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UNDERSTANDING DEPRESSION:. MAINTAINING A HEALTHY COMMUNITY. Connie Jung Fox, Ph.D. Licensed Professional Counselor 825 N.W. 58th Street, OKC, OK 73118* 405.473.3453 jubimoore@yahoo.com *(Diagonal to Chesapeake Health Center). Depression Defined.
Connie Jung Fox, Ph.D. Licensed Professional Counselor 825 N.W. 58th Street, OKC, OK 73118* 405.473.3453 jubimoore@yahoo.com *(Diagonal to Chesapeake Health Center)
Depression Defined Severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy Clinical depression: a condition of mental disturbance characterized by such feelings to a greater degree than seems warranted by the external circumstances, typically with a lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration or interest in life A long and severe recession in an economy or market
DebunkingDepressionMyths Depression is NOT a sign of personal weakness. It is NOT a personal decision. It IS a neuro-biological-chemical process.
Depressionin the Workplace Major Depression accounts for more job absences than any other illness. Stressed, anxious, and depressed employees miss an average of 16 work days per year. Loss of productivity Increase in accidents
Who is at Risk forDepression? People who have a family Member with Depression. (Genetic) People who have experienced a stressful (positive or negative)or traumatic life event: single-parents, dual career families, military deployment or reintegration, marriage or divorce, family death, especially suicide). People with work-related concerns (economic crisis/windfall, job loss/promotion, lay-offs, hiring freezes, conflict with co-worker, competitiveness. People who lack the social support of a spouse, friends, and family, or with poor communication in their relationships. People whose lives are out of balance: poor eating, little exercise, sleep disturbance, illness, alcoholism or other addictive behaviors. People who have chronic medical conditions or persistent pain People who have rigid personalities, perfectionistic tendencies, compulsivity.
Diagnosing Depression:Diagnostic & Statistical Manual: Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder Dysthymic Disorder Bipolar Disorder l Bipolar Disorder II Cyclothymic Disorder
1 Depressed mood most of the day nearly ever day for two weeks. 2 Diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities most of the day. 3 Significant change in appetite resulting in weight gain or loss (more than 5% in one month) 4 Insomnia nearly every day for two weeks. Symptoms of DEPRESSION
Symptoms of DEPRESSION 5 Psychomotor agitation or retardation (slowing of movements or speech). 6 Fatigue or loss of energy. 7 Feelings of worthlessness, or excessive or inappropriate guilt. 8 Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness.
Diagnosis of DEPRESSION Requires 5Symptoms 1 Depressed Mood 6 Changes in sleep patterns 2 Changes in appetite 7 Fatigue 3 Psychomotor agitation 8 Indecisiveness 4 Worthlessness 9 Suicidality 5 Diminished interest or pleasure
Other Symptoms of DEPRESSION Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism. Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment (i.e. headaches, digestive disorders, chronic pain) In children...sadness, irritability, crankiness, low self esteem, and poor social skills
Three Major Neurotransmitters in the Brain Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin Balance among these chemicals creates a positive self-image and optimistic mood. Mood changes are inevitable when unbalanced. When serotonin levels drop, depression can quickly settle in. When serotonin levels can be made to rise, a happy contented mood generally results.
Components of a Neuron “Tree” Dendrites: Branch-like structures: Receives impulses Axon: Trunk-like structure: Conducts nerve impulses Axon extensions: Root-like structures: Sends impulses Synapse: (Gk. “to join” of “to connect”) watery space between nerve cells Synaptic vesicles: Baloon-like structures which store chemical messengers called neurotransmitters
The Synaptic Gap: Neurotransmitters are like tiny ferryboats that must cross the synaptic gap and dock to a specific chemical receptor site on the receiving nerve cell, like a key fitting into it’s matching lock.
Serotonin Reuptake and Depression Serotonin is released from vesicles on the sending nerve and travels across synapse. Serotonin docks in receptors on receiving nerve and sends nerve impulse along axon. Serotonin is pulled back and reprocessed in sending nerve: reuptake. Supply of serotonin in the synapse keep nerve impulses moving efficiently. Too little serotonin in the synapse slows down nerve impulses, reaction times, and thought processes, resulting in depression.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, which allows it to remain in the synaptic gap longer. This allows never impulses to be transmitted at normal speed, lifting the fog of depression, or preventing it.
RedefiningDepression Depression is a form of hibernation: a survival instinct to conserve resources, keep still and stay out of harm’s way. It is a crisis of connectivity. The slower reactions and sluggish thinking that we observe on a social level mimic what is occurring on a cellular level. The depressed person feels empty, helpless, and hopeless....because each nerve cell in their brain is struggling to connect, affecting learning, attention, motivation, and energy.
TreatingDepression Lifestyle Changes Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Medication
Exercise and Depression “Endorphin Rush:” The body’s built-in way of killing pain in the body and producing euphoria in the mind with molecules that work like morphine. In addition to feeling good when you exercise, you feel good about yourself. Exercise reduces depression and anxiety, and increases social connections.
Helping Someone Who Is Depressed Understand that they are experiencing a delay in neuro-processing which creates uncertainty and an inability to generate answers and solutions. Debunk the myths of “mental” illness.
Helping Someone Who Is Depressed Encourage them to seek professional help: Medical Evaluation & Therapy. Stress confidentiality. Help them conserve energy through the relaxation of long term goals, breaking large tasks into small steps, setting easily managed priorities.
Helping Someone Who Is Depressed Help them to restore adequate self-care through balance: good sleep hygiene, nutrition, exercising, working. Encourage them to participate in undemanding social activities like movies or visiting with an understanding friend, and enjoying the beauty of nature.
Resources forDepression Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 405-634-4646 Mental Health Association of Central Oklahoma 405-843-9903 National Alliance on Mental Illness (OKC) 405-230-1900 National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Tulsa) 918-582-8264 Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse 405-522-3908 Oklahoma County Crisis Intervention Center (OCCIC) 405-522-8100 HEARTLINE (24-Hour Toll Free Hotline) 1-800-273-8255
Quoteson DEPRESSION Depression is the inability to construct a future. Rollo May Depression is rage spread thin. George Santayana You largely constructed your depression. It wasn't given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it. Albert EllIS Depression is rage spread thin. George Santayana
More Quotes on DEPRESSION Hiding in my room, safe within my womb, I touch no one and no one touches me. I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no pain; and an island never cries. Paul Simon When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade a foreign country. It’s a whole different way of thinking. Elayne Boosler If I had not been already been meditating, I would certainly have had to start. I've treated my own depression for many years with exercise and meditation, and I've found that to be a tremendous help. Judy Collins It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours.Harry S. Truman