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Finding The Best Rat Traps & Knowing Which Rat Traps Work

http://www.london-pest-control-london.co.uk/rat-control-in-london/<br>Finding The Best Rat Traps & Knowing Which Rat Traps Work

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Finding The Best Rat Traps & Knowing Which Rat Traps Work

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  1.      GREAT  TIPS  BY   IMPERIAL  PEST  CONTROL  LONDON     Finding  The  Best  Rat  Traps  &  Knowing  Which  Rat  Traps  Work     Wondering  How  to  Get  Rid  Of  Rats  in  the  House?     There  are  few  things  more  unpleasant  and  revolting  than  having  rats  scurrying  around  your  home.  And   by  the  time  they  have  made  themselves  comfortable  in  your  house,  it  is  inevitable  that  they  will  pretty   soon  be  scavenging  round  your  kitchen  and  contaminating  your  counter  tops  and  cupboards.  And  it  isn’t   only  food  stuffs  that  rats  in  the  house  like  to  get  their  teeth  into.  They  have  a  particular  penchant  for   chewing  holes  in  clothes  and  furniture  too.  They  don’t  distinguish  between  whether  the  outfit  came   from  the  local  charity  shop  or  is  your  prize  cashmere  sweater!  The  fact  is  that  rats  need  to  be  dealt  with   fast,  before  they  are  allowed  to  cause  a  whole  world  of  problems  you  don’t  even  want  to  think  about.   If  you’ve  taken  the  time  to  read  this  piece  on  rat  traps  that  work  by  our  London  pest  control  experts,   the  odds  are  you  have  reached  the  end  of  your  tether,  and  are  sick  and  tired  of  having  rats  crawling   around  your  property,  and  are  wondering  how  to  traps  rats  effectively.  You  have  realized  you  need  to   seriously  consider  what  kind  of  rat  control  you  need  in  order  to  get  rid  of  rats  from  your  house   permanently.  Hopefully  this  article  will  provide  some  useful  pointers,  and  assist  you  with  that  decision.     IMPERIAL  PEST  CONTROL  LONDON  |  www.london-­‐pest-­‐control-­‐london.co.uk  |  0800  633  5220    

  2. A  Selection  Of  Rat  Traps  That  Work   Although  there  are  a  number  of  different  strategies  for  rat  control,  rat  traps  are  probably  the  most   straightforward  methods  of  rat  pest  control  in  residential  do-­‐it-­‐yourself  settings,  that  have  a  reasonably   good  rate  of  success.  Below  we  assess  some  of  the  best  rat  traps  available  to  buy  online:   1.  Spring  Traps   Spring  traps  are  definitely  one  of  the  top  three  most  popular  types  of  rat  traps.  Probably  the  most   common  thing  that  people  think  of  when  they  think  about  spring  traps  are  the  old  school  wooden   variety,  however  nowadays  spring  traps  have  evolved  and  changed  immensely,  making  them  a  fast  and   efficient  method  of  controlling  rats.  Their  incredibly  powerful  spring  means  minimum  suffering  for  the   animal,  but  also  makes  them  a  less  than  safe  option  for  use  in  a  house  with  pets  and  children.  They  are   very  effective  but  should  be  used  with  extreme  caution.     2.  Glue  Rat  Traps   Probably  the  least  humane  means  of  controlling  rats  are  glue  traps.  Although  they  are  a  lot  safer  than   spring  traps  to  have  around  the  house,  they  can  cause  a  great  deal  of  suffering  and  distress  for  the   animals.  They  are  a  lot  more  affective  than  the  spring  traps.  Rats  don’t  handle  stress  very  well,  so  to   inflict  this  kind  of  slow  and  painful  death  is  not  the  method  of  choice  for  people  concerned  with  animal   cruelty.  As  well  as  becoming  dehydrated,  they  can  suffocate  in  their  efforts  to  escape  the  glue.     3.  Live  Rat  Traps   By  far  the  most  ethical  and  humane  methods  of  rat  pest  control  are  live  bait  traps.  Not  only  are  they   safe  for  your  family  and  easy  to  set  up,  they  cause  the  least  distress  and  harm  to  the  animals.  Live  traps   can  be  baited  with  anything  from  chocolate  to  peanut  butter.  Once  the  rat  enters  the  trap  it  cannot   escape,  because  a  one-­‐way  door  prevents  its  escape.  Traps  can  be  checked  frequently  and  if  a  rodent  is   captured  can  be  quickly  released  back  onto  the  wild,  with  the  minimum  of  stress  and  without  the  need   to  either  harm  or  kill  it.  There  is  also  no  need  to  handle  dead,  injured  or  live  animals.   IMPERIAL  PEST  CONTROL  LONDON  |  www.london-­‐pest-­‐control-­‐london.co.uk  |  0800  633  5220    

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