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S2 Bell Work

S2 Bell Work. Term 4B 2018-2019. S2 BW#1 10/4/2019 Copy the purple only and underline cognates and words that you know.

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S2 Bell Work

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  1. S2 Bell Work Term 4B 2018-2019

  2. S2 BW#1 10/4/2019 Copy the purple only and underline cognates and words that you know. • Por lo tanto, nosotros, los Representantes de los Estados unidos de América, reunidos en un Congreso General, apelando al Juez Supremo del Mundo por la Rectitud de nuestras Intenciones, en Nombre y por la Autoridad del virtuoso Pueblo de estas Colonias, solemnemente Publicamos y Declaramos que estas Colonias Unidas son y tienen el Derecho de ser Estados Libres e Independientes; que están exentas de toda Lealtad a la Corona Británica, y que todo nexo político entre ellas y el Estado de Gran Bretaña está y debe ser disuelto; y que como Estados Libres e Independientes tienen todo el Poder de emprender la Guerra, alcanzar la Paz, contraer Alianzas, establecer el Comercio y llevar a cabo todos los otros Actos y Cosas que los Estados Independientes tienen a bien hacer. —Y en apoyo de esta Declaración, con una firme Confianza en la Protección de la divina Providencia, comprometemos unos a otros nuestras Vidas, nuestras Fortunas y nuestro sagrado Honor.

  3. Copy. • We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

  4. S2BW#2 11/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Representantes • Noun (mf) • Representative • A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others, in particular. • From Medieval Latin repraesentativus “representative,” from stem of Latin repraesentare "make present, set in view, show, exhibit, display," from re- "again, back, anew, against," + praesentare "to present," literally "to place before," from praesens "present, at hand, in sight; immediate; prompt, instant; contemporary," from present participle of præesse "be before (someone or something), be at hand," from prae- "before" + esse "to be" • Related: • Representar • (v) To represent • La representación • (nf) Representation • Medir • (v) To gauge • To measure precisely and against a standard; to determine the capacity, volume or contents of by measurement and calculation. • La báscula y el espejo no pueden medir si estás mejorando tu salud. • The scale and the mirror don't gauge whether you are improving your health.

  5. S2BW#3 12/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Reunidos • Adjective • Assembled • Gathered together • From Medieval Latin reunitus “reunited,” past participle of reunire "unite again," from Latin re- "again" + Late Latin unire "to unite, make into one" from Latin unus "one"  • Related: • Reunir • (v) To reunite • Unir • (v) To unite • Unirse • (v) To become united with • Unido(a) • (aj) United • El (La) unificador(a) • (nmf) Unifier • Único(a) • (aj) Only; unique

  6. S2BW#4 15/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Congreso • Noun (m) • Congress • A formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates, especially those from a political party or labor union or from within a particular discipline. • From Latin congressus "a friendly meeting; a hostile encounter," past participle of congredi "to meet with; to fight with," from com "with, together" + gradi "to walk," from gradus "a step" • Related: • El (La) congresista • (nmf) Member of congress • Congregar • (v) To congregate • Sostenible • (aj) Sustainable • Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. • Están produciendo cada vez más electricidad de fuentes sostenibles. • They 're generating more and more electricity from sustainable sources.

  7. S2BW#5 16/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • General • Adjective • General • Affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things. • From Latin generalis "relating to all, of a whole class, generic" from genus "stock, kind" • Related: • Generalizar • (v) To generalize • La generalidad • (nf) Generality • Generalmente • (av) Generally • Gradualmente • (av) Incrementally • Increasing gradually • Los descubrimientos ocurren gradualmente, y porque se trata de la ciencia, cada paso se anuncia y se prueba. • Discoveries occur incrementally, and, because it is science, each step is announced and tested.

  8. S2BW#6 17/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Apelando • Verb • Appealing • Make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public. • From Latin appellare "to accost, address, appeal to, summon, name," from appellere "to prepare," from ad "to" + pellere "to beat, push, drive" • Related: • La apelación • (nf) Appeal • Apelativo(a) • (aj) Apellate • Apelable • (aj) Appealable • La nostalgia • (n) Nostalgia • A sentimental longing or affection for the past • Mi abuelo habla sobre su juventud con nostalgia. • My grandfather talks about his youth with nostalgia.

  9. S2BW#7 29/4/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Juez • Noun (mf) • Judge • One who gives an authoritative opinion. • From Latin iudex "one who declares the law" (source also of Spanish juez, Italian giudice), a compound of ius "right, law" + root of dicere "to say" • Related: • Enjuiciar • (v) To submit to trial or judgement • El juicio • (nm) Judgement • Decir • (v) To say, to tell • Desprovisto(a) • (aj) Devoid • Entirely lacking or free from. • La película consistía más que nada en efectos especiales y explosiones; estaba desprovista de cualquier tipo de argumento. • The movie was mostly special effects and explosions; it was devoid of any sort of plot.

  10. English 2 testing: martes y miércoles • 10th and 12th grade students report to Sra. Bell (202). • 11th grade students report to Mme. Field (203). • Complete the verb chart on the irregular preterit verbs (Contenidos p. 19) using the slide show on my website. • Translate the story, “Los muchachos de hoy son horribles” into English and answer the questions that follow. • Complete the grammar work.

  11. S2BW#8 2/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Supremo • Adjective • Supreme • Highest in rank or authority; paramount; sovereign; chief. • From Latin supremus "highest," superlative of superus "situated above," from super "above" • Related: • La supremacía • (nf) Supremacy • Superior • (aj) Superior • La superioridad • (nf) Superiority • Obsoleto(a) • (aj) Obsolete • No longer produced or used; out of date. • ¿Piensas que la televisión hizo obsoleto la radio? • Do you think television made radio obsolete?

  12. S2BW#9 3/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Mundo • Noun (m) • World • The earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it • From Latin mundus "universe, world" • Related: • Mundial • (aj) World • El mundial • (nm) World championship • El mundillo • (nm) One’s personal world of acquaintances • Etéreo(a) • (aj) Ethereal • Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. • Sus fuentes y catedrales hacen de Roma una ciudad de belleza etérea. • Rome's fountains and cathedrals make it a city of ethereal beauty.

  13. El 3 de mayo • Los muchachos de hoy son horribles: • Packets are due Monday at the beginning of class. • Sophomores may receive a 100, juniors and seniors may receive a scaled grade based on what was accomplished during testing. • It is 3 activity grades total. • Cinco de mayo video: Mark A for true and B for false. Do not write on the questions, put your answer on your answer sheet.

  14. S2BW#10 7/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Rectitud • Noun (f) • Rectitude • Morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness. • From Late Latin rectitudinem "straightness, uprightness," from Latin rectus "straight" • Related: • La recta • (nf) Straight line • Recto(a) • (aj) Right, correct, straight • Condescendiente • (aj) Condescending • Having or showing a feeling a superiority • La hermana mayor habla en una manera condescendiente con sus hermanitos. • The oldest sister speaks in a condescending manner with her younger siblings.

  15. S2BW#11 8/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Nombre • Noun (m) • Name • A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing • From Latin nominalis "pertaining to a name or names," from nomen "name" • Related: • La nominación • (nf) Nomination • Nombrar • (v) To name to a post • La nomenclatura • (nf) Nomenclature • The devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline. • La paradoja • (nf) Paradox • An idea that, despite sound reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory • Aquí lo que hay es una paradoja vergonzante. • There is a shameful paradox here.

  16. S2BW#12 9/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Autoridad • Noun (f) • Authority • The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. • From Latin auctoritatem "invention, advice, opinion, influence, command," from auctor "master, leader, author" • Related: • Autorizar • (v) To authorize • Desautorizar • (v) To take away authority • La autorización • (nf) Authorization • El (La) autor(a) • (nmf) Author • Redundante • (aj) Redundant • Not or no longer needed or useful • Esa frase me parece redundante. Yo la borraría. • That sentence seems redundant to me. I would delete it.

  17. S2BW#13 13/5/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Virtuoso • Adjective • Good • Virtuous • Having or showing high moral standards. • From Late Latin virtuosus "good, virtuous," from Latin virtus "moral strength, high character, goodness; manliness; valor, bravery, courage (in war); excellence, worth," from vir "man" • Related: • La virtud • (nf) Virtue • La virtuosidad • (nf) Virtuosity • Great skill in music or another artistic pursuit.

  18. S2BW#14 14/5/2019 Copy, give the part of speech, translate, and define. • Pueblo • Noun (m) • People • A body of persons living in the same country under one government; a nationality • From Latin populus "a people, nation; body of citizens; a multitude, crowd, throng."  • Related: • La población • (nf) Population • Poblar • (v) To populate • Poblado • (aj) Populated

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