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This article discusses the properties and generation methods of pseudo random numbers in simulation time, with a focus on dynamic generation. It explores various methods such as linear congruential generators and feedback shift generators, and highlights the importance of desirable properties such as fast generation, long cycle period, and replicability. The article also explains the limitations of computer-generated random numbers and provides examples of different generation techniques.
Distinguishing Features of Simulation • Time (CLK) DYNAMICfocused on this aspect during the modeling section of the course • Pseudorandom variables (RND) STOCHASTICwill focus on this aspect in coming weeks
(Pseudo) Random Number Generation Properties of pseudo-random numbers • Continuous numbers between 0 and 1 • Probability of selecting a number in interval (a,b) ~ (b-a) – i.e. Uniformly distributed • Numbers are statistically independent • Can’t really generate random numbers ∞ information – finite algorithm or table Example: XL spreadsheet function =RAND() • Also, want fast and repeatable...
Random Number Generation How to generate random numbers • Table look-up • Computer generation: these values cannot be truly random and a computer cannot express a number to an infinite number of decimal places Pseudorandom numbers
Random Number Generation Random number seed: Virtually all computer methods of random number generation start with an initial random number seed. This seed is used to generate the next random number and then is transformed into a new seed value.
Random Generators • Reasons for pseudorandom numbers: • Flexible policies • Lack of knowledge • Generate stochastic processes • Decision making (random decision) • Numerical analysis (numerical integration) • Monte Carlo integration
Desirable Properties of Random Number Generators • Fast • Should not require much memory • Long cycle or period • Should support multiple streams • Sequence should be replicable • Debugging • Compare various scenarios under similar conditions • Numbers should come close to: • Uniformity (or known distribution) • Independence
Historical Generator Midsquare method: • Start with an initial seed (e.g. a 4-digit integer). • Square the number. • Take the middle 4 digits. • This value becomes the new seed. Divide the number by 10,000. This becomes the random number. Go to 2.
Midsquare Method, example x0 = 5497 x1: 54972 = 30217009 x1 = 2170, R1 = 0.2170 x2: 21702 = 04708900 x2 = 7089, R2 = 0.7089 x3: 70892 = 50253921 x3 = 2539, R3 = 0.2539 Drawback: Hard to state conditions for picking initial seed that will generate a “good” sequence.
Midsquare Generator, examples “Bad” sequences: • x0 = 5197x1: 51972 = 27008809 x1 = 0088, R1 = 0.0088x2: 00882 = 00007744 x2 = 0077, R2 = 0.0077x3: 00772 = 00005929 x3 = 0059, R3 = 0.0059 • xi = 6500xi+1: 65002=42250000 xi+1=2500, Ri+1= 0.0088xi+2: 25002=06250000 xi+2=2500, Ri+1= 0.0088
Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) Generator Start with random seed Z0 < m = largest possible integer on machine Recursively generate integers between 0 and M Zi = (a Zi-1 + c) mod m Use U = Z/m for pseudo-random number get (avoid 0 and 1) When c = 0 Called Multiplicative Congruential Generator When c > 0 Mixed LCG
Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) (Lehmer 1951) Let Zi be the ith number (integer) in the sequence Zi = (aZi-1+c)mod(m) Zi{0,1,2,…,m-1} where Z0 = seed a = multiplier c = increment m = modulus Define Ui = Zi /m (to obtain U(0,1) value)
LCG, example 16-bit machine a = 1217 c = 0 Z0 = 23 m = 215-1 = 32767 Z1 = (1217*23) mod 32767 = 27991 U1 = 27991/32767 = 0.85424 Z2 = (1217*27991) mod 32767 = 20134 U2 = 20134/32767 = 0.61446
An LCG can be expressed as a function of the seed Z0 THEOREM: Zi = [aiZ0+c(ai-1)/(a-1)] mod(m) Proof: By induction on i i=0 Z0 = [a0Z0+c(a0-1)/(a-1)] mod(m) Assume for i. Show that expression holds for i+1 Zi+1 = [aZi+c] mod(m) = [a {[aiZ0+c(ai-1)/(a-1)] mod(m)}+c] mod(m) = [ai+1Z0+ac(ai-1)/(a-1)+c] mod(m) = [ai+1Z0+c(ai+1-1)/(a-1)] mod(m)
Examples: Zi = (69069Zi-1+1) mod 232 Ui = Zi /232 Zi = (65539Zi-1+76) mod 231 Ui = Zi/231 Zi = (630360016Zi-1) mod (231-1) Ui = Zi/231 Zi = 1313Zi-1 mod 259 Ui = Zi/259 What makes one LCG better than another?
A full period (full cycle) LCG generates all m values before it cycles. Consider Zi = (3Zi-1+2) mod(9) with Z0 =7 Then Z1 = 5 Z2 = 8 Z3 = 8 Zj = 8 j = 3,4,5,6,… On the other hand Zi = (4Zi-1+2) mod(9) has full period. Why?
Random Number Generation Mixed congruential generator is full period if • m = 2B (B is often # bits in word) fast • c and m relatively prime (g.c.d. = 1) • If 4 divides m, then 4 divides a – 1(e.g., a = 1, 5, 9, 13,…)
The period of an LCG is m (full period or full cycle) if and only if — If q is a prime that divides m, then q divides a-1 — The only positive integer that divides both m and c is 1 — If 4 divides m, then 4 divides a-1. Examples Zi+1 = (16807Zi+3) mod (451605), where 16807 =75, 16806 =(2)(3)(2801), 451605 =(3)(5)(7)(11)(17)(23) This LCG does not satisfy the first two conditions. Zi+1 = (16807Zi+5) mod (635493681) where 16807 =75, 16806 = (2)(3)(2801), 635493681 = (34)(28012) This LCG satisfies all three conditions.
- m = 2B where B = # bits in the machine is often a good choice to maximize the period. - If c = 0, we have a power residue or multiplicative generator. Note that Zn = (aZn-1) mod(m) Zn = (anZ0) mod(m). If m = 2B, where B = # bits in the machine, the longest period is m/4 (best one can do) if and only if — Z0 is odd — a = 8k+ 3, kZ+ (5,11,13,19,21,27,…)
Random Number Generation Other kinds of generators • Quadratic Congruential Generator • Snew = (a1 Sold2 + a2 Sold2 + b) mod L • Combination of Generators • Shuffling – L’Ecuyer – Wichman/Hill • Tausworthe Generator • Generates sequence of random bits
Feedback Shift Generators • Tausworthe, Math of Computing 1965 • If {ak} is a sequence of binary digits (0 or 1) defined byak = (c1ak-1 + c2ak-2 + … + cpak-p)mod 2and the c’s are relatively prime, then {ak} has period 2p-1
IBM - Randu If c = 0 power residue generator (multiplicative generator) un = anu0 mod m un = a un-1 mod m (homework)
NOTES — Never “invent” your own LCG. It will probably not be “good.” — All simulation languages and many software packages have their own PRN generator. Most use some variation of a linear congruential generator. — Power residue generators are the most common.
Tests of RNG, cont’d • Theoretical tests • Prove sample moments over entire cycle are correct • Lattice structure of LCGs • “random numbers fall mainly in the planes” (Marsaglia) • Spacing hyperplanes: the smaller, the better
Tests of Random Number Generators • Empirical tests • Uniformity • Compute sample moments • Goodness of fit • Independence • Gap Test • Runs Test • Poker Test • Spectral Test • Autocorrelation Test
Testing Random Number Generators Desirable Properties: • Mean and Variance Theorem: E 1/2 and V 1/12 as m+. Proof: For a full period LCG, every integer value from 0 to m-1 is represented. Therefore E = (0+1+…+(m-1))/m2 = ((m-1)(m)/2)/m2 = (1/2)-(1/2m) V = ((02+12+22+…+(m-1)2)/m3) - E2 = [(m)(m-1)(2m-1)/6]/m3 - [(1/2) - (1/2m)]2 = [(1/12) - (1/12m2)]
• Uniformity 2 Goodness of Fit Test — Divide n observations into k (equal) intervals — Do a frequency count fi, i=1,2,…,k — Compute X2 = i (fi -n/k)2 / (n/k) = i (fi -npi)2 / npi, where pi = 1/k, i=1,2,…,k.
Data Classification f1 f2 fk-1 fk • • • 0 1 e1 e2 ek-1 ek ei = expected number of observations in interval i = n pi = n / k, i = 1, 2, …, k
NOTE — (fi -npi)/(npi)1/2 is the N(0,1) approximation of a multinomial distribution for pi small, where E[fi] = npi and Var [fi] = npi (1-pi)). — For n large, X2 is distributed 2 with k-1 degrees of freedom — Reject randomness assumption X2 > 2 NOTE: if X2 is too close to zero, it may be because the numbers have been “fudged.” BE WARY OF PRN WHICH LOOK TOO RANDOM
2 Goodness of Fit Test - Repeat test m times with independent samples of size n - If H0 is true, test will reject H0 m times (on average) Do Not Reject HO Reject HO
Trouble Spots — Choosing the intervals evenly — Choosing the intervals such that you would expect each class to contain at least 5 or 10 observations — pi should (ideally) be small (<.05)
Example n = 1000 [0, .1) fi = 87 [.1, .2) fi = 93 [.2, .3) fi = 113 [.3, .4) fi = 106 [.4, .5) fi = 108 [.5, .6) fi = 99 [.6, .7) fi = 91 [.7, .8) fi = 95 [.8, .9) fi = 103 [.9, 1.] fi = 105 X2 = 628/100 = 6.28 Do not reject H0 : U(0,1).
NOTE — The 2 goodness of fit test is also used to fit distributions to data, where X2 = i (fi -ei)2 / ei ei = expected number of observations in interval i.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-fit Test — Order n U[0,1] variates {x[i]} — Construct an empirical CDF for the n variates {x[i]} (i.e., F(x[i]) = i/n i = 1,2,…,n) — Construct a hypothesized CDF for n uniform variates (i.e., = x, 0x1) — Compute D = max {D+, D-}, where D+ = Max1<i<n [(i/n)- D- = Max1<i<n [ -((i-1)/n)]. — Check tables • Reject if D is too large, with a risk , which means that we reject (uniformity) falsely with probability .
D+ 1.00 .75 D- .50 .25 0 .1 .2 .9 1.0 .3 D+ = max {.15, .30, .45, .10}=.45 D- = max {.10, -.05, -.20, .15}=.15
Examples — If {Ui} = {.1, .2, .3, .9}, then D = .45. — If {Ui} = {.2, .6, .8, .9}, then D = .35. — If {Ui} = {.25, .5, .75, 1.}, then D = .25. NOTE: The minimum value that D can take on is 1/2n. (How?)
Independence — Sign Test * Test Statistic: S = runs of numbers above or below median) * For large N, S is distributed N( = 1+(N/2), 2 = N/2) Example N = 15, S = 7, distributed N( = 8.5, 2 = 15/2) Maximum value for S: N (negative dependency) Minimum value for S: 1 (positive dependency) .87 .15 .23 .45 .69 .32 .30 .19 .24 .18 .65 .82 .93 .22 .81 + - - - + - - - - - + + + - +
Normal Curve Rejection Regions REJECT (-ve) REJECT (+ve) Do Not REJECT H0 : Independence HA : Dependence Z/2 -Z/2 Reject H0 in favor of HA if Z = (S - (1+(N/2))) / (N/2)1/2 Z/2 or Z Z/2
— Runs Up and Down Test (runs of increasing and decreasing numbers) • Assign + if xi <xi+1, assign - if xi>xi+1 • Test Statistic: S = number of runs up AND down (sequence of + and -) • E(S) = (2N-1)/3, V(S) = (16N-29)/90 • Use Normal approximation for N>30. Example: N = 15, S = 8, distributed N(µ = 29/3, 2 = 211/90) Maximum value for S: N-1 (negative dependency) Minimum value for S: 1 ? .87 .15 .23 .45 .69 .32 .30 .19 .24 .18 .65 .82 .93 .22 .81 - + + + - - - + - + + + - +
Normal Curve Rejection Regions H0 : Independence HA : Dependence REJECT REJECT (-ve) Do Not REJECT -Z/2 Z/2 Reject H0 in favor of HA if Z = (S - (2N-1)/3) / (16N-29/90)1/2 Z/2 or Z Z/2
Test of Cycling Floyd’s Test for Cycling • Assume ui = G(ui-1) • x0 = y0 = seeds • xi = G(xi-1) yi = G(G(yi-1)), i.e. skip every other one so y will go twice as fast as x. Then check to see if there is some value of n for which xn = yn. • If xn = yn, cycling occurred.
Marsaglia’s Theorem All N-tuples generated by a congruential generator will fall in fewer than (N!m)1/N hyperplanes. (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 61, 1968 pp.25-28) e.g. all 10-tuples fall in fewer than 13 9-dimensional planes for m = 216. Randu in ONLY 15 PLANES in 3D cube. (Solution: Make m bigger – limited by computer word size.)