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8th District IBEW Progress Meeting Presentation

8th District IBEW Progress Meeting Presentation. www.ibew-ewmc.com . ALWAYS. Forever Lifting Up. www.ibew-ewmc.com . History.

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8th District IBEW Progress Meeting Presentation

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  1. 8th District IBEW Progress Meeting Presentation www.ibew-ewmc.com

  2. ALWAYS Forever Lifting Up www.ibew-ewmc.com

  3. History • The history of the EWMC has its roots in the Civil Rights movement and the struggle for equal rights for minority workers in the IBEW. Minority communities wanted greater opportunities to join the IBEW and minority members in the IBEW saw the need to strengthen and grow IBEW membership. • In 1974, African American and Hispanic delegates met during the 30th IBEW International Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, and formed the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus to address the lack of minority representation and other inequalities within the IBEW www.ibew-ewmc.com

  4. History • The EWMC believes that the IBEW must embrace principles and actions of Diversity and Full Inclusion to organize, prosper and grow. Minorities, women, and communities of color must be mobilized and organized to grow the trade union movement. • Due to many years of extraordinary leadership by EWMC President Robbie Sparks, an IBEW Business Manager from Atlanta, Georgia, resolutions at IBEW International Conventions were adopted that committed the IBEW to Diversity and Full Inclusion. The success of the EWMC is essentially due to a strong vision and belief in the abilities of people of color, and that all must be included to strengthen and grow our IBEW. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  5. History • The EWMC is a strong advocate for equal rights, opportunities, and greater minority representation in the IBEW. The EWMC is well respected by the IBEW and the labor movement because of its strong commitment and vigorous pursuit of social and economic justice for minority workers. • The Caucus serves as a support and networking system, and provides education and training for its members. The membership reflects a broad-based coalition of dedicated IBEW men and women who work within the IBEW structure to forge changes that will benefit minorities and the entire IBEW membership. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  6. Mission Statement • Promote equal opportunity and employment for minorities at all levels of the IBEW structure; • Foster leadership development and empower minorities to become active participants and leaders in the IBEW; • Promote, support and assist the organizing of minority workers in IBEW; • Encourage minority workers to be greater activists in community and political affairs; • Provide assistance to and address discrimination complaints of minorities in the IBEW; • Be actively involved in human, civil and women’s rights organizations both within and outside of organized labor. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  7. Discrimination • National Origin • Skin Color • Dress • Speech/Accent • Surname • Culture • Race • Gender • Disability • Age • Sexual Orientation • Religion www.ibew-ewmc.com

  8. EWMC BUILDING BRIDGES Discrimination continues to plague our society. The EWMC is as relevant now as ever. Building bridges through a positive and progressive Vision and strong commitment to equality for all continues to be our guiding light to end all forms of discrimination.

  9. Annual National Meeting Leadership Education Conference • Recognizing and acknowledging young leaders www.ibew-ewmc.com

  10. Annual National Meeting Sen. Hillary R. Clinton, EWMC Conference, NYC www.ibew-ewmc.com

  11. Annual National Meeting Workshops and Plenary Discussions www.ibew-ewmc.com

  12. Workshops • Strategic Planning • Social Security • Rules of the Game • Political Action • Parliamentary Procedure • Sexual Harassment • Women’s Issues • Work and Family Issues • Grievance Procedure • Coalition Building • Common Sense Economics • Organizing • Financial Planning • Public Speaking • Duties and Responsibilities • Affirmative Action • Immigration Reform • Leadership Development • Communications • Diversity www.ibew-ewmc.com

  13. Branch Caucus Topics INDUSTRIAL • Organizing/Membership Development • Recruitment/Retention • Minorities/Women • Training/Mentoring • Unemployment • Political Action • Project Labor Agreements • Networking/Coalition Building (Community/Faith and others) • Deregulation (Telephone/Utility) • Plant Closures/Bankrupt Employers • Mergers, Consolidations • and Spin-offs CONSTRUCTION • Organizing/Membership Development • Recruitment/Retention • Minorities/Women • Apprenticeship Program Requirements • Training/Mentoring • Political Action • Project Labor Agreements • Leadership Responsibilities • Networking/Coalition Building (Community/Faith and others) • Electrical Safety • National Agreements • Discrimination www.ibew-ewmc.com

  14. Younger Workers Caucus • The Mission is to educate the young workers within our union as well as our community about the opportunities available in the IBEW, and how we can grow together as a brotherhood. • Organizing • Political Action • Mentoring • Building Intergenerational Relationships • Leadership Development

  15. EWMC Chapters The chapters are of vital importance to the EWMC.  They are charged with strengthening the local unions through greater activism and leadership; building bridges between labor and our communities; and helping those in our communities who cannot help themselves.

  16. Chapters • Milwaukee, WI • New York, NY     (2) • Oakland, CA • Phoenix, AZ • Portland, OR • Port Coquitlam, BCC • Redwood City, CA • San Diego, CA • Seattle, WA • Tampa, Fl • Washington DC • Vancouver, WA • Atlanta, GA • Canada • Cerritos, CA • Chicago, IL • Clinton, MD • Denver, CO • Detroit, MI • Downers Grove, IL • Ellenwood GA • Flushing, NY • Holtsville, NY • Houston, TX • Kansas City, KS • Houston, TX • Los Angeles, CA  (3)

  17. Community Service Volunteer Day of Service Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  18. Community Service ‘Life’s most persistent and urgent question What are you doing for others?’ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  19. Community Service Projects from New Orleans to Portland, Washington, D.C., to Oakland www.ibew-ewmc.com

  20. Community Service EWMC and Labor complete 38 community projects in Oakland www.ibew-ewmc.com

  21. Community Service • Martin Luther King March Committee Donations • Children of Mine – Washington, D.C. Conference • Doctors Without Borders – Portland, OR Conference • Healing Roots – Portland, OR Conference • Katrina Disaster Victims – New Orleans, LA Conference • Dare to Care – Los Angeles, CA Conference • Sickle Cell Disease Association – Chicago, IL Conference • Hour Children, New York, NY Conference • UFCW Hardship Fund – New York Conference • Christian Service Center - Florida Conference • Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Brandon Center – Denver Conference www.ibew-ewmc.com

  22. Community Service (Continued) • M. L. King March/Parades Participation - Various Cities • Frontier Hotel Workers Donation – Las Vegas, NV • Restore Pine Street Homeless Shelter – Atlanta Community Service • New Substance Abuse Center – Donation – Atlanta Conference • Christian Service Center Donation – Orlando, FL CHAPTER ACTIVITIES Community Service Projects Coalition Building Political Action Mentoring Charitable Donations www.ibew-ewmc.com

  23. Scholarships Awarded Annually • REQUIREMENTS • Child of a National EWMC Member • High School Graduate • Copy of Diploma • Attending a Certified Trade School or Accredited College www.ibew-ewmc.com

  24. Political Mobilization x www.ibew-ewmc.com

  25. Political Mobilization Voter Registration Mobilizing and Educating Get-Out-The Vote! Re-Electing President Barack Obama Important for Labor and Communities of Color www.ibew-ewmc.com

  26. Executive Committee • Robbie Sparks, President Emeritus • Victor Uno, President • Cheryl Thomas, Vice President • Grace Smith, Secretary • John E. Easton Jr., Treasurer • Members-At-Large • Larry R. Greenhill Sr., Godfrey N. King, Eppifenio "Eppie" Martinez, Fred Naranjo, Gary Parker, Luis G. Restrepo, • Joseph K. Wells and Felicia Wiseman www.ibew-ewmc.com

  27. Structure NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer • Eight (8) At-Large Executive Committee Members NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP Comprised of IBEW members and retired members throughout the United Stated and Canada. LOCAL CHAPTERS Chapter Presidents and Chapter Executive Committee members. Chapter membership is comprised of EWMC National members in good standing with the IBEW. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  28. Membership Open to all IBEW members in good standing without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion or political belief. Current membership includes IBEW rank and file members, International Officers, International Representatives, Business Managers and other Local Union Officers. Annual membership dues are $60, due in January of each year. www.ibew-ewmc.com

  29. Electrical Workers Minority Caucus www.ibew-ewmc.com

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