 3 report Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  20. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 3.2 System Interaction Diagrams • Start by a short introduction on what this section is about • Provide the full description of the sequence(s) diagram + the sketch(s) • Provide description of activity diagram(s) / state diagram(s) + the sketch(s) Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  21. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview 4. Conclusion & Future work • Conclude your work by summarizing what you did in the project, what lessons you learned • Provide a short description of the future remaining work 5. References • Provide a list of references you used in your work Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  22. Project Analysis Course (2011-2012) Final Report Overview Report Length • Should be 15-25 Pages • Use Arial / Times new roman fonts (size 12). Use justification property in the text. Spacing between text should be 1.15 • Generate auto- table of content (define headings & subheading) • Main sections should start in a new page (i.e. sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …..) • Sub sections should not start in new pages (i.e. 1.1, ..3.1, ….) Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

  23. Any Questions? Prepared by: Sijali Petro Korojelo (Course Assistant)

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